Eternal Existence

Chapter 1002: Power of Curse


Chen Feng suddenly flapped his long wings behind his back, and the water in the lake was completely rolled up, forming a wall of water that rushed towards the pursuers behind him.

Chen Feng's plan was to cut and block the opponent, but something else happened after the lake was drained by Chen Feng. Two water monsters emerged from the bottom of the dry lake, and they just pounced in front of Chen Feng.

"Demon Emperor!" Chen Feng thought for a moment that the person who could become the Demon Emperor must at least have the strength of a mid-level immortal.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng quickly made a move and collided with the opponent, and then Chen Feng flew backwards heavily, like a meteorite hitting the earth, destroying a whole area of ​​buildings.

A cool feeling penetrated into Chen Feng's body, and disappeared when Chen Feng reacted.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"It's the power of the curse." Tower replied.

"The power of the curse!" A feeling of numbness rose up from his body and spread to all parts of his body. Chen Feng felt that the numb areas soon began to lose consciousness and were no longer under his control.


The immortal energy surged violently in the body, pounding continuously. After a long time, the numb feeling was somewhat relieved, but it was not completely eliminated.

"Even the Qi of Immortality cannot be eliminated." Chen Feng was truly surprised. In fact, after cultivating the Qi of Immortality, Chen Feng was considered immune to all poisons and evil spirits.

"It's not that the immortal energy is useless, it's that your cultivation is not enough. Don't you think this is effective? But you have to find a quiet place to slowly resolve it. Also, be careful, the power of the curse is everywhere ." Ta said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to find a quiet place." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood gathering beads appeared, blocking the attacks of the two immortals.

The opponents are not ordinary monks, they are powerful immortals, and they are all above the middle level. If there are one or two, or even three or four, Chen Feng can stop and kill them one by one, but now Chen Feng feels that he is entering again. No matter how many steps you take, you may not be able to move horizontally and vertically here.

"It won't be easy for Biqing even if I think about it." Chen Feng's consciousness moved, and the blood-gathering beads suddenly burst out with dazzling blood light like the blazing sun. Chen Feng waved the Zhengtian Sword and locked onto a monk.

With dozens of sword blows, the monk was killed by Chen Feng, but the blood-gathering bead was knocked away by others. Three immortals surrounded Chen Feng and attacked at the same time.


Invisible fluctuations spread out in all directions. The three monks were suddenly startled, and the look in their eyes was a little loose.

"Sure enough!" Chen Feng rose into the sky and kept turning around to avoid the attacks from behind.

"These people are not actually dead, but have been affected by the power of the curse. Their spiritual consciousness still exists, but it has been contaminated. Alas! The immortals who came in are either dead or have become like this." Chen Feng shook his head, the numbness in his body was suppressed, and it had not been completely resolved before it affected the performance of Chen Feng's strength.

If someone cooperates with Chen Feng, Chen Feng can use the power of the immortal weapon to portray the soul-suppressing spell as before, but now there is no time at all.

"It would be great if we could find Fire Cloud Dragon."

Next, Chen Feng used sword skills and activated soul-suppressing spells. In addition, the blood-gathering beads kept appearing, and he struggled with the opponent for a while. In the end, instead of getting rid of the opponent, two more immortals joined him.

"Trouble, please!" Chen Feng felt helpless after using various methods. He wanted to use the Eternal Life Tower several times, but was restrained. If he used the power of the Eternal Life Tower every time, the pressure would be reduced and he would make progress in the future. The speed will become slower and slower.

"Is it possible to leave like this?" Chen Feng was a little unwilling.

"Hey! I'm afraid it's impossible for you to leave now. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try." Ta laughed at this time.

Chen Feng didn't believe it, so he found an opportunity during the fight and used all his strength to open the space. However, before the sword light disappeared, the cracks in the space that had been opened had already closed.


This move brought a blow to Chen Feng, causing him to suffer serious injuries. Chen Feng relied on his speed to dodge. At the same time, he felt that the paralysis on his body began to spread during the healing process. This was due to the power of the curse. caused by suppression.

"How is this going?"

"It's very simple. You don't have enough strength, which means that not many monks who enter this ancient city can leave."

"Isn't the power not enough? Even the power of a high-grade immortal weapon is not enough." Chen Feng's body circled, his sword waved, and with a series of collisions, Chen Feng disappeared from the spot.

"The art of immortality barrier!" Chen Feng finally seized an opportunity and sealed seven or eight immortals in the barrier in one breath.

However, in the blink of an eye, the opponent rushed out, and Chen Feng finally got a moment to breathe. Another magic weapon exploded in the acupoint, providing Chen Feng with powerful energy.

What exploded this time was the magic weapon Blood Soul. It can be regarded as following Chen Feng from the beginning. It already has the rank of the best Taoist weapon. Speaking of which, Chen Feng himself felt a little pity, but for the sake of the longevity weapon, Chen Feng still worked hard. In an instant, the power of breath in Chen Feng's body increased several times, and at the same time, even the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art was faintly shaking, trying to operate autonomously.

The demon weapon Blood Soul itself is a bloodthirsty war spear. After it was broken, part of its power was integrated into the longevity spear. However, with the blessing of this power, Chen Feng's strength suddenly increased greatly, and his combat effectiveness increased several times. His sword skills unfolded, wave after wave. The sword light boiled and killed five immortals in one breath.

After killing five immortals, Chen Feng's aura began to weaken. In just a short period of time, the power provided by the magic weapon blood soul was almost consumed.

"Huh!" Chen Feng took a long breath, and a blood-red breath gushed out.

Performing this secret technique still caused some damage to the body. If it weren't for his strong body and the immortal qi that could repair the injury at any time, Chen Feng would not dare to use this secret technique.

"Let's go, find a safe place." Chen Feng performed the immortal barrier technique again and finally got rid of the pursuit of these immortals.

However, after another stick of incense, Chen Feng stopped in a relatively safe place, a dilapidated and inconspicuous building.

Quickly restraining his breath, Chen Feng arranged some simple restrictions around him, and then began to mobilize the immortal qi to dissolve the curse power in his body.

"Boy, do you want to enter the immortal tower to practice?" The tower said with a smile at this time.

"No, I think it's safe here." Chen Feng said lightly. As the longevity true qi washed over and over again, the numbness in his body was constantly weakening, but it would take some time to completely resolve it.

"Someone is coming." Ta reminded.

"I know!" Chen Feng did know, and he also sensed the vitality emanating from the other party.

"The other party should have just come in and has not been corroded by the curse power, or the other party's cultivation is strong, or the other party is also looking for a place to heal, but the place chosen is a bit wrong."

"Friend! There are already people here." Chen Feng thought about it and still greeted the other party.

Who knew that the other party didn't pay any attention to Chen Feng at all, breaking the restrictions set by Chen Feng along the way, and soon a tall man with a giant knife appeared in front of Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this person is very fierce and has a very strong aura, but this point made Chen Feng curse in his heart, so arrogant and silent aura is not deliberately attracting the other party.

"High-level immortal, and already seriously injured, not a big threat." Chen Feng had a general understanding of the other party at the first time.

"Boy, leave here immediately." The unruly man put down the giant knife, and the ground began to shake.

"Haha!" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, stood up suddenly, and punched forward.

"Don't know whether to live or die!" Facing Chen Feng's attack, the unruly man also sneered in his heart, raised his hand and punched.

The fists of both sides collided, Chen Feng's body shook, and he retreated repeatedly, feeling the surging fist force that was still transmitted, and he was a little shocked.

"Such a powerful body is difficult for even high-level immortals to have. Is it a special bloodline owner, or a special practice?"

"You can block my punch, my friend, you are not a terrestrial immortal, it seems that the disguise secret technique you practice is very profound." Not seeing the situation as imagined, the unruly man was also a little surprised.

"I think our fight will definitely attract other cultivators. This is my place. You should find another place."

"I like it. This is my place."

Chen Feng shook his head and sighed: "Okay, I'll give it to you. I'll leave."

If it were normal, Chen Feng would definitely compete with the other party, but now, on the one hand, the hidden danger in his body has not been completely eliminated, and on the other hand, the fight will definitely attract other cultivators, which is not what Chen Feng wants to see.

But although Chen Feng wanted to leave, he still didn't do so because the unruly man stepped forward to stop Chen Feng.

"Boy, explain the matter clearly before leaving."

"I say, are you sick?" Chen Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore and immediately used the soul-soothing spell, followed by a long sword attack.

Sure enough, just as Chen Feng imagined, the unruly man was affected by the soul-soothing spell, and then was hit by the Zhengtian Sword. The sword energy entered his body. Although he didn't kill him, he also caused serious injuries to the other party, adding to the injury. Chen Feng did not take the opportunity to kill this person, but flew away.

According to Chen Feng's plan, he would find another place.

But before Chen Feng found a place, the arrogant man had already caught up with him. He was also angry. He was injured because of carelessness just now, and he must get back at him.

"What is this? This person doesn't even know what kind of occasion this is." Chen Feng had a headache, so he sped up and tried to go to places where he felt that there would be no cultivators.

But things did not evolve according to Chen Feng's imagination. Two cultivators who came out of nowhere blocked Chen Feng's way.

"Fortunately, it's just a mid-level immortal." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, shook his body, and suddenly sped up, trying to bypass the other party.

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