Hey, Marshal He, in fact, you know that there are some things that can't be explained clearly in a short while. At that time, the virus leak was deliberately done by someone. Commander Hu didn't expect that this incident would cause the whole world to panic. sensation.

Someone did it on purpose? He Long didn't know the reason, he only knew that the virus leak had a great impact on the whole world.

Yes, this incident was done secretly by an organization. His members infiltrated all the research institutes and created this incident at the same time. I just can't think of the purpose of the person who created this incident ?” Commander Hu looked at He Long with a hint of remorse.

If the virus from the research institute hadn't been leaked, and they hadn't connected it with the mine in order to cover up the incident, maybe it wouldn't be like this today.

He Long stared at him, his faint eyes were sparkling, and there was even a hint of calculation.

Old Hu, you have been in the institute for so long, it is impossible for you not to know who did this!

What kind of organization is this organization that has subverted the entire world?

Is their purpose only to subvert the whole world?

Marshal, stop joking, how could I know who did this, not to mention you also know that this incident spread all over the world at the same time. Commander Hu looked at He Long anxiously.

But you can't have no clue, right? Since you all know that they are an organization, then you must also know some clues about them. When He Long said this, Commander Hu shook his head.

Marshal, it's useless to say this now. Have you forgotten? It's the end of the world. In this end of the world, what we need now is how to survive? Instead of exploring things that no longer exist.

Things that don't exist, they dare to plan some inhumane things. Could it be that they won't leave a way out for themselves? He Long believed that since they dared to plan something, it was impossible not to leave a way out for themselves .

Marshal, since they are able to plan such things, it is absolutely impossible to leave any clues.

Commander Hu looked at He Long in front of him, so what if those people kept their backs, it was impossible for them to know.

What's more, now they have no way to find those people.

Forget it, with our current capabilities, if there is no way to restore the previous technology and information, there is indeed no way to find them. He Long sighed softly.

Even if those people are found, it is not known whether those people have a solution to the virus.

Marshal, don't think so much. Now I don't have any requirements for the end of the world, I just hope to survive. Commander Hu originally thought that if he could control the supernatural beings, he might be able to become king in this crystal base sooner or later, but Unexpectedly, there are other forces in this crystal base.

In this way, it seems difficult for him to have his own power in the crystal base.

This morning he sent his subordinates to investigate the affairs of the base, and found that He Long had become the acting head of the base in the base. In this way, if he wanted to enter the base, he had to obey He Long's words.

And judging from the information he has so far, it would be impossible for him to get a free house in this base.

Thinking of this, Commander Hu's face darkened, damn it, if he could find a way to change all this, I don't know how good it would be.

Think about the abundant materials in this crystal base, and this crystal base does not need to be attacked by zombies at all.

In addition, the house looks very strong, and it will not be attacked by zombies at all.

If he can stay at this base for a long time, he will definitely achieve great things in the future.

At least he doesn't have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation now.

Survive? It's not easy, Lao Hu. I can't accept your troops for the time being. The place the city lord gave me is too small to accommodate you. He Long recalled the butler's will, and it was impossible to accommodate more in such a small space. Many soldiers were stationed.

Although the number of soldiers brought by Commander Hu was only a few hundred, it was still a lot.

According to the distribution, at least four or five villas are needed to accommodate so many people.

Fortunately, Commander Hu had already prepared in his heart when he heard what he said, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

It doesn't matter, it's still the same when we are stationed outside.

Listening to the words of the person in front of him with some disappointment, Commander Hu couldn't help clenching his lowered hand slightly.

Old Hu, if you can't, you can go to the mountain. The old bear is on the mountain. He Long pointed to the house that could be seen in the distance and said to Commander Hu.

The house located halfway up the mountain is a famous school and the army that Old Xiong is now leading.

Forget it, the power here is unclear now, I'd better not bother them. Commander Hu waved his hand after speaking.

Since you don't want to take care of the old bear, I'll go and bring some food to your brother.

Looking at him, He Long suddenly softened his heart.

Thank you very much. Commander Hu stared at He Long in front of him, food is better than no food.

It's all brothers, don't say such polite words. He Long patted him on the shoulder.

Said he was a brother, Commander Hu thought in his heart, He Long probably didn't regard him as a brother at all.

After talking for a while, Commander Hu watched He Long leave.

Commander, just let them go like this? Standing beside Commander Hu, a man frowned.

Staring at He Long's back, Commander Hu snorted coldly, Otherwise, do you have a better way? This crystal base doesn't look like a simple place.

Commander, if it doesn't work, shall we investigate the residence of Crystal City Lord at night? The man asked Commander Hu.

Night inspection of Crystal City Lord's residence, do you think we have a way to get in now? Commander Hu squinted at the man.

Where is this crystal base so easy to enter as you wish?

The man's face changed slightly, and he immediately became cautious. Commander, I have studied that the building material of this crystal base is made of the same material as the zombie beads.

Really? So what? I heard that the crystal base used to have a small area, but now it has doubled in size. Commander Hu looked at him.

This crystal base doesn't look like a dead thing.

Double in size? The commander means that this base is not as simple as it looks? the man said respectfully.

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