For so long in the end of the world, garment factories have not produced clothes for a long time, not to mention that it is very difficult to find a clean dress outside now.

Not to mention the strangeness of this soldier, the clothes he was wearing were also a little outrageous.

Song Fengfu couldn't help wondering where the soldier came from.

The soldier glanced at Song Fengfu, and his cold face darkened instantly, I'm sorry, our origin is confidential, and I hope you two don't explore it.

Don't explore?

Song Fengfu waited on her face, but she snorted coldly in her heart.

The more mysterious it is, the more it makes people want to find out the truth.

We understand this. Lu Jingxuan nodded.

Since I have already asked what I should ask, I will not bother you. The soldier looked at the two, and many rumors from the outside world flashed through his mind.

For the mysterious and unpredictable city lord, although the details of the two people in front of him are clear, but now it seems that they are somewhat incomprehensible.

The soldier stood up from the sofa, and Lu Jingxuan hurriedly sent him out the door.

This man is so strange. I don't know where he came from. His clothes are so clean, and he really looks a bit pre-apocalyptic. Song Fengfu said in a low voice, looking at the soldier's back.

I think his military uniform is a bit different from ours. I don't know where he came from. Lu Jingxuan recalled the clothes worn by this soldier, but he had never seen them before, especially...

Then we won't be able to find out their details? Song Fengfu faintly felt a very bad premonition.

For some reason, she always felt as if something was about to happen.

After pondering for a while, Lu Jingxuan wondered if they might go to He Long?

They will definitely go to the marshal. If they want to gain a foothold in this base, they will definitely find ways to obtain the information they want through various channels.

Song Fengfu thought about it, and her eyes moved, Then we can know what they want to do through the marshal?

Well, anyway, let's wait and see what happens. Lu Jingxuan was about to close the door when a voice came from outside.

Hao Junnan, there are zombies outside the base, don't go out, it's too dangerous outside. An unfamiliar voice came from Hao Junnan's apartment. Hearing this voice, Lu Jingxuan remembered that there was a woman in Hao Junnan's apartment before. , It seems to be called Zhao Ying.

Don't worry, I still have the ability to protect myself, so I'll go see how there are zombies outside. Hao Junnan patted Zhao Ying's shoulder, and as soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw a small opening on Lu Jingxuan's side. This is how he plans to go out.

Jingxuan, are you planning to go out? Hao Junnan looked at Lu Jingxuan and walked out generously after realizing that he was staring at him.

Nodding his head slightly, Lu Jingxuan recalled their conversation just now, and raised his deep eyes slightly, Yes, I just heard you say that zombies appeared outside the base, what's going on? Isn't it a long time since no zombies appeared?

I don't know, I also saw the noise outside and heard that there were zombies outside.

After receiving Hao Junnan's gaze, Zhao Ying said to Lu Jingxuan.

So that's it, Junnan, are you planning to go out and take a look now? Lu Jingxuan turned his gaze to Hao Junnan.

Well, I happen to be going to the supermarket. Hao Junnan nodded slightly.

Then I'll go with you. I just happened to go outside to see why zombies appeared. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, Hao Junnan nodded again.

Jingxuan, I'll go with you, okay? Song Fengfu always felt a little worried about them.

Pulling Lu Jingxuan's clean white shirt, Song Fengfu stared at Lu Jingxuan in front of her.

Junnan, wait for me, I'll have a word with Fengfu. Lu Jingxuan said lightly to Hao Junnan.

Hao Junnan, who didn't know what secret the young couple had to say, said with a smile, Please go ahead.

Lu Jingxuan dragged Song Fengfu into the room.

Song Fengfu saw his expression and knew that he didn't want to let herself go.

You want to go out alone? Song Fengfu pouted a bit unhappy.

Division of labor and cooperation, you ask the stewards to pay attention to the movements of the marshal and that soldier, so as to avoid any unexpected things happening in the base. Lu Jingxuan was a little worried about the situation there.

There is another important point. When he heard the word zombie when he just went out, he remembered that the clothes worn by the soldiers seemed to be the clothes worn by a special department.

That hidden secret department.

Okay. Song Fengfu nodded helplessly.

Good boy, I'm going out. Lu Jingxuan rubbed her face and kissed her, Song Fengfu looked at his face and sighed softly.

Let's go. Leaving the apartment, Lu Jingxuan said something to Hao Junnan, and then walked towards the elevator.

Hao Junnan trotted up.

Entering the elevator, the two looked at the first floor of the elevator, and Yuan Shaoming's parents appeared in front of them.

It's you. Zhou Dongmei looked at Lu Jingxuan, thinking that isn't he Song Fengfu's boyfriend?

So it's Mrs. Yuan, are you going out? Lu Jingxuan looked at Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun. Their son died unexpectedly yesterday. Now that they have lost their support, how should they live?

Zhou Dongmei snorted coldly, the dark circles under her eyes looked very heavy on her haggard face.

Since she knew her son was dead, she had no desire now.

Even if she really died, she wouldn't care.

After Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun entered the elevator, the entire elevator became slightly awkward in an instant.

On the next floor, Lu Jingxuan, who did not expect to see Lin Yu and others, raised a slight smile.

Unexpectedly, they would be two floors downstairs. Lu Jingxuan was surprised when five people entered the elevator.

Zhao Chen wanted to get together with Lin Yu. After entering the elevator, when he wanted to tell Lin Yu to let him live with him, Zhou Dongmei suddenly yelled.


Hearing these two words spit out from Zhou Dongmei's mouth, Zhao Chen turned his head and looked, Auntie, is that you? Why are you here?

Chenchen, it really is you. I didn't expect my aunt to see you. Zhou Dongmei looked at Zhao Chen in front of her. She really didn't expect to see her relatives.

Auntie, what is going on here? Why are you here? Where is my cousin? Where is my cousin? Zhao Chen looked towards Zhou Dongmei, only seeing Yuan Mingkun, but not Yuan Shaoming.

Your cousin... your cousin is dead. Zhou Dongmei's choked words escaped from her mouth.

Zhao Chen showed a painful expression when he heard Zhou Dongmei's words.

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