“Hehe, it seems that the Space-Time great array left by Junior Sister Tang was really motivated by the Master! I do n鈥檛 know, after the Master comes out again, his cultivation base and strength will be terrifying. A degree! “

Nangong Huan whispered to himself.

Then sit cross-legged and stay next to the Space-Time great array, intending to protect the Long Hao at any time!

At this moment, Long Hao has long noticed that he is now in a very special special space-time.

Today’s Long Hao is keenly aware of the sense of strength of Space-Time. I can clearly sense it in an instant. After spending a hundred days in this special Space-Time, I can only pass one day outside.

Cultivation in such a special Space-Time will definitely produce terrifying results!

Unfortunately, Long Hao found out long ago that the Space-Time great array left by Tang You can only maintain a maximum of one day of operation after being urged.

One day later, the core energy of building this Space-Time great array, that is, the fist-sized Divine Stone, of which Divine Ability, will completely consume clean!

“Is there only one hundred days? However, for such a long time, it is enough for me to cultivate it completely!”

Long Hao’s eyes condensed, and he said extremely coldly in his heart: “hmph, the next time I leave the customs, you are the so-called Half God, all died!”

Subsequently, Long Hao went directly into the state of cultivation.

However, Long Hao not at all directly swallowed the World Tree fruit and tried to break through the cultivation base.

Instead, I intend to use another method to completely consolidate my cultivation base.

For ordinary cultivators, there is only one way to compact the cultivation base in a short time.

That is: the ongoing battle of Life and Death!

However, Long Hao has mastered a special cultivation technique, “Fate of Life”, which can achieve the same effect even if he does not fight the enemy with Life and Death!

Unfortunately, this method is very harmful to the body and even the source.

The degree of damage this cultivation technique does to the cultivator itself is even more than many God Level Forbidden Techniques!

For ordinary cultivator, even if you master this method, you will never use it.

Even Long Hao in the previous life has hardly used this method!

After all, damage to the source will do more harm than insufficient cultivation base. In this way, there is absolutely no gain.

However, beside Long Hao today, it is the existence of Fairy Tree.

Fairy Tree’s “Ultimate Heal” can cure almost all Origin Injury.

In addition, after this previous super level evolution, Fairy Tree’s various abilities have also been greatly improved.

Especially for the ultimate healing power, it used to take a day’s buffer time before being able to cast it once.

And now, it only takes an hour to continue to perform.

Based on Fairy Tree’s “ultimate cure”, coupled with the “fate of life”, Long Hao is confident that he can definitely consolidate his current cultivation base to the extreme in the shortest time!


shouted in a low voice, Long Hao directly launched this special God Level cultivation technique!

Almost immediately, Long Hao’s face turned pale. The whole body was trembling slightly.

Even the tolerance of Long Hao couldn’t help humming.

After all, after performing this cultivation technique, the pain that I have to endure is absolutely beyond anyone’s imagination!

The pain is not only in the flesh and bones. Even the soul must endure the pain of extreme tearing!

Because, once someone applies this cultivation technique, his body and Primordial Spirit will be severely injured every trace and every cent, reaching the origin.

This kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

In just ten minutes, Long Hao’s body had all cracked and blood was raging.

Even his Primordial Spirit was covered with fine cracks.

This is a very serious Origin Injury. If you let it go, it only takes a moment to completely die, which is very bad.

After falling into this state, Long Hao hurriedly stopped performing the “fate of life” and was afraid to stand up.

If you continue to support it, even with Long Hao’s current physical strength, it will undoubtedly die!

“Fairy Tree, heal me quickly!”

Long Hao moves slightly and communicates directly with Fairy Tree.

“Good Master!”

Fairy Tree instantly initiates the ultimate cure, completely healing Origin Injury in Long Hao’s body.

However, in the next hour, Long Hao not at all immediately cast the “Fate of Life”.

Because Fairy Tree’s “ultimate cure” requires at least an hour of buffer time.

In order to prevent accidents, Long Hao must ensure that Fairy Tree can perform the “ultimate cure” at any time, so that it can only use the “fate of life” and only need cultivation to strengthen the cultivation base.

However, during this time, Long Hao not at all was idle.

During this time, Long Hao directly devoured and refining a large amount of Supreme Ultimate World Tree fruit, turning it into its own energy and storing it in the body.

Long Hao is not worried that his cultivation base will break through directly.

Because of the suppression of Heavenly Dao, Long Hao’s current cultivation base has reached the Peak limit and cannot continue to climb.

Unless Heavenly Dao repels this world.

Obviously, the special Space-Time constructed by this Space-Time great array can only affect the flow rate of time, and cannot isolate this world’s Heavenly Dao will.

That’s it. After an hour, when Fairy Tree’s “Ultimate Healing” was restored, Long Hao began to perform the “Fate of Life”!

鈥減u pu pu! 鈥?/p>

Ten minutes later, Long Hao was even more heavily affected by Origin Injury. The body is cracked, and the blood is sprayed directly, and the sight is terrifying!

If it wasn’t for Fairy Tree’s “ultimate cure” in time, Long Hao might have died completely!

It was another hour, and Long Hao performed the “Fate of Life” again!

In this way, Long Hao repeats back and forth between “Destination” and “Ultimate Healing”.

An hour, two hours, ten hours!

One day, two days, ten days!

In this way, after spending 5-6 days, Long Hao’s cultivation base was finally consolidated to the extreme by him!

“Hu! This time, is it finally okay?”

Long Hao exhaled one mouthful of impure air, and said with relief in his heart.

Next, he can finally continue with the breakthrough cultivation base.

In these ten days, Long Hao has refining enough Supreme Ultimate World Tree fruit.

The energy reserve within the body is enough to allow him to condense Profound Pill within the body and let him step into Profound Fighter Realm!

“Now I can finally step into Profound Fighter Realm!”

Long Hao said with emotion.

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