Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 347 Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Tom is right. If we can't get rid of these vines, we won't be able to take the food out at all. Robert looked at Mark beside him. Their biggest threat now is the vines outside.

After getting rid of those vines, you can move the food however you want.

The vines outside? To solve them, we must find their roots. But now with the four of us, how can we find their roots? It's better to just grab some food and rush out. Mark listened Their words suddenly became a little angry.

Those who are afraid of tigers and wolves in front, they will wait here to die.

Tom glanced at him and sneered, You said you can rush out if you rush out?

Boss, we all need to calm down and discuss how to get out of here. Harry looked at the three of them as if they had eaten explosives.

So how can they get out of here together?

You must know that there are only four of them now, with eight hands.

After Harry finished speaking, the three men looked at each other.

Mark glanced around, there were weapons for sale in this supermarket, just in time for them to replenish some ammunition.

It's just that I don't know if this ammunition can deal with the rattan outside.

I'm going to find a backpack, you guys take a break first, and prepare all the weapons and food that can be taken away later. Mark stood up from the ground, picked up the flashlight and looked around.

He found several backpacks from the supermarket. These backpacks looked very big, enough to carry most of the food.

Mark, there's a car here. Although Harry was young, he was extremely smart after all, so he ran towards the nearby garage early.

A large cargo truck in the garage was parked there quietly at this moment.

Hearing Harry's voice, Mark quickly entered the garage.

It was found that there were not only large trucks but also a small van in the garage.

With these two cars, it is much more convenient.

God helped me too. Robert laughed loudly, looking at the two cars in front of him, now the four of them could not only have a car, but also food and ammunition.

Hurry up and modify the car first. Mark glanced around the car.

The wheels around the big truck are easily entangled with rattan, and if there are no sharp knives around the car, the truck and van will be completely rolled up by the rattan at any time.

Now what they have to do is how to improve this car.

Just when the four people began to discuss the design plan, everyone in Yuan Shaoming's space showed a hint of surprise when they saw the land and water flow of more than 200 square meters.

My God, is this space? James stared at the land and stream in front of him. Is this the rumored space?

That's right, this is the space. Yuan Shaoming looked at him with surprised eyes, and knew that they were envious.

Mr. Yuan, it's really great here, so it doesn't matter if you stay in this space and don't go out, doesn't it?

James looked at Yuan Shaoming, wondering how good it would be if he also had such a space.

I'll find a tent for you. You settle down here first, and I'll take you out after the danger outside has passed. Yuan Shaoming didn't want them to stay in this space for a longer time.

James nodded slightly. He knew that Yuan Shaoming didn't want to share his space with others.

Mr. Yuan, can you see what's going on outside here? Louis still had the gun in his hand, and he didn't have the slightest intention to put it down.

Yuan Shaoming is the master here, if he wants to drive them out, he will definitely drive them all out.

In case he got upset and got them all out, at least it would be good for them to know what was going on outside.

Okay, you can see it over there. This is your tent. You can take it. Yuan Shaoming took out the tent and sent it in front of them.

Looking at the tent that appeared out of thin air in front of him, Louis was extremely surprised.

There's only so much space here, where did he get these tents?

Louis took the tent and walked toward the entrance, followed by two other men.

After distributing the tent in the space to others, Yuan Shaoming got into his own tent and searched for the food in the space with his consciousness.

On the other side of the space, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan were sitting in the hot spring watching Yuan Shaoming's scene, never expecting that he would drag other people into his space.

He's really not afraid of others knowing his space. Song Fengfu looked at Yuan Shaoming's scene and sneered.

Whatever, isn't there no food in his space? Let's see how long they can last.

Lu Jingxuan originally wanted to tell Song Fengfu not to care so much about Yuan Shaoming, but looking at her, she seemed to be interested in Yuan Shaoming...

Wait, let's send them a few shrimps and crabs later. Song Fengfu's eyes turned sharply, and Lu Jingxuan frowned.

Is this the rhythm of delivering food to them?

You're doing this to give them food?

Have you heard that it's easy to go from simplicity to extravagance, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality? If they are fed up with these things every day, do you think they will eat those foods that pigs don't even eat after they leave the space?

Song Fengfu blinked.

There are a total of two water streams, one is hot springs and the other is edible water.

Song Fengfu could tell that her own space was the parent space, while the space below them was the subspace.

Except for the spaces of Lu Jingxuan and Song Tao who have been separated by her, only Yuan Shaoming's space is still linked to hers.

I understand what you mean, I want to borrow a knife to kill someone. Lu Jingxuan nodded.

That's right, let them kill each other. Song Fengfu sent part of the shrimp and crab into the water flowing into Yuan Shaoming's space.

Nearly a hundred crabs, a hundred shrimps and a hundred fish.

Three hundred aquatic products are enough to nourish their hearts.

After setting up the tent, James went to the water's edge and washed his face. After looking at the crystal clear water in front of him, he suddenly found that there were fish in the water.

Louis, come on, there are fish and crabs in this water.

James yelled, and others who heard the sound ran over.

Where are the fish? Yuan Shaoming quickly stepped forward after hearing James' shout, watching the shrimps and crabs in the water in front of him, and finally flowed into the large pool next to him.

This pool is not big, only 20 square meters and 1 meter high.

Looking at the pool in front of him, Yuan Shaoming found that there were a lot of shrimps, crabs and fish that finally flowed in.

Louis, hurry up, come here quickly, pick up the shrimp and crab here, and let's grill them. James shouted excitedly.

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