Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 340 Asking for Food

clean the house?

Does he think this is the world before the end of the world? Everything is about pomp.

Other people on the bus listened to his words and sneered everywhere.

Prince, I'm afraid we can't be so particular now. Louis glanced at the service area, and didn't know how decadent it looked like for half a year.

Even if it is tidied up, I don't know how much time it will take to tidy up here, not to mention that it has been in disrepair for a long time.

Let's rest here for one night and then leave here. The time should not be too long, so as not to mention zombies and the like. Yuan Shaoming listened to James' words and wanted to find out what kind of place he thought this place was?

If you want to be particular about it, you can be particular about it?

Mr. Yuan, is it too soon to leave tomorrow? James frowned. It would be too soon to leave here tomorrow.

And there are no zombies around here.

Why not stay here longer.

Nights are long and dreams are many, and I really want to go back to the base in China, where I can sleep peacefully.

Yuan Shaoming didn't know if the outside of the crystal base was still gray, but he only knew that his parents were still there.

Zhou Dongmei, Yuan Mingkun, I don't know what happened to them.

Sleep well? James heard these three words, and remembered that he was living a life of fear every day, and indeed there was no time when he could sleep peacefully.

Yes, feel safe, there is free food distributed there every day. Although there is not enough to eat, it will not eat things that pigs don't eat like in the shelter here. The free food there is very clean and very fresh , even if you don’t do any work, you can survive in it.”

Yuan Shaoming's eyes were shining brightly, and James couldn't help but wonder if it was really so good over there?

If it's as good as he said, if he can also become a supernatural being, maybe he won't have to look at people's faces in the future.

Thinking of this, James is even more convinced that he must go to China and find a way to become a supernatural being.

The service area was in a mess, all the food had been robbed, and in the whole supermarket, apart from one person who starved to death, there were several mummified corpses who were turned into zombies and then beaten to death.

These corpses were thrown into the small room in the service area by Louis and others.

After a brief tidying up of the service area, a group of people found clean blankets and spread them on the floor, and then lay down on them.

Watching James and others resting on the blanket. Yuan Shaoming entered the space.

The beautiful foreign woman immediately pounced on Yuan Shaoming's chest with the softness of her chest.

After knowing that Yuan Shaoming's space would disappear because of his disappearance, Fu knew that she could only rely on Yuan Shaoming if she wanted to survive.

What's more, she has food and drink here, which is more than ten times better than those outside.

Look at those people outside, they all look skinny, and in this environment where they can't sleep well, there is no room for Yuan Shaoming to be safe.

Fu didn't know that this space was given by Song Fengfu, let alone that this space was linked to Song Fengfu's space.

When Song Fengfu wants to spy on their space, their every move will enter Song Fengfu's eyes.

Therefore, as soon as Song Fengfu entered the space, she found that there was a woman with a perfect figure in Yuan Shaoming's space.

However, to Song Fengfu's surprise, that Yuan Shaoming actually named that woman Fu.

And when he and Fu did that thing, they actually called her by her name.

It's disgusting that he actually called her name.

If he really loved her so much, why did he marry Ren Yifei in the first place?

If he really loved her that much, he should have fought hard in the first place.

But he did nothing.

Song Fengfu found that he was a coward, and only at this time did he burst out the ugly face in his heart.

After watching Yuan Shaoming overwhelm Fu like a beast, he attacked Fu fiercely. Song Fengfu immediately turned off the screen in front of her.

After cutting off the space between Yuan Shaoming and herself, Song Fengfu went back to the room, cleaned it and returned to the room.

At this time, the sleeping beauty on the couch had fallen into a deep sleep.

Song Fengfu stared at his face and raised a faint smile.

Lu Jingxuan seemed to have lost a lot of weight after they came out during this period, but his body seemed to have become stronger.

Gently poking the man's arm with her finger, Song Fengfu blinked, seeing that he didn't wake up, rubbed against his arms, covered the quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

The temperature outside is still low, but the warmth inside the space brings the two closer to each other.

When Song Fengfu woke up, the clock next to her had already pointed to morning.

In the dark night, there is no indicator light to show the time, but this clock just happened to show am and pm in English, which allowed her to tell the time quickly.

And the time at this moment is just over eight o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that the man beside him didn't seem to be waking up, Song Fengfu kissed his face, watching his thick eyelashes move.

Lu Jingxuan was very good-looking, even a woman would fall in love with him.

No wonder Zhang Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiaotao were thinking about it at that time.

This face is really easy to provoke peach blossoms.

Getting up from the bed, Song Fengfu made two poached eggs, vegetables, porridge and milk for breakfast.

The fragrance was tangy, and Lu Jingxuan opened his eyes when he smelled the fragrance.

Breakfast ready?

Yeah, I also got vegetables. Song Fengfu brought the breakfast in front of the man, and looked at the man with a slight smile.

The elegant voice is like a spring breeze.

Well, let me freshen up first. Lu Jingxuan got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom with an innocent expression in his hazy eyes.

Five minutes later, Lu Jingxuan came out wearing casual clothes.

Seeing her man's refreshed look, Song Fengfu felt pleasing to the eye.

What's the situation outside now? Have all their personnel left? Lu Jingxuan sat on the chair next to her and looked at her.

It's not that they left, but they are now trying to find a way to ask Yuan Shaoming for food. Song Fengfu sat beside him, and he could see the scene directly outside the window.

But at the moment the sky outside was still pitch black.

Yuan Shaoming looked coldly at the people in front of him asking for food, then he took out water and some bread from the space and gave them to them.

There is not much food in his space, and the food stored at the beginning has not recovered now.

Now the food in the space is only some rice noodles and bread, some dry beef and some simple food in the supermarket.

Naturally, he would not give things like beef jerky to the person in front of him.

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