After awakening the memories of previous lives, Long Hao has always been a small Spirit Warrior!

This is the weakest existence in the entire Space-Time Universe.

Only by becoming a Profound Fighter can it be regarded as a decent cultivator, not too weak.

Long Hao not at all delayed a little bit of time.

When all the conditions are mature, Long Hao directly urges the strength of Faith within the body, transforms it into a strong strength of Space-Time, builds a special Space-Time, and wraps itself!

This special Space-Time is exactly the kind of special Space-Time that can isolate Heaven and Earth’s will and completely isolate this World’s Heavenly Dao!

Two days ago, it was in this Space-Time that Nangong Huan and Nangong Leng were able to break through to Profound Fighter Realm and become a real Profound Fighter!

Today, Long Hao intends to use the same method to isolate his connection with this world, so as to avoid the suppression of Heavenly Dao, and then break through to Profound Fighter Realm!

However, with this special Space-Time, Long Hao can only last up to 30% of the time.

Therefore, Long Hao must complete the breakthrough of the cultivation base within 30% of the time!

“Profound Pill, condense me!”

Long Hao growl!

In an instant, outside of the body, terrifying incomparable power fluctuations erupted directly.

The strength of these mighty powers is even greater than those of Old Ancestor, descendants of the Evil God of Wang Xuanjing level, very heavenly defying.

If it weren’t for that, there are countless terrifying great arrays of protection within the entire sky giant. I am afraid that just this kind of power fluctuation is enough to destroy the entire air giant city in an instant!

And, as time goes on, the terrifying power of Long Hao’s body is still rising at an extremely terrifying speed!

Through spirit introspection, Long Hao can clearly discover that all the spirit strength of himself within the body is converging through the whole body meridian, moved towards dantian.

In just a few moments, all the Spirit strength of Long Hao within the body has been gathered into the dantian, forming a spiral strength vortex of extremely fast circle!

When the spirit strength in this spirit strength vortex is compressed to a certain limit, it suddenly shrinks and turns into a golden ball!

This ball is exactly what is called “Profound Pill”!

At this moment, after the rebirth, Long Hao finally successfully gathered his own Profound Pill in his dantian!

From this moment on, Long Hao will no longer be a Spirit Warrior!

He has become a real Profound Fighter!

And, it is definitely an extremely powerful Profound Fighter!

“After successfully consolidating Profound Pill, there is only a maximum of thirty seconds of skill, which can be performed on Profound Pill and can be ‘truth’. Now, let me take a look, and I can actually print on this Profound Pill How much ‘truth’! “

Long Hao said solemnly in his heart.

After all, there is only one chance to engrav the “Mantra” on Profound Pill. Once missed, there will not be a second chance in life.

More importantly, the more “mantras” engraved on Profound Pill, the higher the level, and the more real power that can be exerted in the end, the more powerful!

Long Hao will never miss this precious opportunity!

1% of the time will never be wasted!

“Fast words!”

“Strong words!”

“Huntian mantra!”

“Prisoner’s Word!”

Long Hao, with his fastest speed, engraved all kinds of “truths” he knew on Profound Pill, which had just come out!

In just ten seconds, ten skills have been stamped!

This speed is absolutely heaven-defying.

You know, even Nangong Huan engraved twelve “truths” on his Profound Pill.

However, at this moment, Long Hao suddenly found in shock, that on his Profound Pill, there were some other “truths” out of thin air!

And there are so many, as many as twenty!

“En? What the hell is this?”

Long Hao frowned, and a doubt flashed in his mind.

However, just for a moment, Long Hao immediately regained his mind. Continue to unite your mind and engraving the “Mantra”.

As for this doubt in my mind, at least after slowly finding out after Profound Pill has completely stabilized.

After all, this opportunity is very important.

Long Hao doesn’t want to be delayed at all!

More than ten seconds have passed!

For a full thirty seconds, Long Hao actually engraved a full twenty “truths” on this newly formed Profound Pill!

At the same time, those “truths” that came out of nowhere have increased to 40!

All the “mantras” together, on the Profound Pill of Long Hao, there are a total of sixty “mantras”!

It would be absolutely shocking to let others know.

You know, even in the entire Space-Time Universe, no one in the past or the future has never had a soul, and more than twenty “truths” can be engraved on Profound Pill!

And Long Hao, even more than twice this number!

This is definitely heaven defying, terrifying!

Unfortunately, at this time, Profound Pill of Long Hao within the body has completely stabilized.

As a result, even Long Hao can’t continue to engrav the “truth” on it!


Long Hao exhaled one mouthful of impure air. In the expression, a very excited emotion emerged.

The results of this promotion to Profound Fighter far exceeded Long Hao’s initial expectations.

Subsequently, Long Hao terminated the cultivation directly, and not at all continued to improve the cultivation base.

He intends to continue to strengthen the cultivation base, and then promote the cultivation base.

“Now, I have finally become a real Profound Fighter! And, I also got a Profound Pill so heavenly defying!”

Long Hao said excitedly in his heart, there was almost a sense of unrealism.

After all, even Long Hao in the previous life has never heard of any Profound Fighter Profound Pill, which can have more than twenty “truths”!

This is definitely the result of heaven defying, which can be directly classified into the legend!

“With my aptitiude, it is indeed possible to engraved twenty” truths “on dantian! But what happened to the extra 40” truths “?”

Long Hao said to himself, feeling very puzzled.

However, at this moment, an extremely angry and mournful voice suddenly sounded in Long Hao’s mind!

“Damn Long Hao, you this bastard, I didn’t expect that you turned out to be such a thief! What you steal is not good, you must steal the ‘truth’ we engraved on Profound Pill!”

In the spirit world of Long Hao, Dragon Ant growls!

Now Dragon Ant is furious! Even tearing Long Hao into pieces didn’t seem to dispel the anger in his heart.

At the same time, even Long Tian seemed to be very upset, and said indignantly: “Long Hao, you are such a bastard! Although I know you are not intentional, I still want to curse you!

Long Hao was so confused that he couldn’t understand it.

“What the hell are you two? How can I not understand, what are you talking about?”

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