Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 383 Seven Four-Element Beads

Major Lu, you are considered a celebrity in the base, can you help me find a job in this base, I don't want to follow Commander Hu anymore. Chen Yi couldn't help but become nervous when he heard his faint hmm.

It turned out that his purpose was to stay in the crystal base.

After listening to what he said, Song Fengfu thought that he told herself these things, presumably in exchange for his interests in the base.

The most we can do is help you get a position in the mission center. As for the rest, you can only rely on yourself. Song Fengfu thought about it, who knows whether this Chen Yi will betray them in the future.

Just give him an idle job.

Chen Yi looked at Song Fengfu, but he didn't expect that she would find a job for him, so he was overjoyed.

No problem, no problem. Chen Yi nodded.

Well, the mission center is just ahead, I'll take you there. Looking at his expression at the moment, Lu Jingxuan knew that he must have escaped from Commander Hu's barracks.

When Chen Yi heard that Lu Jingxuan said to take him there now, he hesitated for a while, and finally chose to go to the mission center with him.

You are the most important thing compared to others, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Chen Yi decided to sever ties with other people before.

Inside the mission center, Chen Yi saw some bustling people, and at the same time, there was a woman sitting behind the mission center, Ren Yifei.

Chen Yi looked at her with a slight smile.

Chen Yi, wait here, I'll call the butler over. Lu Jingxuan walked into a room next to the hall where no one was allowed to enter, summoned the butler and gave some instructions.

Walking out of the room again, Lu Jingxuan followed behind the butler, watched him size up Chen Yi, and invited Chen Yi to the other room.

Let's leave the follow-up matters to the butler, let's go back. Lu Jingxuan cast a sideways glance at Ren Yifei who had no time to pay attention to them.

Now she is probably very busy, and she doesn't have time to pay attention to them.

Song Fengfu nodded and looked at Ren Yifei who seemed to be working at the moment.

I don't know if she is used to being here.

Back in the apartment, Song Fengfu avoided her parents and entered the space, followed closely by Lu Jingxuan.

Fengfu, what do you think of what Chen Yi said? Lu Jingxuan asked after entering the space, after analyzing what Chen Yi said, he felt that he had no clue.

Song Fengfu herself seemed shocked when Chen Yi mentioned the Feng clan, not to mention that after Chen Yi mentioned immortality and the crystal base, she had more thoughts in her heart.

Especially if they don't doubt that the city owner of the crystal base will live forever.

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu instantly felt a few black lines on her forehead.

live forever?

Those people are either crazy or just...

Song Fengfu suddenly thought of Feng Qu'er. At that time, she thought she was a soul. Now that she thinks about it, could she appear in front of her because of her immortality?

Song Fengfu's face froze instantly, Jing Xuan, didn't Chen Yi talk about immortality? Do you think there is really immortality in this world?

Immortality? Just kidding, if there is immortality in this world, it would be overcrowded. And you know, many people like to talk in sleep. Lu Jingxuan didn't care about immortality.

But how do we explain that Feng Qu'er can... Song Fengfu didn't know what to say.

Feng Qu'er appeared in front of them and said that he wanted to live in another world. Only living people can say the word life. dead? know what?

So Feng Qu'er must be a living person, and the environment they live in is in a more technological era.

Song Fengfu has reason to believe that they live in an Internet age, and this Internet age uses a network similar to myths.

When mentioning Song Fengfu's ancestor, Lu Jingxuan shook his head with a smile, No one knows whether your ancestor is alive or dead, let alone who can prove that she is immortal?

That's right. Song Fengfu nodded.

Yes, you think everyone has lived here for more than half a year. Who has seen the Crystal City Lord? It's not all kinds of guesses. In addition, if it takes a long time, we will ask the housekeeper to tell the outside world how many thousand years the Crystal Base City Master lived. , do you think they think this city lord is an old monster? Just as Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, Song Fengfu sneered.

Rumor has it that the city lord of this crystal base isn't called a god?

So no matter what they say about immortality, or what they say about becoming a god, in short, we just need to live well. Lu Jingxuan patted her head and smiled lightly.

Song Fengfu looked at him at the moment, Well, that man invited you to find supplies, will you go?

It depends on the situation. After all, we don't lack food and zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan looked at the cattle and sheep in the space. In the past few days, they got a lot from here in the base supermarket, but there were not many buyers, most of them were The aliens from outside.

These supernatural beings more or less appeared to have transformed into zombies.

Only a small number of people seemed to have eaten pure zombie beads, so they didn't turn into zombies at all.

However, no one knows when it will explode into zombies.

Thinking of Lin Yu's ability to purify zombie beads, Lu Jingxuan hurriedly said, Fengfu, do you still remember the man who invited me?

That man? I remember. Is there any problem? Song Fengfu looked at him suspiciously.

It's like this. When I was dealing with zombies, I found that after he killed those zombies, the zombie beads in the zombie's heads turned as if they had been purified by you. When Lu Jingxuan said this, Song Fengfu was slightly taken aback.

You said that this zombie orb seems to have been purified? How is this possible?

It's true, but he used the fire ability, I don't know if it has something to do with it, and what he ate was not the zombie orb, but these four elemental orbs. Lu Jingxuan watched Song Fengfu's eyes change. Surprised, he couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, there are other four-element beads besides you in this world.

I can't think of it. If he is not the only one in this world who has four element beads, then this crystal base may not be the only one in this world. Song Fengfu suddenly realized that she had fallen into a crystal base. Inside the abyss.

If there is more than one crystal base in this world, then human beings...

It shouldn't be possible. Lin Yu said he knew that it was a four-element bead, but what he didn't expect was that he only inherited two elements. One fire energy and one water energy. Lu Jingxuan looked at her, the four-element bead It's really surprising that it can only become two abilities.

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