What's more, he hasn't collected all the zombie beads now, what he needs to do most now is to collect all the zombie beads.

Mr. Yuan, can't you give us something that can fill our stomachs? James stared at the water and dry bread in front of him. This thing could last for a while but could not completely fill their stomachs.

You want to fill up, don't you? Yuan Shaoming looked at the person in front of him and sneered, Do you have zombie beads? If you have zombie beads, you can exchange them for better things.

Mr. Yuan, do you know what you're talking about? James licked his mouth listening to his words.

Zombie beads?

If he had zombie beads, he would naturally exchange them for something delicious. Unfortunately, no matter how many zombie beads he had, he probably wouldn't be able to exchange much food.

James pursed his lips, his dry lips were already purple with cold.

If you want food, you have to give zombie beads. I don't want to raise you useless people for nothing. Yuan Shaoming looked at everyone and his face instantly became very ugly.

Mr. Yuan, you don't want to go back to China alone like this. Qianli Luyao, you don't have the skills of Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu. Even if you want to go back to China, you don't have any means of transportation and no one to help you. are you going?

James sneered at him.

He is not the female pig's foot in Resident Evil, who can be resurrected whenever he wants to, and can also wander around.

Based on his understanding of Yuan Shaoming, he has no other abilities except a water element ability and a space ability.

When facing a large number of zombies, they can only hide in the space.

After Yuan Shaoming closed his eyes and weighed the pros and cons, Well, I can give you some food that fills you up, but for those who are useful, I can fill you up.

He has limited food, and it is impossible to give it to everyone.

What do you mean by that? After listening to Yuan Shaoming's words, other people on the bus shouted. You won't feed us, will you?

Who are you to me? Do I need to support you? Yuan Shaoming glanced at those people, took out a piece of well-packed dry beef from the space and threw it to James.

Nearly a catty of dry beef plus bread and water, I don't believe this is not enough for them to eat.

You... Everyone couldn't help drooling when they saw the dried beef in James' arms.

Beef, I haven't eaten beef for a long time.

They have been craving beef for a long time.

In European countries, cattle are the most common animals. As for cattle as the staple food, they have already eaten and shut down all the beef after three months of the end of the world, but now seeing beef appearing in front of them, no one wants to grab it, no one wants it.

Damn it, it's so delicious. It's been a long time since we had this taste. A man squatted by the fire and looked at the beef floating in the iron bucket.

Damn doomsday, let us become like refugees. We can't relax and eat even if we want to eat. I must have a good meal later.

Seeing the way Louis was cutting the beef, the man wished that the whole piece of beef belonged to him.

After all the beef was cut into the pot, Louis reached out to James beside him, and boiled all the dry bread into the pot.

For a while, the whole pot was full of paste.

James really didn't like the mush, but he had to eat it now.

It's just because his younger sister didn't catch Yuan Shaoming's heart, and didn't bring any benefits to his brother.

Thinking of this, James felt that he should know about his sister's condition.

Just when he wanted to come, some light gradually appeared in the distance.

When these lights approached, it turned out to be a large number of refugees.

After Lily noticed these refugees, she shouted to the people on the bus behind, Hurry up, hurry up and put away the food.

They must not let others know that they have food on them, and they must not let others take away their food.

After hearing Lily's yell, Louis said to Robert next to him, You take people to block them, I'll share the food with them, and I'll leave some more food for you later.

Deal. Robert looked at the food in the iron bucket, and Yuan Shaoming was the one who had room and food among them.

He gave them food when he wanted to, and he didn't give it when he didn't want to.

Now that Louis said he would leave food for them, he believed him once.

Anyway, now he has no other choice.

Smelling the aroma of food, a group of refugees stared at the iron bucket like wolves and tigers, but it was a pity that the food in the iron bucket had been quickly divided by Louis.

The rest of the food was the food of Robert and others, but Louis still kept his word and left a lot for them.

There is food, there is food, everyone rushes up to grab food from them.

I don't know who spoke, and then a group of refugees really rushed to the iron bucket in front of them.

Louis looked at the group of refugees in front of him and fired a shot.

In an instant, the empty world was filled with gunshots.

The refugees seemed frightened for a moment and dared not move any more.

Go find food elsewhere, we don't have any extra food for you. Louis glanced at the refugees in front of him, they looked very bad, and they also looked...

Damn it, who will believe your nonsense, the air smells like beef. One of the refugees looked at him and almost growled.

It's very easy to get food. Take out the zombie beads, and I have someone here who can exchange food for you. James looked at these refugees, and immediately came up with the idea of ​​zombie beads.

If they wanted to exchange food, it happened that he had exploited half of the zombie beads on his side, and then he could add food to himself.

Thinking of this, James walked up to the man.

Hearing what he said, the refugee frowned.

Zombie beads?

Is that what's inside a zombie's head?

How much do you want? The refugee looked at him.

Two hundred zombie beads for ten sausages. James whispered towards him.

Two hundred zombie beads for ten sausages?

This is too expensive.

The refugee looked at him, how could ten sausages be enough to eat?

No, they won't change, they won't change anything.

Hearing the words from outside the window, Song Fengfu laughed, This James really wants to blackmail these refugees, don't you know that these refugees can blackmail if they want to?

Are you excited? If one hundred zombie beads were exchanged for one chicken in your space, I dare say that many people would be willing to exchange them. Lu Jingxuan thought that her space was full of chickens, ducks and fish.

If a very special supermarket is opened near this shelter, I believe many people will come.

I'm a little tempted, but if you follow them, you may encounter zombies, and the weather outside is so cold, I don't want to suffer. Song Fengfu looked at the clothes worn by the refugees, many places were in tatters.

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