Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 345 Attacking the Bus

Thick smoke kept rising inside the wooden ball, and there should have been no air entering the interior, because Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu continuously output oxygen, the fire inside the wooden ball became more and more intense all of a sudden.

The ever-growing wooden ball gradually expanded from the central city to the outside.

Before Yuan Shaoming and the others entered the city, they were stunned when they saw such a big wooden ball from the flames outside.

What is that? Why is it so huge? James looked at the round thing in astonishment as if it was connected with the night.

You can't see the edge, but you can see the general outline.

There is nothing wrong with being a round sphere.

Yuan Shaoming squinted his eyes, trying to see the round thing more clearly, but the telescope taken out from the space could only see a rough idea.

Mr. Yuan, let's bypass this city. This city is too strange.

Feeling that the round sphere exuded a very bad feeling, Louis looked around cautiously.

Yuan Shaoming nodded, being cautious.

Just as they were about to leave, vines on both sides of the road quickly stretched towards them.

The rustling continued.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb when they heard the voice from the dark night.

What's the situation, hurry up and take out the light to see what's going on, where is the sound coming from, and why does it sound so weird.

Louis felt that the sound was a bit like the sound of a snake crawling.

But where is the snake here?

When Lu Jingxuan looked around, he didn't see anything.

Just when he was shining the flashlight on other places, the rattan that was originally forbidden to move quickly climbed up towards the car.

Everyone in the car panicked and stared out the window back to back.

Everyone be careful.

Louis walked to one of the windows and watched as a gun was drawn from the window.

Staring at the outside with vigilant eyes, Louis always felt that the things outside were not like snakes.

The sound of the snake was Sisi, but now it is rustling.

Thinking of this, Louis glanced at a corner of the window and found...

Be careful, it's rattan.

Louis yelled.

The vines are more difficult to deal with than the snakes. Before everyone could react after hearing what Louis said, a piece of vines suddenly flew in front of them.

These vines broke the glass on the bus and drilled directly into it, rolling the people inside out of the car.

Help, help. A woman caught by the cane grabbed around the window in horror, looking at the people around her with panic-stricken eyes.

Lily, hurry up and cut off the cane on her body. Louis yelled at Lily who was closest to the woman.

Throwing the car aside, Lily took out a short blade from her feet and chopped down on the vine behind the woman.

With a click, a strange sound came from the rattan.

Lily frowned as she saw that the cane was cut in half by herself, but not completely.

With another stab, the cane snapped and the woman fell on Lily's body.

Thank you for saving me. The woman got off Lily in shock.

You're welcome, hurry up and find a place to hide. Lily picked up the gun and kept shooting at the vines outside.

The crackling sound continued to come from the machine gun, and Lily strafed all the directions of the flashlight.

James, come and drive, hurry up and drive the car out of the city. Yuan Shaoming stared at the outside of the car, and the vines that came from nowhere had gradually surrounded the place.

If they don't want to find a way to get out, they probably won't be able to get out. In that case, they can only stay in this dead city.

When Yuan Shaoming yelled at James, he also used his water ability on the rattan outside.

However, a person's abilities are limited after all, and it is impossible to solve all the vines in the entire city. There are too many vines in front of him, and it is too complicated.

Listening to what he said, James knew that now was not the time to argue with him. In order to survive, he had to drive away from here.

While watching other people busy, James sat in the driver's seat, ready to drive the car out.

However, when he stepped on the accelerator, he found that the whole car could not move.

Mr. Yuan, the car can't move. James yelled at him with a terrified expression on his face.

Seeing James' expression, Yuan Shao knew that he had to jump out of the car and flee all the way, or enter his space. Otherwise, staying in the car is a dead end.

Yuan Shaoming knew very well that if he wanted to return to China, these people could not die.

Especially James, he is the head of Louis and others. If he dies, Louis and others will not listen to him at all.

Thinking of this, the moment he came back to his senses, he saw a cane shot from the window next to James, who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Be careful. When Yuan Shaoming shouted, he quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him into the space.

Anyway, his space is under his control, as long as he doesn't open the warehouse, no one else can open the warehouse at all.

After sending James into the space, Yuan Shaoming immediately walked towards Louis and the others.

Everyone was paying attention to the vines outside, and no one noticed the fact that James had disappeared.

Only his princess noticed the process of James' disappearance.

Seeing James' princess, Yuan Shaoming pulled her into the space.

Then quickly ran towards Louis.

Louis. Yuan Shaoming grabbed one of them and pulled them into the space.

But Robert and the others saw the scene where Louis and the others disappeared, and immediately knew that they must have been pulled into the space.

We also want to enter the space, quickly pull us into your space. Robert shouted at Yuan Shaoming.

Glancing at him, Yuan Shaoming thought that he was not familiar with them after all. What's more, Robert is very unfamiliar with how to use a gun. In addition, there are six of them in the group. After entering the space, it is completely impossible to be controlled by him.

After deciding over and over again, Yuan Shaoming didn't give them a chance at all. After entering the space, he saw Robert curse.

Watching Yuan Shaoming's disappearance, only the people on the bus noticed that most of the people on the bus had disappeared, and most of them were all powerful people.

James, the leader among them, is also the prince of the country of England.

Unexpectedly, he had already abandoned the people who were with him on these buses.

Ah... There were screams from the bus.

After the loss of Louis, there are not many attacking experts on the entire bus.

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