I don't know where these refugees came from. Since they can wear cotton clothes, it should not be recent...

Damn, this is extortion. Do you know the concept of two hundred zombie beads? That's two hundred zombies. You can only exchange ten sausages by beating two hundred zombies. Just kidding, we have beads that are not like this.

The refugee stared at the iron barrel that was still emitting an aroma, and there was still a lot of food in it.

Since you don't want to make a deal, then I have nothing to do. After all, the deal is what you want. James spread his hands.

Since they don't want to trade, he won't let them see who.

If they were allowed to meet Yuan Shaoming, according to Yuan Shaoming's charging standard, these people would definitely accept it.

At that time, even if he wants to collect some kickbacks, he won't be able to do so.

You, okay, you're ruthless. The refugees gritted their teeth. The weapons they had were wrenches. There were very few guns and ammunition, and they couldn't take them out now.

What's the matter? You can change it if you have the ability. James could see that they couldn't get these zombie beads.

The refugees glanced at each other. They really had no ability to exchange, because they simply didn't have enough zombie beads.

Boss, let's rest here. A little boy behind the man took out a compressed biscuit from his bag and handed it to the man.

This is their last bit of food.

After the end of the world, everything changed, and it became more and more difficult for them to find food.

Now, whether it's plants outside or expired food in the city, as long as you encounter it, you will always be in trouble.

In particular, plants are not something people can touch at all.

Last time, his relatives ate the fruits of those plants because they were so hungry that they turned into zombies.

What a horrible experience.

Compressed biscuits, compressed biscuits again. Looking at the compressed biscuits in front of him, the man felt angry.

Why eat compressed biscuits every day.

Boss, this is our last food, and everyone is reluctant to eat it. The boy pursed his mouth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, James stared blankly at the so-called biscuit in the boy's hand, but it was crushed by him...


Can such dregs be eaten?

How much do they have to eat?

James felt distressed for a moment.

He recognized what these people were saying. It was proper British English.

They are all his subjects.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu changed their views on the people in front of them.

It seems that they really don't have anything to eat. What should we do? Should we help them?

It is said that a woman's heart is the softest.

Seeing the picture in front of her, Song Fengfu turned her head to look at Lu Jingxuan.

You want to help them? How do you want to help them?

Lu Jingxuan looked at her.

You said, can we change our costumes and drive a modified bus to appear in front of them?

Song Fengfu thought.

It's not suitable. It will be difficult for us to escape. Anyway, Yuan Shaoming is here. If they are really hungry, they will ask Yuan Shaoming for food.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the refugees outside.

They are not ordinary people who can live up to now, so I don't believe that they have no ability at all.

And if they want food, there are ways.

That's right. Song Fengfu nodded.

And if you think about it, it's impossible for these people to live to this point without any ability, so I believe they have a way to deal with this matter.

Lu Jingxuan believed that they would never let him starve to death.

In fact, it also proves this point.

When James saw their appearance, his heart softened for a moment, and he went to negotiate with Yuan Shaoming, and even added the zombie beads in the hands of those people.

In this way, it is another big pot of beef with bread.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu looked at each other.

Sure enough, they still...

Okay, it looks like they are about to start their journey, but it seems that after there are more refugees, their journey will be delayed for a long time. Lu Jingxuan went to the driver's seat and sat down.

Then shall we follow them? Song Fengfu sat in the co-pilot seat and asked.

There is no need at all. We can go to the next city one step ahead of them to see if there is anything we can collect.

Lu Jingxuan drove the car and passed by the two cars.

The next city is on the German border.

They don't know anything about this strange city.

But when Lu Jingxuan drove in, Song Fengfu noticed that the place was so desolate that no one could be seen.

There are no traces of humans here. It seems that there should be no shelters near here. Song Fengfu noticed that there were no signs of smashing in some shops.

I don't think it's just that there is no shelter, even humans...look ahead. Lu Jingxuan pointed out from the inside of the car.

This is really amazing.

It turned out that right in front of them, they saw people being hung up one by one.

I couldn't see what it looked like at all, and I didn't know if it was a human or a zombie.

In short, it is weird like the ghost world mentioned in some ghost movies.

From their angle and light, nothing can be seen at all.

But when Lu Jingxuan fired two flares from the roof of the space vehicle, the two of them were instantly startled by the scene before them.

There are dead bodies hanging on every tall building.

I really don't know how to describe it.

Song Fengfu only knew that if someone with heart disease saw everything in front of her, she would definitely be shocked.

Just after the flare was fired, Lu Jingxuan quickly entered the space vehicle.

And just after he entered the space car, there were suddenly more noises outside.

These noises made Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu in front of them couldn't help listening.

What's that sound? It sounds scary. Song Fengfu looked at Lu Jingxuan and suddenly pulled herself into the space.

Then, as the car entered the space, the two saw rattan-like things appearing outside the car.

It was the same scene as what they had just seen.

Those people were hung up by canes.

Lu Jingxuan fired a rocket towards the outside of the space.

After the rocket hit the rattan, a raging flame burned instantly.

In a blink of an eye, they saw that the whole city seemed to be engulfed in flames.

The vines twisted around, making the fire seem alive.

Facing the scene in front of him, Lu Jingxuan saw a gust of water coming from nowhere and instantly extinguished the fire in front of him.

This rattan is a plant, how could it appear here?

Song Fengfu looked at the vines and took them back as if they were alive.

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