Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 381 The Truth about the Appearance of Zombies

That's right. I heard that the crystal base has been around for more than half a year, but no one has seen the city lord in the crystal base. Commander Hu looked at the man, he knew what this meant?

Has anyone seen the city lord in the base? Commander, you said that if the city lord of the crystal base really exists, then it makes no sense not to appear.

The man pondered over Commander Hu's words.

Slightly nodding his head, Commander Hu turned his eyes to the gate of the crystal base with gloom.

The city owner of the crystal base, what kind of person would he be.

Well, go investigate and see if you can find a way to meet the city lord. Also, go talk to the steward and see if we can also get the right of residence.

Commander Hu took out the cigarette in his jacket pocket, and the only remaining cigarette could keep him awake.

Yes. The man saluted respectfully.

In the white glass-like crystal base, Lu Jingxuan was pulled into the city gate by Song Fengfu.

Okay, we'll be fine here. Lu Jingxuan stopped after entering the city gate.

Who is that army commander who dares to kidnap you? Song Fengfu couldn't help asking when he saw him stop.

He wants us to serve him. Jin Han stared at Song Fengfu's face. After the apocalypse, this Dong Shi could really rival Diao Chan as long as he was dressed cleanly.

What's more, Song Fengfu was originally very handsome, but now she looks like a great beauty.

Serve them? Why? Song Fengfu gave Jin Han a sideways glance. Isn't he that one?

They want to be the masters of this crystal base. Lin Yu looked at Song Fengfu lightly.

Being the master of this crystal base doesn't mean you can be one if you want to.

Just kidding, he wants to occupy the nest, he is too presumptuous. Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

Dare to hit her base idea.

he dreams.

There are many people who want to make a crystal base idea. It doesn't matter if one more or one less. Lu Jingxuan tugged at Song Fengfu's hand, she shouldn't be too obvious.

Their current status is residents, not owners.

That's right, sister-in-law, you don't have to worry, I think this Commander Hu is definitely no match for that city lord who has neither head nor tail. Jin Han blinked at Song Fengfu, and Song Fengfu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Can't fight? You sound like you really know the city lord. Song Fengfu couldn't help being stunned when he heard the word sister-in-law in his mouth.

He called himself sister-in-law?

Why does he call himself sister-in-law?

There should be no relationship between them.

Jin Han scratched his head and laughed dryly, Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, I just think that the city lord in this crystal base is more confusing.

Really? Anyway, when we met the city lord before, he was a very talkative old man. Song Fengfu looked at Jin Han in front of him. Did they start to wonder if there was a city lord in the crystal base?

Old man? When Jin Han heard these two words, there was indeed room for imagination.

Originally, he thought that the manager of this base would be a middle-aged man, but he didn't expect it to be an old man. What a surprise.

That's right, it's an old man. Song Fengfu nodded solemnly.

It seems that something is happening.

Is it difficult for the old man to manage the entire crystal base? And since he is so powerful, why did he create such a large base to cause trouble for himself? Jin Han felt strange.

Now is the end of the world, not before the end of the world. In a situation where everyone is in danger, who wants to protect themselves first, and how can they have time to meddle in other people's business?

But this city lord, instead of hiding his abilities, created this somewhat incomprehensible crystal base.

What is his purpose?

Let everyone have a shelter?

But he charged a high amount of zombie beads.

Who knows. Song Fengfu spread her hands, and she would never admit that she built this base in the future after killing her.

Okay, let's not talk about these things here, let's go back. Lu Jingxuan glanced at Jin Han, that guy really looked like a stunned young man.

Wait, Lu Jingxuan, I want to ask one thing. Lin Yu hurriedly said when he heard that he was going back.

Ask me something? What's the matter? Turning his head to look at Lin Yu, Lu Jingxuan frowned.

It's like this. Jin Han and I don't have many zombie beads. The two of us want to go out and collect some zombie beads. I wonder if you would like to go with us? Lin Yu looked at Lu Jingxuan in a daze. The abilities of the supernatural beings are there, as long as he is willing, they will be even more powerful.

They can earn dozens of buckets of small zombie beads every day, and they still care about such a little zombie beads.

Lu Jingxuan looked at him and thought for a while.

To go or not to go?

That Lin Yu, Lu Jingxuan and I have just gone through a cross-border trip, and we haven't recovered yet, so we won't go for the time being.

Hao Junnan could see that Lu Jingxuan was somewhat hesitant, after all, they had just returned from Germany.

Going into battle without resting for two days?

It's really hard to catch your breath.

Traveling across the country? Lin Yu couldn't help but wondered when he heard these words.

Come on, come on, let me talk to you two, Lu Jingxuan, you and your wife should go back first, so that she won't worry about you all the time. Throwing a wink at Lu Jingxuan, Hao Junnan pulled Lin Yu and the others Quickly walked towards the sorted out garden next to the apartment.

Watching the three of them leave, Song Fengfu turned her head.

There was a touch of relaxation on the playful little face.

Didn't you just go out and see why zombies appeared? How could it be captured?

I guess it's because we have supernatural powers. I remembered the military uniform on Commander Hu's body. That uniform was specially worn by some special research institute guards. Lu Jingxuan instantly felt that Commander Hu wanted to catch them not only want them to be used by them.

And more importantly, does Commander Hu want to study them?

Supply for the guards of the research institute? Just kidding, what are they researching? Do you need such guards? Song Fengfu looked at him suspiciously.

I don't know. I only remember that military uniforms like this only appeared half a year before the end of the world. At that time, a few strong soldiers were transferred from our army. Lu Jingxuan recalled the six months before the end of the world. It is true that several soldiers in the army were transferred away.

After those soldiers were transferred, they seemed to have disappeared completely, and they could not be contacted at all.

Unexpectedly, he saw one of them here.

What do you mean? Why do you want to transfer this strong soldier? Could it be to protect that research institute? Looking at the man in front of her, Song Fengfu couldn't figure out what was going on in the institute.

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