After listening to Long Hao’s words, Dragon Ant was even more resentful.

“Long Hao, you bastard, are you pretending to be confused? I don’t believe it. When Profound Pill just came out, you didn’t notice anything abnormal!”

Dragon Ant is extremely angry and loudly said.

“What? You mean, the ‘truths’ that appear on my Profound Pill inexplicably come from you?”

Long Hao was immediately surprised by Dragon Ant’s meaning.

“Yes. That’s right.” Long Tian seemed very helpless, sighing: “As your Soul Shadow and Soul Beast, our cultivation base is completely synchronized with you. When you are promoted to Profound Fighter, within the body At the same time that Profound Pill was condensed, our within the body also condensed our own Profound Pill. Unfortunately, when we engraved XNUMX “truths” on Profound Pill, these “truths” turned out Strangely disappeared. Absolutely didn’t expect that all these ‘truths’ were transferred to your Profound Pill! “

“That’s it!” After listening to Long Tian’s explanation, Long Hao was slightly frowned.

As a result, Long Hao himself could not say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

After all, Long Tian and Dragon Ant are part of their own strength.

If their strength is reduced, it will also affect Long Hao itself.

Of course, adding so many “truths” to Long Hao’s own Profound Pill will naturally promote his true strength and improve a lot!

Who knows, in the process of Long Hao’s three people talking, the abnormal situation even appeared again!

The Profound Pill of Long Tian and Dragon Ant within the body turned out, merged into Long Hao’s dantian, and merged with his own Profound Pill!

“Long Hao, you this bastard! Isn’t it enough to steal the ‘truth’ on our Profound Pill? Are you even going to steal our Profound Pill?”

Dragon Ant scolded angrily and almost tried to fight with Long Hao.

After all, the Profound Fighter that lost Profound Pill is no longer the real Profound Fighter. Above the real strength, it will be greatly discounted.

However, in the eyes of Long Hao and Long Tian, ​​there was a sudden and dazzling expression!

“Well! Isn’t this the Legendary Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill? It actually appears on you! Is it affected by the Samsara Wheel?”

Long Tian’s eyes stared at the boss, and he was extremely surprised. Through the spirit connection with Long Hao, Long Tian can clearly sense the change of Long Hao’s Profound Pill.

When the Profound Pill of Long Hao, Long Tian, ​​and Dragon Ant were completely integrated, they turned from the previous golden to the current black and white, just like a Supreme Ultimate, very magical!

This kind of Profound Pill, not even Long Hao of the previous life, is very rare and exists in the legend of Divine World.

After hearing Long Tian’s words, Dragon Ant was startled first.

When he detected the spirit and sensed the change of Long Hao within the body Profound Pill, he screamed directly!

“Rely! It turned out to be Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill! This is also very awesome! This is something that exists in ancient legends and no one has ever encountered it. Many people even firmly believe that this is just a rumor, that Profound Fighter Within the body of Profound Pill, there are only three levels of golden, silver white, and earth gray! I did not expect that in this world, Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill really exists, and it still appears on you! You dogshit luck, too big! “

Dragon Ant is now just envy.

You know, in ancient legends, Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill represents infinite possibilities!

Those who own Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill, their future achievements will definitely cross Divine Sovereign and become a Divine Emperor.

Even, it is possible to cross Divine Martial Great Realm and become the legendary “holy”!

“Fuck! No, you in this life really have the potential to be ‘holy’? That’s the same level of existence as ‘the Will of Heaven’ and ‘Destiny’! At that level, but even this one Universe Space-Time, can’t restrain you! Is this too awesome? “

Dragon Ant swallowed and said enviously. In the voice, slowly the sour taste, hate such “good things”, why did not fall on himself.

However, there is a surprise in Long Hao’s expression!

“Perhaps you two shouldn’t be lamented! Maybe you’re even more excited than me!” Long Hao smiled strangely and said very informatively. tqr1

Dragon Ant curl one’s lip said sloppyly: “Are you stupid when we are? The person who gets the Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill now is you, not us. Although we are part of you now, in a sense, we It is still an independent existence! We have not only lost the ‘truth’, but we have also lost Profound Pill. You even said that we should be excited. Did you become an idiot when we also lost our brains? “

Long Hao smiled faintly and said, “If I say, as long as I agree, you two can also play the formidable power of this Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill at the same time?”

“What? What are you talking about, are you telling the truth? Don’t lie to me! I, I, I already take it seriously!” Dragon Ant was all excited, talking incoherently.

Long Hao didn’t say a word, he just thought about it and put the control of Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill on Long Tian.

Long Tian’s face suddenly surprised.

Later, I saw his thoughts, the Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill disappeared directly from Long Hao’s dantian, and appeared in Long Tian’s dantian.

“Fuck, it’s really possible! This, it’s too boring, right? Hahaha, doesn’t this mean that I can also use the formidable power of this Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill to fight?”

Dragon Ant asked in anticipation.

Long Hao ordered nodded and said: “Yes! This Supreme Ultimate Found Pill is a collection of the three of us Profound Pill! Today, it is also shared by the three of us! However, the master control is on me That’s it. “

Dragon Ant frowned, sighed, said: “It’s a pity that the three of us only have one Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill! Doesn’t it mean that in the future battles, we will only have one person who can use the formidable power in Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill ? “

Long Tian’s idea, Profound Pill among dantian immediately returned to dantian of Long Hao.

“Maybe, you really should be happier!” Long Tian looked at Dragon Ant, said with a faint smile: “Because, after my previous experience, it has been inferred that, in normal times, we can completely make Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill The energy in it is transformed into a special ‘Profound Pill Shadow’ and stored in our dantian! In this way, during the battle, you can directly use the energy stored in the ‘Profound Pill Shadow’! “

While talking, Long Tian showed it to Dragon Ant.

At this moment, in the dantian of Long Tian, ​​it is no longer empty at night.

A Profound Pill phantom, which looks exactly like the Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill, appears in the dantian of Long Tian and emits the same aura.

The phantom of Profound Pill is the so-called “Profound Pill shadow”!

But just now, when Supreme Ultimate Profound Pill was in Long Tian dantian, Long Tian evoked a part of the original energy from it and gathered!

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