Eternal Existence

Chapter 1110: Start fishing

"You are thinking very nicely. It is not easy for an immortal weapon to be upgraded to a higher level." Huoyunlong said with a smile.

"You can't say that. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. How can I know if I don't try it?" Chen Feng said and began to activate the Chaos Chain to absorb the chaotic energy around. It's true that under the stimulation of Chen Feng's skills, the Chaos Chain hummed and was indeed rapidly devouring the energy around.

"Huoyunlong is right. It may be difficult for the Chaos Chain to be upgraded to a top-grade immortal weapon." Biqing also said.

"See, that's right, Senior Biqing also said so." Huoyunlong was a little proud.

"Difficulty does not mean that it cannot succeed!" Chen Feng shook his head and continued to devour the void energy around him. Speaking of which, with Chen Feng's actions, the roaring noises around him actually tended to calm down, and the three of them also felt a little less pressure.

"It really works." Huoyunlong was a little surprised.

"You thought I was joking just now." Chen Feng smiled.

"The Eye of the Void we are in should be at the level of a top-grade immortal weapon. If you want to upgrade the Chaos Chain to a top-grade immortal weapon, you must at least devour half of the other party's power." Bi Qing said.

"In fact, what I want to do most is to merge this Eye of the Void into my Eye of the Deep Sea, but the properties of the two are not compatible, and the gap between them is huge, so it is the most difficult to merge them."

"Although I said that just now, I also secretly investigated this Eye of the Void. This magic weapon is at least a top-grade immortal weapon, or a little further, infinitely close to a half-step artifact."

"Yes, it is indeed not a divine weapon, because there is no trace of the breath of a divine weapon, but the top-grade immortal weapon is also very rare, representing the highest level of immortal weapons, which is something that even true immortals want to snatch. If there is still some gap between the middle-grade and the upper-grade, then the gap from the upper-grade to the top-grade will be even greater." Bi Qing said slowly, and the Taiqing glare around him became a little thinner, but it was close to his body, like armor protecting Bi Qing.

"The best immortal weapon is still the great way of immortality, and the half-step divine weapon is a pseudo-divine weapon, which is already the great way of god." Chen Feng nodded.

"I wonder why you are not worried at all. We have fallen into the opponent's ambush. Maybe we can't get out this time." Seeing Chen Feng and Bi Qing talking casually, not worried about the things in front of them, Huo Yunlong became anxious.

"What's the use of worrying and being anxious? The other party will not let us out, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You two have a plan in mind, right?" Huo Yunlong suddenly said.

"I don't have a plan in mind, but I have some speculations. Let's start from the beginning. If the other party is sure to deal with us, they will not use this method to calculate us to the Eye of the Void. In addition, we have been here for a while. In addition to the power of the immortal weapon itself, the guys hiding in the dark have not made any moves. What does this mean?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It means the other party wants to consume our strength."

"That's one of the reasons. If the other party could easily deal with us at this time, they would not wait until now. Besides, if a top-grade immortal weapon was used to deal with us, I think it would not be so easy for us."

"Yes, although I can be promoted to the realm of half-step true immortal, the top-grade immortal weapon can indeed cause harm to me. Not to mention the top-grade immortal weapon, even the high-level immortal weapon can hurt me." Huoyunlong nodded.

"My guess is this. This top-grade immortal weapon may have been in this secret realm and was later discovered by someone. However, it is not so easy to collect it in a short time. In addition, we sensed the breath of the Tianxiao Palace cultivators in it before, which means that the other party is controlling this immortal weapon to deal with us. Of course, from now on, although the other party also controls this immortal weapon, it is only a small part of the power." Chen Feng said this. The chaos chain extended again and had completely penetrated into the void storm.

"Huh!" Chen Feng took a long breath. The power of the Longevity Tower secretly explored the surroundings along the Chaos Chain. Before, Chen Feng said that he would upgrade the Chaos Chain. Of course, there was some big talk in it. There was nothing to keep from Biqing, but Huoyunlong was not really one of his own, and the secret of the Longevity Tower could not be known to the other party.

Entering the Eye of the Void, the brief panic had disappeared. For Chen Feng, it was replaced by surprise. He would take the magic weapon of the level of the top-grade immortal weapon. With the Longevity Tower in it, Chen Feng had nothing to worry about.

With the current power of the Longevity Tower, as long as it was not a divine weapon, it could be suppressed. Of course, this also required a lot of effort.

Chen Feng still had some understanding of the Eye of the Void. This was refined by the Void Storm, the destructive force in the universe. The powerful Void Storm could cut and crush the real immortals, and the magic weapon refined would be even more powerful. In Chen Feng's memory, many artifacts were refined by the Void Storm. This was the purest power of the universe.

With the secret blessing of the Longevity Tower, the speed of Chaos Chain's devouring began to really accelerate, and at the same time, the real power of Chaos Chain began to be stimulated, like the most ancient law in the universe, traversing the void and absorbing all the energy.

You should know that Chaos Chaos is also a top-grade immortal weapon. With the help of the Longevity Tower, it is enough to compete with the Eye of the Void.

"This Chaos Chain is really good." Huoyunlong said a little dazedly.

"Why, do you regret it a little?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"A little!" Huoyunlong nodded seriously.

"Okay, senior, you two help me protect the law." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"No problem!" Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong protected Chen Feng on the left and right. Both of them had the cultivation of half-step true immortals at this time, and they could even destroy a planet.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took out the curse scepter again. The invisible curse power spread quickly and disappeared silently in the void energy.

"In fact, the Eye of the Void is a magic weapon of naked power and substance. Although it can also crush the soul, I think it should not be very effective against the curse power." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are so insidious!" Huo Yunlong shouted.

"But if you want to control these magic weapons, I'm afraid you don't have enough power?"

"I know my limits, you just need to protect me." In fact, Chen Feng was very relaxed because the Longevity Tower was working in secret.

After a long time, Chen Feng smiled.

"Has anyone taken action?" Huo Yunlong couldn't help asking.

"A few fish have taken the bait. I hope they are big fish!" Chen Feng said as he waved the cursed scepter in his hand. There was a faint scream coming from the air, but it was due to the effect of the void power, so the three people's cultivation level could not detect it clearly.


The chaos chain vibrated, and one end was quickly retracted. Soon, a fairy was swept back by the chaos chain.

"Hahaha!" Seeing this scene, Huoyunlong laughed directly. The three of them were ambushed into the trap by the other party, but now they caught one of the other party in return. This made Huoyunlong very excited.

"The strength of a mid-level fairy is indeed a small fish."

"The small fish can also know some of the situation. You should interrogate them quickly. There are still a few small fish that are about to take the bait." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the chaos chain entered the void storm again silently.

Next, two more fairies were captured by Chen Feng soon.

"One is a native cultivator of Tianxiao Palace, one is a cultivator of the Thunder Realm, and the other is a cultivator sent by Tianxiao Palace of the Immortal Realm."

Bi Qing and the others did not have enough time to interrogate these three people, so they searched their souls directly and got everything they wanted to know.

"It is indeed the Tianxiao Palace that is ambushing us. In fact, it is not a deliberate ambush. This secret realm has just been discovered, and the Tianxiao Palace has not yet fully explored it. However, it has blocked the way for other cultivators. An acquaintance has been killed before us, and a high-level immortal has died in this Eye of the Void."

"So there will be other treasures in this secret realm. Let's rush out quickly. Chen Feng, don't you have the Longevity Tower? Can you rush out?"

"Your thoughts are so superficial. Didn't you see my actions? I want to take this Eye of the Void for myself."

"What, you want to take this top-grade immortal weapon? Your ambition is too big."

"This is not ambition, this is a very normal action. Okay, there is another fish." Chen Feng said that another cultivator was entangled and pulled back by the chaos chain. This time it was a high-level immortal, but after being hit by the curse, his strength has been greatly weakened. In addition, part of his strength was secretly swallowed by the Longevity Tower. When he arrived in front of the three people, he was still struggling, but he looked extremely embarrassed.

"High-level immortal, tsk tsk, this is a big fish."

"What a pity, I guess the other party won't come in again, and it's probably impossible to catch anyone again." The chaos chain became thicker and covered with spikes and barbs, but after a search, there was no harvest.


The Eye of the Void turned faster, and the rolling void power kept roaring, crisscrossing, cutting, agitating, and rolling, rushing towards Chen Feng and the other two from all directions.

"The other party can't help it. After losing these people, I think the other party will vomit blood. The next attack should be more fierce. As long as we can resist it, we will start to gain the upper hand next."

"I feel that we have been gaining the upper hand, but the other party actually has a top-level immortal. I heard that they have already notified the true immortal. If the true immortal arrives, what should we do?"

"Stop this wave first. Even if the true immortal arrives, it will take some time to collect this top-grade immortal weapon."

A tornado formed by a void storm rushed over first.

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