Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 348 The People in the Space

Hearing James' voice, Louis hurried forward.

Looking at the aquatic products in the full pond, I was very surprised.

Lily, Annie, hurry up and help, and fish these shrimps and crabs. When Louis jumped into the pool and was about to fish this fish, Yuan Shaoming shouted, No.

You are not allowed to fish anything here.

Yuan Shaoming shouted.

They are not allowed to fish anything here?

What a joke, if you eat or not, you are a fool.

Hearing Yuan Shaoming's words, James' face darkened.

Mr. Yuan, what do you mean? You don't want us to eat, do you want to starve us to death?

Everything here is mine, and I have the right to handle all the food here. You are just a passer-by in my space now. If you want to eat, you must at least ask me what the owner means.

Yuan Shaoming sneered, they probably want to regard this place as their own.

Mr. Yuan, do you mean that you don't want us to eat? James' face darkened.

Seeing the fat fish, shrimp and crab can't be eaten, it's really uncomfortable, isn't it?

Have you forgotten who is the owner here? Yuan Shaoming looked at the fish, shrimp and crabs in the pool and curled his lips.

Okay, you are the master and you are the master. James snorted coldly, but he wanted to see how he would deal with it.

Louis, you come up, I'll get you fish, but you get the pot first. Yuan Shaoming took out some props from the space, thinking about the fish and shrimp in the pool, if you want to salvage, I'm afraid it's better to use fishing nets good.

It's just that the fishing net doesn't exist in his space.

Thinking of a way, Yuan Shaoming tied up the two trouser legs of his trousers.

He took out the wire and wooden sticks, and made the trousers into a funnel-like existence.

After fishing in the pool for a while, there were a lot of fish and shrimps in the pants.

After throwing the pants on the grass, Yuan Shaoming took out the pots and bowls from the warehouse.

There's wood over there, and I'll leave the rest to you. Yuan Shaoming glanced at the people in front of him. He had already got food for them, and now it's up to them to do it.

James looked at the pants in front of him. He didn't know how many fish, shrimps and crabs were in them, and he didn't know if they were enough for the group of them.

I haven't tasted this taste for a long time, and James really wants to have a good meal.

Pouring everything out of his pants, James looked at only a dozen shrimp and three fish and six crabs in front of him.

Where is such a little enough to eat?

Prince, I'm coming. Louis looked at James and called, I'm coming.

Louis, is that over to you?

After James finished speaking, he went to the other side to sit and rest.

After seeing Louis in front of him call Annie and Lily for help, James was also happy and relaxed.

What he didn't expect was that when Louis was about to salvage the trousers in the pool for the second time, Yuan Shaoming immediately scolded, What do you want to do? Do you still want to fish again? I let you eat these already very much for you. Save face, don't push me too hard, or don't blame me for driving you out.

He could clearly see the situation outside. Now the whole bus outside was covered with rattan, and now they had been drawn into an unknown place.

Looking out of the space into the darkness, he didn't even know why, but he had a condescending feeling.

Hearing Yuan Shaoming's angry words, the others didn't dare to act recklessly.

If they were thrown out, there would be only a dead end, and they didn't dare to try this.

And now they have to rely on Yuan Shaoming to live.

Thinking of this, everyone feels very sad.

When Fu came out, she was wearing a very clean dress.

Looking at the clothes his sister was wearing, James looked at his own clothes, which were already dirty and could not be more dirty.

Wearing such clothes on his body immediately made him feel very uncomfortable.

Mr. Yuan, can you allow me to take a bath with this water? James looked at the continuous flow of water, as if there was no end.

I don't know where the water came from, and I don't know where the water ends up. In short, the water is alive. At least this can ensure that they always use clean water.

Hearing his words that he wanted to take a bath, Yuan Shaoming glanced at the space, and then separated a line from the running water to flow to the other side.

At that moment, a large pit appeared in that place, and the area was only about four square meters.

Looking at the big puddle, Yuan Shaoming glanced at James beside him, After the puddle next to you is filled with water, you can go wash it!

Thank you, thank you! James nodded.

Taking out another tent from the warehouse, Yuan Shaoming surrounded the bathing place so that no one could see him taking a bath.

Soon the fish, shrimps and crabs were made into food, smelling the fragrance of the pot, Yuan Shaoming made the staple food and some alcohol and tobacco from the warehouse.

Seeing what he made, everyone was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him that he still had such good things, and everyone greedily looked at the cigarettes and alcohol around him.

It's because men have never been hostile to these two.

Seeing this long-lost thing, James stared dryly and swallowed, he really wanted to rush over and grab those food directly.

God knows where Yuan Shaoming got so much good food.

Okay, don't say I won't give you food, now you have everything from fish, shrimp and crab, plus staple food, as well as tobacco and alcohol, so you can be as happy as gods!

Looking at the group of people in front of him, in order to return to China, on the one hand, he had to control everyone's diet, and at the same time, he had to find a way to use them to return to China.

As long as he returns to China, he can get rid of these people.

What kind of delicious food is there for good wine and good food? He doesn't need to entertain these people anymore.

When everyone frantically snatched the food in front of them like refugees, Yuan Shaoming snorted coldly, everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked at him with eyes.

Mr. Yuan, I'm really sorry, we really... James couldn't stand the smell in front of him at all, even if he was going to be kicked out, he still wanted to take everything in front of him for himself.

All the food here belongs to you. Now you can go to the side and eat slowly. Yuan Shaoming didn't like staying with them, who seemed like refugees.

Walking to the edge of the pool, Yuan Shaoming fished out the fish and crabs inside, quickly cooked them and tasted them all by himself.

Everyone looked at him and felt very uncomfortable.

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