Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 376 Special Zombie Orb

Brother Xuan, you said we go out like this, and if we come in again, should we hand over the zombie beads? Jin Han thought distressedly that he didn't have many zombie beads in his hand.

He still doesn't know how much zombie beads he will spend if he goes back and forth.

No, there is a system at the gate of the city that will automatically identify your identity and your situation in the base. If you have a house in the base, you can freely enter and leave the base. Lu Jingxuan looked at Jin Han in front of him with a smile.

Then, as long as we live in this base for a day, we can enter the base at any time? Jin Han blinked his eyes. He heard that many people wanted to carry water from the base to sell outside. Maybe he was not Consider saying...

Don't mess around with your brain. You can enter the base at any time, but it doesn't mean that you can sell the free water in the base. If you do such a thing and offend the city lord, it will be difficult to handle. Lu Jingxuan knew that there were quite a few people who were interested in water resources in the base, but they were finally invited out.

When Jin Han heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he smiled wryly, That's right, offending the city lord is not a joke.

Let's go, let's go outside to see the situation. Lu Jingxuan felt that the outside was really strange. Logically speaking, if there were zombies, someone should find them, but the zombies seemed to suddenly...


Jin Han nodded.

The four walked out of the base, and the world outside was in chaos.

I don't know how to describe the messy world outside.

Many soldiers pointed their guns at a group of biting zombies behind the running crowd.

Lu Jingxuan looked at those zombies, and some faces were very familiar.

It looks like I have seen it in the base before.

Quick, hit the zombie's head. A soldier picked up a machine gun and shot at the zombie's head.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the group of zombies, the speed was very fast, as soon as the bullets reached them, they had already run away without a trace, let alone hit their heads.

I'll go, why are these zombies so powerful? Jin Han quickly used his earth-type ability, and saw mud hands stretched out from the ground to grab the zombies.

Lu Jingxuan had never seen an earth-type supernatural being, and he didn't know that this earth-type supernatural being could be so powerful.

After seeing the zombie caught by the mud hand, Lu Jingxuan used the wind knife without thinking.

Wow, brother Xuan, your speed is really fast. Looking at the zombie whose head had been cut off in half, Jin Han was extremely surprised.

Thank you, that's all I can do. Lu Jingxuan glanced at the zombie whose head had been cut off, and then turned to look at the other zombies, only to see that they were quickly burned to ashes by Lin Yu's fire ability .

In just a few seconds, the zombies were burned to ashes.

Lu Jingxuan thought that his fire ability could at most burn zombies into black charcoal, not ashes.

However, Lin Yu's ability is too strong.

No wonder that Zhao Chen wanted to follow him because he was strong enough.

There should be no zombies. Lin Yu looked around, and seeing people's eyes flashing with fear, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Walking in front of the ashes, Lin Yu took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and quickly put them on.

Then he took out the zombie bead from the ashes. The crystal clear zombie bead seemed to have no impurities in it.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the zombie bead in his hand, and there seemed to be no difference from the zombie bead that Song Fengfu had evolved.

Wow, brother Lin Yu, this zombie bead looks so pure. Jin Han ran to Lin Yu and looked at the zombie bead in his hand.

Transparent like crystal.

As before, this zombie bead is purer than those found by others. Lin Yu put away the zombie bead and looked in other directions.

When Lu Jingxuan saw the zombie whose head had been cut off by himself, many people immediately ran up and buckled it into the zombie's head, as if they wanted to pick out the zombie pearl from inside.

Hey, hello, that's the zombie I killed, don't touch my zombie beads. Jin Han couldn't help shouting when he saw that the zombie beads in the head of the zombie killed by Lu Jingxuan had been taken away.

However, those people would not listen to Jin Han's words, picked up the zombie beads and ran towards another road.

I'll go, you bandits.

The people Jin Han looked at eagerly, although they were just a few zombie beads, they were zombie beads after all.

What he lacks most now is the zombie beads.

Jin Han, it's just a few zombie beads. I'll give you what you want. Lin Yu threw the zombie beads in his hand to Jin Han.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yu would throw the zombie bead to him, Jin Han smiled and took the zombie bead from Lin Yu's hand.

Lu Jingxuan looked at Jin Han as if he was a treasure, so why should he be so happy with only a few zombie beads?

There's nothing special about this zombie bead. Why do you look so excited, Jin Han? Lu Jingxuan didn't understand what kind of situation Jin Han was in.

Isn't it just a zombie bead? Is it necessary to look like this?

This zombie bead is special. This zombie bead will not cause side effects, and only this zombie bead can make people become real supernatural beings.

Jin Han blinked at Lu Jingxuan.

You mean that this zombie bead can definitely turn people into supernatural beings instead of zombies? Lu Jingxuan couldn't help frowning when he heard his words.

In this way, isn't the zombie bead in the brain of the zombie killed by Lin Yu the same as the zombie bead made by Song Fengfu?

But in contrast, Song Fengfu had to purify the zombie beads.

There is one more process.

And Lin Yu can purify the zombie beads without an extra process at all.

In comparison, Lin Yu is even more powerful.

That's right, there was a treasure in Brother Lin Yu's house before, it was a crystal clear bead. Brother Lin Yu accidentally ate it by mistake and became a person with supernatural powers, with two supernatural powers of fire and water.

After Jin Han finished speaking, Lu Jingxuan thought that the bead might also be a four-element bead?

If it is a four-element bead, it is impossible to have only two abilities of fire and water.

Lu Jingxuan looked at Lin Yu, and suddenly felt a feeling in his heart that he didn't know how to describe.

Could this man be hiding something?

Is that bead also a zombie bead? Hao Junnan frowned after hearing what Jin Han said.

Yes, but I heard from my ancestors that the bead is a four-element bead and should contain four elements, but I only got two elements.

Lin Yu looked at Hao Junnan and shook his head.

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