Eternal Existence

Chapter 1004: Corpse on the Altar

"The guy with the power of curse comes from the curse world. The other two are from the fairy world and a star wanderer. Be careful. These three have high combat power." Bi Qing had quickly reminded Chen Feng when he took action.

"So many star wanderers."

"Well, a little earth immortal has come to join in the fun. Who does this kid think he is?" The one attacked by Chen Feng was the fairy cultivator, who was also the weakest among the three.


Chen Feng's straight sword light suddenly changed into a surging sword wave. The power of the waves increased several times, which made the fairy cultivator cautious.

The two sides quickly fought fiercely and could not tell the winner in a short time.

"Brother Huo, don't intervene. Go and see what's going on?" Huoyunlong had been eager to move, but was stopped by Chen Feng before he could make a move.

"Yes, let me see what treasures there are here. We will share them equally after we get them." Huoyunlong laughed, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the fire shot out. The airflow and smoke blocking the front were dispersed one after another, and a dark spring was revealed on the ground, but it was not spring water flowing in it, but a strong curse power.


Even with Huoyunlong's strength, he couldn't help but retreat a few steps under this curse.

"Cursed spring, it seems that there is really a corpse of a true immortal here, and it is not an ordinary true immortal." Huoyunlong's eyes suddenly became hot. After thinking about it, he took out a Qiankun bag and waved his hand. The curse power in the spring was collected into the Qiankun bag.

"Looking for death!"

Huoyunlong's actions angered the cultivator from the Cursed World. The man leaped up and stopped fighting with Biqing. Instead, he came in front of Huoyunlong, and his dark claws flowed with curse power and grabbed Huoyunlong's Qiankun bag.

In this way, Bi Qing suddenly gained the upper hand, and in just a blink of an eye, he knocked the Starry Sky Wanderer away. The sword light flashed again, and the immortal cultivator who was fighting with Chen Feng was also hit by the sword and retreated.

"Everyone, please take action for the time being. We are all here for the treasures here. There is no need to fight to the death." Chen Feng shouted.

"You are not qualified to snatch things from us." The Starry Sky Wanderer sneered.

"If I had more people, I would have killed you in one fell swoop. Why would I say this." Chen Feng cursed in his heart.

"Everyone, although my realm is relatively low, I think I should still be able to get a share with the long sword in my hand." Chen Feng shook the Zhengtian Sword in his hand.

"It's better not to take action for the time being. Get the things below out first." The immortal cultivator said.

"This is the inheritance left by our predecessors in the Curse World. It's useless for you outsiders to get it."

"If that's the case, it doesn't make sense. I think we should join forces to kill the cultivators of the Curse World first, so as to avoid more trouble."

"Everyone, if we fight, we can't tell who is better, and other cultivators will arrive soon. Maybe someone is hiding in the dark now, ready to fight at any time, so if you have any action, hurry up." Chen Feng said again.

"Get the things below first." Bi Qing also said so.

"I'll do it." Star Wanderer also spoke.

"You all step back, let me do it." The cultivator of the Curse World said, stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, the ground cracked, and the spring gushing the curse power also dissipated. Then the cultivator muttered something, and the power from his hand became stronger and stronger.

The earth shook, and huge cracks continued to extend far away, as if something was drilling out from deep underground.

"Be careful later. If it is really the corpse of a true immortal, there must be a strong curse power." Bi Qing secretly sent a message to Chen Feng, and took the initiative to communicate with the other two monks.

For all this, the monks of the Curse World seemed to know nothing, but were concentrating on communicating with the things underground.

"What a strong curse power!"

At this time, the earth had completely cracked, and everyone was floating in the air. There was a strong curse power emanating from the depths of the ground. Everyone used secret techniques to resist the impact of this power.

The immortal true energy in Chen Feng's body continued to flow and had permeated his entire body, but it still couldn't stop the erosion of this curse power, so Chen Feng shook the Zhengtian Sword in his hand, and a little sword light suddenly exploded, forming a layer of sword curtain to wrap Chen Feng up.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

This was the sound of the friction between the curse power and the sword energy. On the other side, the flames around the Fire Cloud Dragon continued to condense, and soon condensed into a fiery red armor, emitting flames, wrapping itself tightly.

Only Biqing was blessed by Biluotian's Taiqing dazzling light, which could also block the power of the curse. The other two also had their own methods.

Finally, a huge altar floated up from deep underground. This altar seemed to be carved from ordinary rocks, but the breath emanating from it showed that this altar had existed for a long time.

In fact, this altar was not the most important. What attracted everyone's attention was the things on the altar.

A corpse lay on the altar. It was a human corpse, three meters long, wearing a gray robe. His face was still lifelike, but he was emitting a strong curse power all the time.

"It is indeed the body of a true immortal, or a true immortal who has cultivated the power of curse." Chen Feng nodded.

The altar floated up slowly and finally stopped in front of everyone. The cultivators of the Curse World just breathed a sigh of relief when the Immortal World Immortal took action. Huoyunlong also wanted to take action but was stopped by Chen Feng.

"Wait a minute, let's see what happens."

Seeing someone take action, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the cultivators of the Curse World, but he did not stop them.

"Come here." In fact, the Immortal World cultivator seemed reckless, but he actually had his own plans. With a wave of his hand, a small cave appeared in the space, and he was about to put the body into the winter.


At this moment, the body lying motionless on the altar suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of black flames. The flames jumped and attached to the Immortal World cultivator. No matter how the cultivator struggled, he still couldn't stop the flames from entering his body.

Finally, the Immortal World cultivator stopped struggling and floated quietly in the air.

"What is this?" Huoyunlong took a spear and stepped forward to pick it.

"Be careful!" Chen Feng shouted immediately.


The immortal cultivator turned around and attacked Huoyunlong. His face was distorted, black light flowed in his eyes, and his attack was violent, as if he didn't care about his life.

"This man has been eroded by the power of the curse. Let's join forces to kill him first." Chen Feng said as he stepped forward with a sword and slashed the immortal cultivator with a heavy sword.

The immortal cultivator ignored Chen Feng's attack and entangled Huoyunlong desperately. Moreover, after being cursed, this man's attack power was even stronger than before, causing Huoyunlong to retreat repeatedly and unable to resist head-on.


A green sword light flashed across, and Biqing also made a move. The sword light fell on the immortal cultivator, but as soon as it penetrated deep, it was blocked and entangled by black flames, so that the long sword could no longer penetrate.

The three of them joined forces, but they failed to kill this person in a short time.

On the other side, the monk from the Cursed World chuckled and stretched out his hand to grab the corpse in front of him. At the same time, the strange patterns on his body also floated up, and the breath in his body roared, resonating with the corpse in front of him.

Both of them are monks from the Cursed World. If the other party has to choose, he will naturally choose his fellow countryman.

"Put it down!" The Starry Sky Wanderer couldn't help it, and attacked the monk from the Cursed World, but it was a false move. Then he swayed and rushed to the altar. He didn't grab the corpse of the True Immortal, but grabbed other things on the altar.

In addition to the corpse of the True Immortal, there was also a scepter and a seemingly inconspicuous chain on the altar. The purpose of this Starry Sky Wanderer was these two.

"Damn it, I'll stop this guy, you guys go grab the treasure." Huoyunlong shouted anxiously.

Speaking of which, the combination of Chen Feng and the other three at the scene was the most powerful, but now they were dragged by a guy eroded by the power of the curse, and all the good things were taken away by others.

"How can it be that easy!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood-gathering bead quickly hit over. The blood-gathering bead suddenly expanded a hundred times, and waves of blood light spread out, attacking indiscriminately.


Biqing turned his body, and the long sword flew out of his hand, also slashing at the monks of the cursed world.


But at this time, a strong force rushed out from the altar, and it turned out to be the scepter. No one urged it to burst out and attack.

The starry sky wanderer who rushed to the front was the first to bear the brunt and was directly blown away by this force. Then the inconspicuous chain also stretched suddenly, and the light and shadow twisted, wrapping up the monk.

"Save me!" The starry sky wanderer screamed.

"You asked for help so soon." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and then looked at the other party. Countless patterns kept swimming on his body, and sometimes drilled into his body. The starry sky wanderer struggled and shouted, and the divine light in his eyes kept flashing, and it seemed that he was resisting the erosion of the curse power.

"The magic weapon of the real immortal, it must be a good thing." Huoyunlong did not forget to shout while fighting.

Biqing's attack only caused some minor injuries to the opponent and was resolved by the curse power. At the same time, the long chain whipped Biqing again, and the unknown scepter also floated up, directly knocking the blood-gathering bead away. Chen Feng immediately became an immortal and slashed at the scepter with the Zhengtian Sword.

"The scepter and the chain are both top-grade immortal weapons." Chen Feng said, and his mind moved. The blood-gathering bead turned around and rushed towards the cultivator of the cursed world again.

This time, the blood-gathering bead did not hit hard, but exerted its characteristics to affect the circulation of qi and blood in the opponent's body.


The Zhengtian Sword slashed on the scepter, making a deafening sound. Chen Feng took the opportunity to land on the altar, and the Changsheng Wings behind him flapped violently, trying to blow the corpse away.


At this time, the corpse lying motionless once again spurted out a curse power, penetrating the Changsheng Wings and rushing towards Chen Feng's face.

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