Eternal Existence

Chapter 1008: Half-step to True Immortality

"Six Senses Demon Lord, we don't have that much time to waste with you now. If you have anything to say, please say it quickly. We still have business to attend to." Chen Feng's face suddenly changed, and he began to confront them.

"Hmph!" Six Senses Demon Lord snorted coldly, and hundreds of millions of cultivators around him all emitted an invisible wave, which quickly merged into one, like a river that became substantial, and rushed towards Chen Feng and the other two.

"Not good!" Chen Feng immediately shouted in his heart. Hundreds of millions of cultivators attacked in total, including a large number of immortals. He had used this method before, and it could even severely injure the true immortals, but he didn't expect that this time it would work on him.

Huoyunlong was also a little panicked. In this situation, it would be useless to use all the methods, and Biqing had already started to communicate with Biluotian.

"Ah!" Chen Feng sighed secretly, and still used the Longevity Tower. The scene changed, and all three of them entered the Longevity Tower. Then the Longevity Tower shuttled through space for a while, and when it appeared again, it was already hundreds of millions of miles away.

"The Immortal Tower!" The Six Senses Demon Lord was a little surprised. Just now, the Immortal Tower suddenly appeared, and his attack naturally fell through. In fact, the Six Senses Demon Lord was also very ruthless. If he wanted to attack, he would kill. The attack just now could kill a true immortal.

"The original Immortal Tower disappeared a long time ago. This should be a replica. However, those who can own a replica also have a certain status in the Immortal Clan. I really underestimated that kid just now. He has a replica of the Immortal Tower. There must be guards behind him. He must be a true immortal at least."

"Forget it. This time we have dispatched so many people. It is no problem to sweep across the Eternal World. We should get the things as soon as possible and go back immediately to avoid more troubles at night." The Six Senses Demon Lord said, waved his hand, and performed the art of Qiankun in his sleeves to collect all the one billion cultivators.

However, in terms of the number of people, the number of people in Xuwutian who took action this time has exceeded that of the East Dragon Island Alliance.

"It is the Immortal Tower. I am sorry. It seems that Brother Chen is not simple in Changshengtian." At this time, Huoyunlong's attitude towards Chen Feng changed a little.

"It's nothing. I didn't expect that Xu Wu Tian would also take action. I don't believe that there will be no artifacts in the Eternal World this time." Chen Feng said.

"Artifacts!" Bi Qing sighed, and was also a little excited.

"One billion cultivators, of which the Shadow Clan can account for 99%, but for the Xu Shen Clan, the number of people dispatched this time is already quite large. If we really fight, I'm afraid that our Donglong Island Alliance can't resist it."

"I think the Xu Shen Clan's arms are a bit big, so what should we do now!"

"It would be great if the other party and Tian Xiao Palace could fight."

"Let's go, no matter what the other party wants to do, we still act according to the previous plan, looking for treasures, and improving our own strength is the most important thing. If we really encounter the Xu Shen Clan intervening, there is nothing we can do. At worst, I will communicate with Bi Luo Tian and borrow troops."

"Yes, I can also borrow troops from Chang Sheng Tian." Chen Feng also nodded, and an idea was slowly forming in his mind.

"Yes, Xuwutian is indeed very powerful, but if he goes against your two heavens at the same time, he will definitely be at a disadvantage, and I heard that Changshengtian ranks no less than Xuwutian." Huoyunlong said with a smile.

Chen Feng and Biqing looked at each other, and there was a hint of bitterness in both of their eyes.

"In fact, it is not impossible to borrow troops from Changshengtian. With my current strength, I can suppress them." Ta's words at least made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

In any case, the next three people's actions were relatively smooth. They entered three secret places and got some good things. However, in the process, the three people encountered two groups of forces from other worlds.

One group was from the dark world, and the other group was from the demon world. There were not many cultivators from both sides, but the individual combat power was very strong, which made Chen Feng feel uneasy again.

"In fact, things are not that bad. The people in the dark world can be dealt with by the dark unicorn. Now the dark unicorn has the strength of a half-step true immortal, and with the dark scripture, it is no problem to suppress the dark world cultivators."

"That's what I said, but because of the existence of the dark scripture, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble. Every cultivator who practices the dark power wants to snatch this scripture." Chen Feng shook his head, thinking of the situation where the dark unicorn was suppressed and then hunted down. In the dark world, I don't know how many people want to kill the dark unicorn.

"Since the dark scripture has chosen the dark unicorn, don't think it's that easy to snatch it away. If you want to control and comprehend the dark scripture, there will definitely be many hardships in the middle." Bi Qing said.

"Yes, Bi Qing is right." At this time, the space fluctuated, and the dark unicorn suddenly appeared in front of the three people. Chen Feng and Bi Qing were nothing, but this situation scared Huo Yunlong.

"A creature from the dark world! It's still a half-step true immortal." Huo Yunlong was a little scared.

"Eh!" At this time, Chen Feng and Bi Qing also felt something was wrong. When they met before, Dark Qilin used the Dark Sutra to communicate with the Dark Realm, and with the blessing of the world's origin power, he could barely enter the realm of half-step true immortal, and he could only hold on for a period of time. But not long after that, when they met again, Dark Qilin was already a true half-step true immortal.

This progress is too fast.

Seeing the doubts of Chen Feng and the others, Dark Qilin said lightly: "I have recently opened up part of the power of the Dark Sutra and have been truly recognized by the Dark Realm. It can be said that once I can fully comprehend the Dark Sutra, I can become the true master of the Dark Realm."

"The master of the dark world, is this the case?" Chen Feng and Bi Qing were also a little dumbfounded. Although the dark world is not as good as the fairy world and the heavens, it is not a simple thing for a simple person to become its master. At least it is not possible for a true fairy, and it is also a little uncertain for a celestial fairy. In other words, once it reaches that step, the dark unicorn will be promoted to a new and open realm.

"If I can get the complete blessing of the eternal world, it will not be a problem to be promoted to the realm of true immortals in a short time. The dark world, tut tut, is one level higher than the eternal world." Chen Feng sighed.

"So if that's the case, I also got the Changsheng Sutra and the Changsheng Tower. Wouldn't I be able to become the master of Changshengtian in the future?" This thought suddenly flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

"You think it's beautiful!" The tower laughed.

"Hehe, it is indeed a bit difficult." Chen Feng laughed dryly.

"Are you the owner of the Dark Sutra?" At this time, Huoyunlong finally calmed down slowly.

"Can you let me see it?"

"Sure!" Dark Kirin was generous enough. The Dark Scripture slowly flew out and directly knocked Huoyunlong to the ground, unable to get up.

"Sorry, I forgot." Dark Kirin pointed with his hand, and the Dark Scripture became as light as a feather. Huoyunlong stood up awkwardly, holding the Dark Scripture in both hands and carefully reading it.

"This scripture has the weight of the entire dark world. If it does not recognize the master, the true immortal can also be suppressed. How about it, Brother Huo, did you gain anything?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What gain is there? I can't open it at all." Huoyunlong reluctantly returned the Dark Scripture to Dark Kirin.

"The Dark Scripture can only be opened if you have it." Dark Kirin said with a smile.

"Okay, I heard what you said before. The forces from the dark world are handed over to me." After Dark Kirin finished speaking, he slowly melted into the space.

"Be careful." Chen Feng hurriedly transmitted the voice.

"Don't worry, I have unlocked the true power of the Dark Scripture. Sooner or later, I will take over the Dark Realm. Now is just the beginning." The voice of the Dark Kirin came from afar but clearly.

"It seems that there is no problem. This time, the number of cultivators from the Dark Realm has reached tens of millions. If they can be controlled by the Dark Kirin, our side will also be a powerful help." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"There are more surprises ahead." At this time, Bi Qing suddenly said.

"I also felt the breath of the Demon Realm. In fact, the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm are somewhat similar, but one cultivates demon power and the other cultivates magic power. Both are nakedly based on strength. The saying that demons and monsters are one family is still very insightful."

"Before, the cultivators of the Demon Realm have been hiding in the dark. I didn't expect that they would show up now. This is a good thing for me and a good opportunity. I hope that the other party has a royal family." Chen Feng is still hoping to get the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art from the other party.

"There will definitely be a royal family, but it is impossible to get the complete Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art." Bi Qing said slowly.

"The Demon Realm Treasure Book." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Yes, it is the Demon Realm Treasure Book. If you want to get the complete Heaven Devouring Demon Art, you may have to look for it in this treasure book. However, I heard that this treasure book disappeared with the Demon Realm Supreme. I don't know if it is true."

"I will go to the Demon Realm to investigate in the future. The Demon Realm Supreme is at the level of a celestial being. How does it compare to the senior?" Chen Feng also knew some of these things from his memory.

"Celestial beings are also divided into different levels. The Demon Realm Supreme is also a legendary figure. Even if there are ten of me, I am not his opponent." Bi Qing said with a smile.

"I was thinking, if the other party knew that I practiced the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, I wonder if they would send people to hunt me down or worship me." Chen Feng said, and his aura suddenly changed, becoming violent and domineering. There was also a naked evil and possessive desire. A trace of black aura emanated from Chen Feng's body. This was the purest aura of the Demon Realm. I am afraid that only the royal cultivators of the Demon Realm can possess it.

"Heaven Devouring Demon Art!" Seeing this, Huoyunlong sighed. Why couldn't he practice it successfully?

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In just a few breaths, black light flashed in the space, and dozens of demon world cultivators came in front of Chen Feng. Although they were a little hesitant about Chen Feng's identity, they stood respectfully before Chen Feng spoke.

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