After penetrating the glass, it goes towards another glass.

Bullet marks were left on the glass.

The sounds of the world outside the caravan gradually became quieter.

The soldier walked towards the RV.

Get out of the car, everyone get out of the car.

Soldiers outside the RV speak heavily accented English.

Put away the mode of the space car, let's get out of the car. Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu out of the car.

Listening to the words outside, Song Fengfu quickly put away the space car.

After making sure that there would be no flaws in the car, Lu Jingxuan opened the car door and walked out.

A line of soldiers under the lights watched them with their guns raised.

Are any of you infected? The leading soldier looked at the group of people who got out of the car.

No, we are not infected. Lu Jingxuan shook his head hastily.

Seeing that James and others got out of the car, the leader was slightly surprised.

After all, it can be regarded as a neighboring country. It is impossible for them to be unfamiliar with the face of James.

You are a prince. The soldier walked up to James and looked at him.

Yes, I am Prince James of England. James raised his proud head.

Take your belongings, and we'll send you to the safe zone. The leading soldier obviously didn't dare to neglect James when he saw him.

Even if it is the end of the world, they dare not offend the prince.

Hearing that he was going to the safe zone, James' face was full of joy.

Hurry up, hurry up and take us there.

James was gearing up happily.

Safe zone, they can finally go to the safe zone.

Please follow me. The leading soldier said respectfully.

James hurriedly got into the car and got out of the car with the items he needed.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the people behind. If we go to the safe area, we can just get some zombie beads or other items.

He said lightly to the woman beside him, Let's go, follow them to the safe area.

Song Fengfu nodded, followed Lu Jingxuan into the car and took the backpack.

What about the car? They must have taken the car to their place. Song Fengfu turned her head to look at Lu Jingxuan. So far she is very satisfied with this caravan, plus it has railings and double insurance.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the RV, There's nothing you can do about it, anyway, you still have quite a few RVs in your space, so it's no loss for you to keep this one.

Seeing her reluctance, Lu Jingxuan patted her head.

Well, anyway, there are quite a few cars in the space. Song Fengfu enjoyed his big palm on her head very much.

After getting out of the car and walking through the road opened by layers of zombies, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu followed others and waited by the side of the road.

A bus drove in front of them with a bit of shabbiness.

The soldier stood beside the car, Everyone, please get in the car.

Are we going to take this to the safe zone? James frowned as he looked at the bus.

Your Highness, this bus is the most fuel-efficient bus. The leading soldier saluted.

Post-apocalyptic materials are the most important, especially gasoline.

Except for the first modified RV, the other four RVs are useless.

In order to avoid waste, they had to choose to give up three of them.

Only Lu Jingxuan's modified car was left.

No matter how reluctant he was, he had to get in the car. James got into the car, picked a good seat and sat down.

The others got into the car one after another.

When Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu got into the car, other people had already given their seats to one another.

Let's sit here. Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu to the double seat in front of the mother and daughter.

Everyone is here, let's go. The leading soldier got into the car, glanced at the people in front of him, and then said to the driver.

The car started slowly.

Song Fengfu opened her backpack, took out a bottle of water and took a sip.

In an instant, the people around couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Zhang Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiaotao had already finished eating the items in their backpacks.

The only remaining water was also emptied not long ago.

Compared with them, James felt even more parched at the moment.

What they ate six hours ago was given by Lu Jingxuan and the others.

They were full at that time, but there was not much water after all.

One mouthful per person obviously doesn't quench your thirst.

Louis, you and that gentleman are not good friends? Can you ask him for some water, I'm dying of thirst.

James stared at the guard beside him.

Now there is no one guard beside him except the people brought by Louis.

Louis looked at Lu Jingxuan drinking the water carefully, knowing the importance of water.

Your Highness, please bear with me. We can get water and food when we reach the safe zone.

Are you sure you can get water and food in the safe area? James sneered slightly.

He knows how precious this water and food are.

In the whole car, he felt that apart from Lu Jingxuan and Hao Junnan who had some capital, the others, not to mention food, probably didn't even have water.

Louis looked at him in embarrassment.

Indeed, he may not be able to secure water and food when he reaches the safe zone.

Don't worry, Your Highness, you are the Prince of England, and we will prepare water and food for you. The leading soldier heard his words and hurriedly walked in front of him.

He took out a bottle of unopened mineral water from his backpack.

Respectfully delivered to James.

Picking up the mineral water, James was not modest.

Jingxuan, I have bread here, do you want it? Hao Junnan sat in front of Lu Jingxuan, opened the backpack in front of him, and took out a piece of bread that looked very sweet and delicious.

Song Fengfu looked at the bread with meat floss, and immediately smelled a fragrance.

It looks delicious. Song Fengfu remembered that she hadn't collected these breads before the end of the world.

It led to say that even if I want to eat it now, I can't eat this delicious bread.

I'll exchange this with you. Lu Jingxuan didn't want to take advantage of him.

Taking out a can from the backpack, Lu Jingxuan handed it to Hao Junnan in front of everyone's eyes.

The long-lost canned food was collected by Song Fengfu from the supermarket.

Hao Junnan took the can with a slight smile on his face.

He hasn't tasted this taste for a long time.

It's great, I haven't tasted this taste for a long time, the city lord is not too bad for you, and can give you such a good thing.

Hao Junnan was really envious.

Canned food has a lot of salt in it.

With this can, he can also add a little salt.

The city lord is still very kind to us. Lu Jingxuan raised a faint smile, how could he not love himself?

That's not bad, you're clearly a space power user. Zhang Xiaotao watched as Lu Jingxuan took out the can from his backpack.

One thing after another, how could he fit so many things in his backpack.

Clearly also a space ability user.

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