Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 382 The Origin of the Crystal Base

I don't know, let's just wait and see what happens. Lu Jingxuan looked at the sky that seemed to be past six o'clock, and the day was beginning to turn into daylight, so he didn't know when it would turn into daytime.

Yeah. Song Fengfu just finished nodding, and one of them walked towards the two of them sneakily.

When he came to Lu Jingxuan's side, he slightly raised his head to look at Lu Jingxuan and said, Major Lu, I'm Chen Yi. I have something to tell you. I don't know if it's convenient for you.

Chen Yi? Hearing his voice, Lu Jingxuan turned around and saw the man was a bit sneaky, as if he was afraid of someone following him.

Major Lu, you won't forget me, right? I'm... Before Chen Yi finished speaking, Lu Jingxuan quickly pressed his hand, I know who you are.

Major Lu, can I take a step to speak? Chen Yi took Lu Jingxuan's hand and started walking towards the hidden place.

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Song Fengfu couldn't help frowning.

Could this Chen Yi be under that Commander Hu?

When he came to the back door of the Mission Release Center, Chen Yi raised his head when he saw no one around, revealing a bearded face.

As if he hadn't shaved for a long time, Chen Yi's appearance at the moment made Song Fengfu look like a green forest hero.

Major Lu, I didn't expect to see you here. I always thought you... didn't expect... really didn't expect...

Grabbing Lu Jingxuan's hand, Chen Yi excitedly looked at Lu Jingxuan in front of him.

Didn't expect anything? Chen Yi, if you have something to say, just say it. I think you don't have much time. Lu Jingxuan looked at Chen Yi indifferently.

For more than a year, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will disappear in an instant.

Chen Yi's face changed slightly after hearing his words.

Major Lu, let me make a long story short. After I was selected and left, I entered the research institute managed by Commander Hu. At that time, I didn't know that Commander Hu was researching some strange things until later... Chen Yi said about the virus , talked about the mine, and finally said that after they hid in a certain place for half a year, they had to go south because of the lack of food.

Only then did Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu know why they appeared here.

And the clean clothes are just because they said that they were hiding in a military location in a nearby city, and they didn't encounter any zombies, so the clothes were clean as if they were before the end of the world.

So, on the one hand, the purpose of your appearance here is because you want to enter the base and turn the crystal base into your base? On the other hand, you want to study the origin of the supernatural beings?

Lu Jingxuan did not expect that these people were responsible for the virus, let alone that they knew that the virus was buried deep in the ground, but they still wanted to dig it out.

Isn't this intended to harm people?

Yes, I was shocked when I saw you being arrested. I didn't expect you to be caught here. Chen Yi thought that he would be very excited when he saw him, but he didn't expect that what he got in exchange was just an indifferent expression.

Well, you said that Commander Hu wanted to arrest us for research? But I saw that Commander Hu wanted us to help him enter the residence of the Crystal City Lord? Lu Jingxuan felt that Commander Hu probably wanted both.

It's not wrong for him to want to dominate the crystal base. Similarly, he also wants to find out the abilities of this supernatural person. After all, after his research, becoming a supernatural person can achieve a certain condition of immortality. Chen Yi looked at the two of them. He looked very surprised in his words, it seems that he didn't know about it.

Immortality? Are you kidding me? How can there be immortality in this world? Song Fengfu sneered.

Seeing that she didn't believe it at all, Chen Yi quickly said, This matter must make us believe that Commander Hu has a notebook in his hand. It is said that it is a notebook handed down by the Feng clan.

Feng family? Song Fengfu felt a little overwhelmed when he heard these four words.

Feng Clan?

Where did Commander Hu get the notes of the Feng clan.

Yes, I heard that the notes were found in a mountain village in the south. Commander Hu has been studying the contents of the notes after he got them. Later, after finding out that the contents recorded in the notes were related to viruses, they used mining as a Ming dug up the virus from the ground. Want to study the secret of immortality.

Chen Yi stared at the two people in front of him. They must have never imagined that the reason behind the appearance of this zombie was because he wanted to study the matter of immortality.

Immortality? If the Feng clan is really that powerful, wouldn't the world be full of people from the Feng clan? Song Fengfu felt that the so-called immortality was really ridiculous.

No, I heard that if you want to live forever, you must get something from the Feng clan. Chen Yi obviously still didn't believe Song Fengfu's appearance.

Something from the Feng clan? What is it? Lu Jingxuan didn't remember anything special in Song Fengfu's space.

I don't know, the notes obtained by Commander Hu lack the fragments behind, and I don't know if someone deliberately didn't want the contents behind to be discovered. Chen Yi sighed softly after finishing speaking.

Chen Yi, whose eyes were full of longing, saw Song Fengfu's eyes, and felt it was funny for a while.

Aren't you disappointed that you didn't get the secret recipe for immortality?

There was a sneer in Song Fengfu's words.

Chen Yi was silent for a while after listening to her words, then shook his head, Who doesn't want to live forever, and who doesn't want to live longer. Before, I thought immortality was just a dream, but since I saw this crystal base, I knew it wasn't a dream.

Oh? Do you think this crystal base is very special? Song Fengfu pricked up his ears, feeling that when he said this, he seemed to have plans for the crystal base.

Of course, in the notes of the Feng family, it is recorded that their ancestors built a castle made of materials purified from the beads in the heads of zombies in order to resist the attack of zombies. According to the records in the notes, this castle is It's the same as the crystal base you stayed in.

When Chen Yi said this, Lu Jingxuan's face changed slightly.

No way, everything is recorded in this diary, so are there other things recorded? Lu Jingxuan didn't expect that so many things would be recorded in this diary, which is really unexpected.

I'm not sure about this, and that's all I know.

Looking at Lu Jingxuan in front of him, Chen Yi shook his head.

Yeah. Lu Jingxuan looked at him, knowing so much should be enough, as for the rest, we can only find a way to get this note.

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