Seeing Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu being rolled up by the rattan, the group of ragged people only thought that these two people might not survive.

The people who were scattered all of a sudden didn't notice that they were burning raging flames around them, and all the vines couldn't avoid it in a blink of an eye.

When they were about to be thrown down by the rattan, Lu Jingxuan grabbed a rattan and returned to the ground from mid-air.

They all ran away. It seems that they are all very afraid of the rattan. Song Fengfu just finished speaking when she saw the rattan coming out of nowhere, and rushed directly into a broken shop, and took a People seem to be skewered together as if they were skewers.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Song Fengfu just felt sick.

That's a real person.

And the next moment, that person seemed to have been sucked dry of blood, and suddenly turned into a set of bones.

Facing the scene in front of her, Song Fengfu suddenly felt a gust of dark wind coming from behind.

Be careful. Lu Jingxuan shouted, and instantly pulled her into the space.

At the moment of entering the space, the rattan shoots from Song Fengfu's back, piercing the entire ground.

It's okay, it's okay, otherwise we will be finished. Patting her chest, Song Fengfu was glad that she was still alive.

If it was still the same as before, she probably would have become a meat skewer.

Who made you so careless, it almost became... Lu Jingxuan wanted to say those two words, but when he thought of Song Fengfu really becoming like that, how could he live alone.

It turned into a meat skewer, right? I know, I almost died. If it weren't for you, I would really have died here.

Song Fengfu patted her chest, if she really confessed here, what would her parents do? What about the crystal base?

It seems that she really can't be too risky, if her life is really ruined, her parents don't know how sad it will be.

Another important point is that if the Crystal Base doesn't exist after she dies, wouldn't her parents just...

No, no, she can't let the crystal base disappear with her.

Be more careful next time, this rattan is much more difficult to deal with than zombies. After Lu Jingxuan looked at her and said lightly, Song Fengfu nodded.

I know, I won't put myself in danger again, okay.

It's good to know, if you are in danger, we will... Lu Jingxuan said here, a strange sound came from the world outside the space.

Hearing this strange sound, the two looked at each other and looked outside.

What's the sound? Why does it sound scary. Song Fengfu frowned, and couldn't see anything from the space.

I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. Lu Jingxuan looked outside and felt that the rattan should be the rhythm to surround them.

It seems that the rattan knows that they are hiding, and may be hiding in a space they don't know, so the purpose of surrounding them now is to prevent them from going out.

It's dark outside, could it be...

Looking at the scene in front of her, Song Fengfu frowned slightly.

Wait, let me set the fire first. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he took out the homemade torch and lit it, then threw it out.

However, as soon as it was thrown out of space, it bounced back in an instant.

No, this torch can't get out, it looks like there is something solid outside. After throwing the torch aside, Lu Jingxuan shot out a few more wind knives.

The knife slashed at something unknown outside.

The sound seemed to be chopped on the wood.

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu looked at each other.

Song Fengfu said, Is this thing...

If I didn't guess wrong, what we encountered was a wooden structure of rattan, so we are completely trapped in this wooden structure now. If we want to leave here, we can only split this thing. But if we want to To split this thing, we can only use wind knives.

Lu Jingxuan used a series of wind knives towards the outside, and then threw the torch into the split.

Overnight, the two looked at the scene outside, and a raging fire appeared in an instant.

Outside the space, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu had no idea that the place where they disappeared was covered with layers of wooden rattan layer after layer.

In the distance, the large army that had just entered a corner of the city looked at the raging fire, and everyone had different expressions on their faces.

How could there be a fire over there? How strange? James stared at the fire burning in the city, feeling extremely strange.

Zombies don't know how to light a fire. The fire must be man-made.

Let's go and see. Yuan Shaoming stared at the city in front of him. There must be a lot of supplies in this city. It would be great if he could take this opportunity to collect some supplies.

Hmm. James knew that if he wanted to go, no one could stop him.

Another important point is what happened to the city.

Why is there a fire.

Although many people are opposed to entering the city, for Yuan Shaoming, entering the city is the best choice.

Not only can you collect supplies, but you can also get some useful things.

Especially now that his space has been fully restored, he can collect a lot of supplies.

After deciding to enter the city, everyone made preparations and started heading into the city.

At this time, in the center of the city, the huge wooden ball was full of flames, but no matter how it burned, it couldn't reach the end.

The huge wooden ball rolled around and around, as if trying to wrap the flame in it out of anger, and even extinguished it.

It looks like we can't get out now. Lu Jingxuan looked at the fire in front of him, as if he couldn't see the end.

That's just right, let's stay in the space for a few more days. Song Fengfu raised her hand, and a pear appeared in her hand.

Alright, just rest for a few days. Lu Jingxuan nodded slightly, and walked towards the hut.

It's time to harvest the vegetables. Song Fengfu looked at the space in front of her, and the green vegetables grew very beautifully on the fertile black soil.

Looking at this piece of green vegetables, Song Fengfu thought about the supply of the crystal base, and didn't know what was going on.

It's not that the butler will do the collecting, and you don't need to do it. Lu Jingxuan blinked.

That's right, I'm going to get some vegetables and cook. Song Fengfu walked towards the vegetable garden after speaking.

After returning to the small room, Lu Jingxuan had a rare leisure, so he simply cultivated himself.

Sunshine is good.

It's not like the darkness outside the space.

The bigger and bigger wooden balls kept burning.

The bigger the fire inside, the bigger the wooden ball outside.


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