Auntie, how did cousin die? Zhao Chen felt a little unbelievable. After all, Yuan Shaoming was strong and strong, unlike Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun who were old after all. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have died. right.

Zhou Dongmei bit her lower lip sadly, how could Yuan Shaoming's death make her speak.

Died because of a woman, Zhao Chen would not believe it if it was said.

What's more, there are other people here.

If she told the cause of Yuan Shaoming's death, she would definitely be ridiculed by others.

She didn't want her son to be ridiculed by anyone, Chenchen, your cousin is sick and there is no medicine to cure him, so he...

I understand, auntie, don't be too sad, I believe that my cousin is in heaven... Zhao Chen wanted to comfort Zhou Dongmei, but before he finished speaking, Hao Junnan sneered.

Jingxuan, are you saying that you are opening your eyes and saying something scary. It is clear that her son was given by a woman... to say that he is sick, he must have a venereal disease.

As soon as Hao Junnan's words came out, Lu Jingxuan twitched the corners of his mouth, Junnan, it's not good for you to say that. After all, Yuan Shaoming escaped with us at any rate.

That's right, I didn't expect that only the three of us survived in the end. Hao Junnan sighed softly.

Lu Jingxuan nodded lightly, seeing that Zhou Dongmei's face became a little ugly.

Don't you two know that death is the greatest thing? Don't you think it's too much to say that about a dead person? Zhou Dongmei turned her head and glared at the people in front of her.

Is it too much? He knows what he has done, so he is afraid that others will say it? Hao Junnan snorted.

You... Zhou Dongmei stared at Hao Junnan in front of her, her heart was on fire.

What are you talking about? How did my cousin offend you? You actually said that about my cousin. Zhao Chen turned to look at Hao Junnan, and immediately felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard the word venereal disease.

With a sneer, Hao Junnan took a look at Zhao Chen, and saw that her whole body was not at all like a refugee from the end of the world.

The mouth is on my body. I can say whatever I want. If you have the ability, you can seal my mouth? Hao Junnan gave Zhao Chen a cold look, and the people around couldn't help frowning.

Standing beside Zhao Chen, Shu Yu looked at Hao Junnan and Lu Jingxuan, faintly feeling that these two people were not simple.

Zhao Chen, let's forget it, the mouth is born on people, they can say whatever they want.

Then how is it possible? My cousin is the general manager of a big company with a wealth of wealth. Such an identity is not to say that he is prominent, but at least he can't be said to be like this. Hit Hao Junnan with his palm.

Seeing this, Lu Jingxuan quickly grabbed Zhao Chen's hand.

There was a touch of coldness on the handsome face.

So what about the wealth? Why don't you let people tell you that you have done something shady?

I can't see the light? What do you mean I can't see the light? What will my cousin do that can't be seen? Zhao Chen didn't know that Yuan Shaoming had completely changed.

According to the previous understanding of Yuan Shaoming, Yuan Shaoming is a very upright boy, why would he do something shady?

How can people say this? Lu Jingxuan looked at Zhao Chen with a smile, thinking about how to say this in his mind.

It's hard to say? Or are you making it up? If this is before the end of the world, I will definitely sue you for defamation, believe it or not.

Zhao Chen stared at Lu Jingxuan in front of him, no matter what he said, it must be slanderous.

With a chuckle, Lu Jingxuan turned his head and looked at Hao Junnan, Junnan, has anyone in the base been talking about Yuan Shaoming's possession of James' wife and sister these two days?

Hehe, I've heard about this too, but I didn't expect it to be true. Hao Junnan didn't expect Yuan Shaoming to occupy James' wife and sister after being with the fat woman not long ago.

It's really surprising and I don't know how to describe it.

Fortunately, he is dead now, otherwise, how many women in the base would suffer.

There is nothing wrong with it. Yuan Shaoming maliciously took over his wife and sister. What is the difference between this behavior and the Japanese devils? Lu Jingxuan squinted at Zhao Chen. What he said was not too straightforward. If it was more straightforward, it would be, Yuan Shaoming is basically the two sisters-in-law in QJ.

What nonsense are you talking about? How could my cousin possess someone else's wife and daughter. Zhao Chen didn't believe Yuan Shaoming would do such a thing.

But looking at the expressions of Hao Junnan and Lu Jingxuan in front of them, it was obvious that this was the case.

The story about your cousin has spread throughout the base. If you don't believe it, you can ask. Who doesn't know about Yuan Shaoming's shit. Hao Junnan looked down on people like Yuan Shaoming the most.

Seeing the faces of Hao Junnan and Lu Jingxuan, Shu Yu blushed slightly.

Holding Zhao Chen's hand, he said, Zhao Chen, I think it's better to investigate this matter thoroughly. If your cousin is really that kind of person, wouldn't we...

Shu Yu, what's the matter with you? Are you still my friend? Hearing Shu Yu's words, Zhao Chen's face became ugly.

Zhao Chen, what Shu Yu said is correct. It is impossible for someone to wrong your cousin for no reason. If your cousin did not do this, there would be no such rumors.

Lin Yu looked at Zhao Chen in front of him. As soon as he said this, Zhao Chen's expression changed again.

Lu Jingxuan looked at Lin Yu, This gentleman is right. Yuan Shaoming would not have been killed if he hadn't done this, so what caused his death was what he did.

Jing Xuan, we don't need to talk nonsense with them, the elevator is here, let's go outside and see why zombies appear.

Hao Junnan watched the elevator door open, and then said.

Let's go, let's see what's going on outside. Lu Jingxuan watched Lin Yu and Jin Han go out, and hurriedly followed.

Hao Junnan gave Zhao Chen a sideways glance, and quickly followed him out.

Seeing that Lin Yu didn t even look at him, Zhao Chen stamped his feet angrily.

Auntie, where do you live? I'll visit you when I'm free.

Zhao Chen wanted to chase her out anxiously. Zhou Dongmei looked at her and wanted to say a lot, but felt that this occasion was really inappropriate.

We live in... After Zhou Dongmei reported the house number, Zhao Chen ran out eagerly after listening.

Out of the apartment, Lin Yu and Jin Han stopped and looked at Lu Jingxuan and Hao Junnan behind them.

The two of you are going outside to check on the situation of the zombies. I wonder if we can take the two of us with us.

Welcome. Lu Jingxuan still couldn't find a chance to chat with them, and it happened that they wanted to come to him again, so that would save him from looking for them.

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