Eternal Existence

Chapter 1003: Finding the Root

In fact, the middle-level immortals were not a big threat to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was confident that he could deal with them, but it would take time. As long as he was delayed, the unruly man behind him would catch up immediately.

However, when Chen Feng wanted to bypass him, he was attacked by another cultivator. In the fluctuation of space, a cultivator quietly came out and waved his hand at Chen Feng, and a mountain appeared in the stream of light.

This was the opponent's magic weapon.

Chen Feng had no choice but to punch out and knock the mountain away, but he was also intercepted.

Two middle-level immortals and one high-level immortal besieged Chen Feng at the same time. After a few rounds of fighting, the unruly man behind caught up. After seeing this, he punched Chen Feng without saying a word.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Everyone fought again, and Chen Feng shook his head. It seemed that he could not leave for the time being.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several more monks appeared and participated in the fight, including several demon kings. These monks who were cursed did not attack each other, but united against the outside world. Chen Feng and the unruly man were forced to join forces to fight against the siege from all sides.

Moreover, both of them were injured. Chen Feng was better, but the unruly man's injuries were much more serious than Chen Feng's. It was difficult for him to break out of the siege.

"You are really looking for death, harming others and not benefiting yourself." Chen Feng cursed angrily.

"Humph!" The unruly man just snorted coldly, without saying much, but he was secretly anxious in his heart.


With a slight sound, a big hole was pierced through the unruly man's body, and the energy in his body began to become chaotic.

"Do you want to live?" Chen Feng asked.

"Nonsense, of course I want to live."

"Since you want to live, let's rush out together first, and we'll settle our accounts later."

"In the current situation, I'm afraid we can't rush out even if we join forces."

"I have a secret technique, but I need your cooperation. You can hold it for a breath."

"What, you are not trying to trick me."

"Believe it or not."

"Okay, I'll believe you once." The aura of the unruly man suddenly increased by nearly three levels, and a unique barrier power spread out from his body, blocking all attacks for Chen Feng. "The power of the world, this guy is not simple." Chen Feng nodded, holding the Zhengtian Sword and waving it quickly. This time Chen Feng's speed was faster. In less than a breath, a soul-suppressing talisman was condensed.


The soul-suppressing talisman fluttered, and the eyes of the monks around them all flickered, especially the two who were not seriously eroded by the curse power, and they even briefly recovered some of their original spiritual wisdom.

"What's going on?"

"Friend, save me." The two reacted very quickly and asked Chen Feng for help at the first time.


This time, Chen Feng directly launched the Soul Calming Spell. Although the effect was far inferior to that of the Zhengtian Sword, it also made the two men's minds clearer.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng called the unruly man and rushed forward quickly.

"Whether you can regain your freedom depends on you." Chen Feng did not have the spirit of catching a cold and risking his life for others.

"Boy, what secret technique did you just perform?" The unruly man asked immediately after catching up with Chen Feng.

"No comment! Now we are out of danger, I hope you stay away from me." Chen Feng did not want to pay attention to this person, but Chen Feng's attitude angered the other party.

"I haven't settled accounts with you for your sneak attack on me before. Just hand over the secret technique just now and let it go."

"If you want the secret technique, I'm afraid you can't practice it even if I give it to you. If you come to pester me again, the worst case is another fight. By then, it may not be so easy to get away if other cultivators are attracted." Chen Feng said, and the longevity wings behind him shook violently, and disappeared instantly.

"Hmph!" The unruly man hesitated for a moment, but did not chase him. Instead, he turned around to find a quiet place to heal his wounds. However, the unruly man had already made up his mind, that is, to wait until his wounds recovered before looking for trouble with Chen Feng. After all, the secret technique that Chen Feng had just displayed was too amazing.

A day later, Chen Feng finally showed up from a hidden place. Chen Feng finally recovered as a cultivator, and the curse power in his body had been completely expelled.

"I thought that this ancient city was large in scale and there would be some treasures, but I didn't expect that I would have nothing to gain so far, and I would have to face endless sieges. This is simply depressing to the extreme." Chen Feng shook his head.

Not to mention that he had not found Biqing and Huoyunlong yet. So far, the cultivators he had met were very few who were not eroded by the curse power. Most of them were combat puppets who only knew how to kill.

"It would be great if we could find the source of these curse powers."

"It's actually very simple. Find the curse power. Where the curse power is strong, the source is there." Tower suggested.

"You make it sound easy!" Chen Feng sighed, knowing that what the tower said was right, but facing the monks who might appear at any time to snipe Chen Feng, he felt a headache.

"It's still not strong enough. Why do I feel that the stronger the cultivation, the stronger the opponent I encounter." Although he said so, Chen Feng still took action, and the power of his consciousness surged with all his strength. He began to walk through the ancient city with the Zhengtian Sword in his hand.

In fact, Chen Feng felt quite depressed when he said it, that is, he killed so many immortal monks, but because of the curse power, he did not dare to use the blood-gathering beads to devour them, for fear that the curse power would have a bad effect on the blood-gathering beads.

"What a pity, the blood power of so many immortals is enough for my blood-gathering beads to advance again."

While moving forward cautiously, Chen Feng dodged several waves of immortals. During this period, Chen Feng also saw the process of a newly entered immortal being eroded by the power of the curse. Seeing this, Chen Feng immediately took action and wanted to kill the immortal. The other party pulled him back from being lost, but he didn't expect that instead of succeeding, he was attacked by the other party.

"Huh! Even high-level immortals will be eroded by the power of the curse. It seems that the root cause is not simple." After finally evading the opponent's pursuit, Chen Feng no longer dared to take random shots.

After some investigation and sensing, Chen Feng finally captured the power of the curse in the ancient city. It was very weak and seemed to be there. If it hadn't been for the power of the magic weapon, Chen Feng might not have been able to detect it even if his consciousness was increased several times. .

After capturing the power of the curse, it was easy to find the root cause. According to the strength of the curse, Chen Feng began to go deep into the core of the ancient city.

Not long after, Chen Feng sensed Bi Qing's aura, or to be more precise, he felt Bi Luotian's aura.

"Senior Biqing can communicate that the restrictions in the ancient city of Biluoming are not as strong as imagined, but it also means that Senior Biqing has met his opponent." Chen Feng speeded up, but felt a hot breath rising from a distance. stand up.

Huo Yunlong stepped on fiery red feet, held a spear, and the flames were rolling. He majestically killed from a distance, followed by dozens of immortals.

"Hey! How did you make such a big noise!" Chen Feng was a little shocked, feeling that Huo Yunlong's behavior was really unexpected.

"Chen Feng!" Huo Yunlong also saw Chen Feng at this time, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand, and the sword energy rippled like water waves. The space was solidified like crystal, and it was still spreading. The monk chasing Huoyunlong began to slow down as soon as he entered it.

"Is this the barrier technique of your Immortal Clan?" Huo Yunlong looked mighty, but in fact he had exhausted a lot of power. He immediately began to pant when he reached Chen Feng's side.

"There is also the art of sealing." Chen Feng said as the sword in his hand vibrated, and a huge seal appeared in the space, as if a huge portal divided the space in half.

"Yes, yes, I said Chen Feng, you can pass this secret technique to me, and I can exchange it with something." Huo Yunlong said hurriedly.

"It's useless. Since you know this is the secret technique of the Changsheng clan, you can't practice it even if I teach it to you."

"Okay, let's go quickly, and you should put the fire dragon away and make the noise smaller."

"Where are we going?"

"The place where the power of the curse originates."

"What, the power of the curse! Why didn't I feel it?"

Chen Feng was a little speechless, but he felt more about Huo Yunlong's luck. If it weren't for the power of fire that Huo Yunlong cultivated, even the strength of a high-level immortal would have been affected.

"This is what happened." Chen Feng quickly explained his findings.

"Chen Feng, you've come in too." Chen Feng soon received a message from Bi Qing.

"Senior, are you okay? How is the situation?" Chen Feng asked quickly. After reaching a certain level, the power of the curse became even stronger, and it could be detected even without the help of magic weapons.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

Huoyunlong is also using the power of fire to continuously burn. The power of fire flows, and the sound of burning is made in the void.

"The strange curse power is not cursing the ancient city left by the people of the big world, right?" Huo Yunlong guessed.

"You said you cursed the world, so why did the other party come to the eternal world just to leave an ancient city behind?" Chen Feng retorted.

"Yeah, I haven't encountered even a single treasure so far."

"Don't worry, there will be treasures, it just depends on whether you can get them." Chen Feng laughed. Just from the exchange with Bi Qing just now, Chen Feng already knew something about the situation.

"What level of treasure!"

"Does the corpse of a true immortal count?"

"What, hurry up." Huo Yunlong's speed surpassed Chen Feng's, and his whole body turned into a ball of flame. Because of the power of the surrounding curse, the scale of the flame burning was getting bigger and bigger.

There were three people fighting against Biqing. Two of these three were normal monks, but the other one had strange patterns flowing on his body. Chen Feng knew just by looking at it that this was the power of a curse that had been condensed into substance. .

Bi Qing communicated with Bi Luotian and received the blessing of the power of heaven. He was already close to the realm of half-step true immortal, but he still couldn't gain the upper hand under the siege of the three people. If time goes by, defeat is normal.

"Where did these three people come from?" Chen Feng was communicating with Bi Qing while swinging a sword at one of them.

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