Lin Yu, who heard the word welcome, knew that the other party also intended to make friends with them, so he quickly said, Let me introduce myself first, my name is Lin Yu, I am 27 years old, and I come from Jiangxi. The fire element is different from the water element capable.

My name is Jin Han, I'm twenty-six years old, and I'm also from Jiangxi. I'm an earth-type supernatural being. Jin Han stretched out his hand, and Lu Jingxuan reached out to hold his hand.

Looking at the two with deep eyes, Lu Jingxuan could feel their formidable strength.

Especially Lin Yu turned out to be a dual-line power user, which is so surprising.

So far, he hasn't seen any dual-line abilities, but he didn't expect to meet him now.

As for Jin Han's earth-type ability, it is really surprising.

With a slight smile, Lu Jingxuan introduced himself.

My name is Lu Jingxuan, I'm twenty-seven this year, and I'm a person with wind ability.

I'm Hao Junnan, twenty-eight this year, a space power user.

After Lu Jingxuan finished introducing himself, Hao Junnan also introduced himself.

After hearing the introduction of the two, Lin Yu and Jin Han couldn't help but said in surprise, You are also supernatural beings? That's great, we will have companionship when we go out to collect supplies.

Jin Han looked at the two people in front of him, but he didn't expect that they were also supernatural beings. In this way, they could go together to find supplies.

Do you often go out to look for supplies? Lu Jingxuan couldn't help being curious when he heard him say that they were traveling together.

After all, he and Song Fengfu have more opportunities to use the space vehicle most of the time, and rarely go out to look for supplies like other people.

Jin Han looked at him and nodded, When we came from Jiangsu, because we didn't have space powers along the way, we could only collect supplies continuously. Until we met Zhao Chen and the three of them.

Did you meet the three of them in Jiangxi? Lu Jingxuan heard that the accents of Zhao Chen and the three of them really didn't resemble the accents of Jiangxi people.

Yes, we met the three of them in Jiangxi. At that time, the three of them stayed with some people in the refuge. Because Zhao Chen has a space, Zhao Chen doesn't have to be afraid that other people will bully them. And we were later... Jin Han was not afraid of Lu Jingxuan and Hao Junnan's jokes, and said something about their coming from Jiangsu.

After listening to his words, Lu Jingxuan revealed a look of uncertainty.

So they came all the way from Yunnan, and because they have supernatural powers, they will come here with you after arriving with a group of asylum seekers?

After listening to Jin Han's words, Lu Jingxuan filtered some information in his mind.

Yes, after all, Lin Yu and I are both supernatural beings, so after we form a team together, we will join forces. What's more, Lin Yu and I have no home anymore, and we have collected a lot of materials along the way A spatial ability user is also beneficial.

Jin Han didn't expect that they would come here after they went all the way south and entered Fujian.

This sanctuary full of mystery.

Although I don't have a special understanding of this place, but judging from the appearance of this place, it is suitable for settlement.

At least the building is brand new, and zombies will definitely not be able to enter.

The key is that there is no need to worry about zombies appearing at any time while sleeping.

Think of the dark days before.

At that time, the shelter was freezing cold, and people died almost every day.

There are no heat preservation measures, no oxygen supply, if it is not that the place where they are located is a large underground shopping mall, plus the oxygen supply in the space of Zhao Chen and another space ability user, they are probably dead at this moment. land.

Thinking of this, Jin Han still admires the space power user in his heart.

It can be counted that among all the supernatural beings, the spatial supernatural beings are considered to be against the sky.

At least when the zombies came, everyone was tired of running for their lives. For those with space abilities, they just needed to hide in the space.

There is food, clothing, drink, and shelter. It would be a lie to say that such a life is not happy.

Are there many people with space abilities over there? Lu Jingxuan looked at Jin Han in front of him.

The outside of the crystal base experienced a sub-zero cold before. If they didn't hide in this crystal base, they might not be able to survive.

Shaking his head, Jin Han recalled the scene at that time, Not many, there were only two people with space abilities on our side at that time.

Two people? That's really a little small. Lu Jingxuan remembered that before the crystal base, there were at least a dozen spatial abilities, even if not many.

Yeah, because of the cold and no oxygen supply at that time, we relied on the oxygen stored in the space of the space powers. At that time, we were dying every day, without eating or drinking, and most of the people who survived in the end were left over from cannibalism.

Looking at Lu Jingxuan in front of him, Jin Han remembered that those years were truly hell on earth.

Cannibalism? Hey, this kind of situation happens everywhere, and the base I stayed in before is the same, otherwise I wouldn't have stolen the helicopter and ran out. As soon as Hao Junnan spoke, Lu Jingxuan remembered that he came The time did come in a helicopter.

There were two other men following him at the time, and it is unknown where these two men are now.

Helicopter? There is still a helicopter? Then where is your helicopter? Looking at Hao Junnan in front of him, Jin Han couldn't help but smile.

Looking at Jin Han's face, Hao Junnan sighed softly.

The plane has been taken away by the base, and I don't know where the helicopter is now.

That's such a pity, otherwise we could quickly go to the city to collect some useful supplies with the helicopter. Jin Han couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

Lin Yu laughed aloud, What a pity, the helicopter is so loud, if you enter the city, you may be followed by a group of zombies.

Brother Lin Yu, you just hope that I will be chased by zombies. Rolling his eyes, Jin Han looked at Lin Yu pitifully.

Now the zombies in the city will run after the place where the sound is made when they hear any movement. You can hear the sound of the helicopter from a long distance. If you park the plane on top of a building, do you think the zombies will surround you? Downstairs in this building, I'm waiting to climb upstairs to eat you. When Lin Yu said this, Lu Jingxuan felt very funny when he thought of that scene.

Okay, the gate of the city has arrived, let's go outside to see the situation. Lu Jingxuan looked out of the nearly twenty-meter-wide city wall.

I don't know what's going on outside now.

Brother Xuan, can I call you that? After all, Jin Han was younger than Lu Jingxuan, and felt that calling him this way would at least bring their relationship closer.

Lu Jingxuan nodded slightly.

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