This plant has become fine. Song Fengfu watched the burning rattan dancing before it was drowned out by water from nowhere.

In an instant, the whole world turned into darkness again.

A strange sound came from the space, and the rustling sound sounded in all directions.

In an instant, one after another vines from outside the space surged towards this side from all around.

In a blink of an eye, the vines outside the space criss-crossed one by one, completely covering the sight outside the space.

Song Fengfu looked at the darkness wrapped up outside, and suddenly felt an urge to destroy.

Attack with fire. Lu Jingxuan also looked at everything in front of him, and without thinking about it, he poured a small bucket of gasoline outside the space, and then threw the fire out of the space.

Let's go back to those shops later to see if there is anything we can collect, and burn the useless things. Try not to let those people enter the city.

There was a trace of seriousness engraved on Lu Jingxuan's face imprinted with fire.

Seeing his expression at this time, Song Fengfu understood immediately, You mean you don't want other people to enter this city? But this city is so big, even if we collect supplies, they may come here at any time. More Not to mention these plants.

I know this, so we advance from the very beginning to the center of the city. If you feel tired, you can go into the space. Anyway, we are doing something that we haven't done before the end of the world, just now. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile .

Killing people and setting fire, this killing, they killed zombies, and this setting fire was also to burn those vines.

Okay, let's divide the work, and if there is danger, we will enter the space.

Song Fengfu said to Lu Jingxuan.

Well, let's go out first, starting from the entrance we just came in. Anyway, you know how to set fire, as long as the distance between us does not exceed... 50 meters, I can return to your space. Lu Jingxuan looked at her , if it exceeds fifty meters, he might not be able to return to her space.

Song Fengfu shook her head, I have linked my space with yours, now you only need to enter my space through the small door in your space after entering the space.

That's a lot more convenient. Lu Jingxuan laughed, walked to the entrance of the city, and then lit the outermost house on fire.

Closed access to the city.

Song Fengfu quickly ran to the other side.

After setting that house on fire, he quickly ran towards the next house.

The houses on both sides were a little far away, but the two of them took great pains to throw these discarded things in the middle of the road in order to completely close the road.

For a time, flames spread everywhere from the entrance to the center.

The city is not big but it can kill people.

Especially the center of the city, where supplies are the most abundant.

When Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan gradually approached the previous position, the world in the dark was illuminated by the fire.

Stop, who are you and why are you burning down our house.

Just when the two were about to enter the next house separately, a group of people suddenly walked on the road.

A group of ragged people.

Looking at this group of people, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu glanced at each other, We are people who have just entered this city, and we found that strange plants have attacked this city, so we are now burning these houses down. , Just thinking about these houses is useless now, and we can also prevent those plants from harming people here.”

You can't deal with that plant. We've been here for so long. If we could deal with it so easily, we would have dealt with them all by now. The group of people looked at the men and women in front of them, and they really didn't know whether they were brave or they were strong enough ignorance.

You couldn't deal with it before, but it doesn't mean we couldn't deal with it. I believe we are capable enough to deal with those plants. Song Fengfu saw that many materials here are available, at least many of them have a shelf life of about three years.

Even if they don't eat it, they can give it to others when they take it back, right?

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu wanted to collect more of these materials.

But looking at the appearance of the group of people in front of them, it seems that they dare not touch the supplies in the supermarket.

Looking at Song Fengfu's clean clothes, the group of people glanced at each other, wondering if they should...

How are you going to deal with those plants? Those plants are very scary, and you can't deal with them just because you can deal with them.

We know, so you don't have to worry about this, just follow our arrangement, so you won't be persecuted by this plant. Song Fengfu glanced at everyone in front of her.

By the way, why didn't you see any zombies here? Lu Jingxuan asked.

Zombies? We used to have zombies here. Later, because of the appearance of this plant, all the zombies became her food. We finally hid and didn't come out until we saw you set fire.

The leader looked at Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu.

They wouldn't have come out if they hadn't seen them set fire to their houses, fearing that their own houses would also be burned.

So, you are afraid that we will burn your house down, right? So come out quickly, lest we burn you to death. Lu Jingxuan looked at him and raised a smile.

Yes, we are afraid that you will burn us to death. Anyway, it is a good thing for you to help us deal with those plants, but what we are worried about is that if you want to help us by burning houses now, we will not agree .”

If you don't agree, that's fine. We won't set fire to it anymore. You can stay and be tortured to death by this plant.

Lu Jingxuan saw that they were no different from beggars.

However, if this continues, sooner or later they will either starve to death or become zombies on tall buildings.

Pulling Song Fengfu's hand away from everyone's eyes, Lu Jingxuan hadn't taken two steps when the vine came out from nowhere and shot straight at the two of them.

Song Fengfu felt that the sound of the wind coming from the left became a bit weird, so she ran forward a few steps to avoid the attack of the rattan.

It's the rattan, it's the rattan. After someone shouted, the crowd immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

Let's get out of here quickly. Lu Jingxuan watched the vines begin to attack from all directions, raised his brows, and pulled Song Fengfu to run towards the road ahead.

However, the rattan covers a very wide area.

Seeing them running away, he quickly followed.

Facing the speed of the rattan, Lu Jingxuan sent out the wind knife towards the front.

But he couldn't stop the rattan behind them from rolling them up.

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