Turning their heads, everyone seemed to automatically ignore him, completely ignoring the expression on his face.

Staring at the outside of the space, Louis noticed the darkness outside, not to mention not even a reflected light,

How strange, where the hell are they now?

Louis finished eating the crab in his hand, and threw the shell out of the space. In an instant, they felt that there was a surface outside, a surface like a mirror.

The crab shell was thrown out and bounced back. Could it be that the things inside couldn't get out?

Louis frowned, and was about to ask Yuan Shaoming about the situation outside, when he saw a gleam of fire outside, and soon the fire seemed to be a torn hole, and it gradually glowed more and more orange. .

Looking at the light in front of him, Louis shouted to Yuan Shaoming, Mr. Yuan, it seems that the outside is surrounded by fire.

Originally, Yuan Shaoming ate good wine and good food, but after hearing his yelling, his expression turned slightly ugly. Couldn't a meal give people peace?

What's your name? Can you be quiet? Looking at Louis in front of him, Yuan Shaoming scolded, then stood up from the ground where he was sitting and walked towards the entrance of the space.

The flames ushered in the pitch-black world, which should have made people feel very happy, but Yuan Shaoming looked at the flames outside, and the flames were getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't help showing a little doubt.

At the same time, the sound outside the space also entered the ears of everyone.

The sound of crackling and crackling wood can be heard everywhere.

Where did the cane get them involved?

Looking at the raging fire outside, Yuan Shaoming knew that going out now would undoubtedly be a dead end.

It's just why there is a raging fire outside, and why is there such a situation outside?

Yuan Shaoming didn't know that they had been involved in the huge wooden ball.

I don't even know that all the vines are concentrated here to resist.

Just like a child has a rebellious psychology, all rattans also have a rebellious psychology.

They want to destroy the enemies they cannot destroy, they want to kill Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu.

So when they knew that the fire was set by them, the first thing they thought of was to eliminate the fire, destroy them, otherwise they would be the ones who were eliminated.

However, Huokemu, this is a matter destined by heaven, even if they want to change it, it is already too late.

The raging fire has begun to burn along the skin of the wooden ball, making the inside appear hollow.

But even if the inside of the wooden ball is hollow, the temperature is not low at all.

It's strange that the skin doesn't peel off after going out in the high temperature of hundreds of degrees.

Yuan Shaoming and others couldn't see the hollow structure at all, they could only see the burning fire in front of them.

Suddenly there was a sound of falling outside, and Yuan Shaoming glanced outside, only to see that the frame of the bus had been exposed in the flames, and the frame fell to the road nearly ten meters below as the flames reappeared.

It turned out that the vine had already drawn them into a place nearly ten meters high.

At the moment when the bus landed, Yuan Shaoming looked outside as if it were daytime, and the whole world was bright.

Where are we? James looked at Yuan Shaoming in front of him. Does he know what's going on now?

Yuan Shaoming thought for a while, Do you still remember that huge wooden ball?

You mean we are inside the wooden ball now? The appearance of the wooden ball appeared in James' mind. Are they inside the wooden ball now?

It should be like this. Otherwise, how could we appear in this day-like world? Yuan Shaoming looked outside. If they are all inside the wooden ball, how can they leave the inside of the wooden ball?

What on earth is this wooden ball for? Why do we have to wrap us all in it? James looked outside, puzzled.

I don't know, let's wait and see what happens. Yuan Shaoming looked outside, and he was even more reluctant to go out when the situation was unclear.

Okay. James nodded.

Now they can only rely on Yuan Shaoming, as long as he doesn't throw them out, they will have a way out.

James waited, hoping to find a safe base quickly, so that they wouldn't have to stay here so painfully.

Looking at everything that happened in Yuan Shaoming's space, Song Fengfu, who had put on clean clothes, had a flash of consciousness, and the scene in front of her disappeared without a trace.

Walking to the entrance of the space, Song Fengfu looked at the red world outside.

How did the rattan grow? After burning for so long, the rattan hasn't been resolved yet?

Song Fengfu felt a little depressed, what happened to these vines?

After burning for a long time, it is still not finished?

The rattan should grow very fast, so there is a way to wrap up the fire. But the rattan is powerful, and it can't stop the growing fire.

Lu Jingxuan stood at the entrance of the space, watching the situation outside.

With a distance of nearly ten meters, the fire has already extended a distance of nearly ten meters from here.

And ten meters away, the raging fire was still burning.

I want to go out. The oxygen in the space is really consumed here. In order to supply the fire, the space has already consumed a lot of oxygen. If this continues, we may not be able to maintain the oxygen supply of the base.

Song Fengfu looked at the person in front of her.

But we don't know how thick this wooden ball is, and if we go out now, I'm afraid it will take time and effort. It's better to go home directly. Anyway, we have collected a lot of zombie beads this time, haven't we?

Lu Jingxuan stroked her head, he didn't want her to spend this teleportation talisman.

What's more, he didn't want her to pay more attention to Yuan Shaoming.

Well, anyway, whether they live or die now has nothing to do with us. Song Fengfu remembered that Yuan Shaoming's behavior towards Fu was very similar to someone.

Just like Ji Feng before.

Yes, it's like a second Ji Feng.

Thinking of Ji Feng, Song Fengfu's heart turned hard, and she pulled Lu Jingxuan out through the crystal door in the space.

The crystal castle outside the crystal gate was very empty, and they moved from the crystal castle to the house in an instant. The appearance of Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan immediately scared their parents to almost have a heart attack.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan, who had been out for almost two weeks, saw that their parents were still the same as before, and Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan finally felt relieved.

Mom and Dad, how are you doing? Song Fengfu hugged her mother and rubbed against her.

It feels that they don't seem to be wearing a lot of clothes.

Okay, okay, it's good when you come back. Song Jinxing looked at the two excitedly and nodded.

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