Compared with the treatment Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu received, what is his small space and supplies?

Thinking of this, Hao Junnan suddenly felt that God was really unfair.

Some are poor and some are rich.

In the last days, it is better to have space than to have no space, and it is better to have a strong backing than to have no backing.

After tidying up, the car in front clears the way, so there is no reason for the car behind not to follow.

The sky was getting dark little by little, and the road ahead was gradually becoming invisible.

Lu Jingxuan turned on the headlights to illuminate the road ahead.

However, the light of this car light is limited after all, and it is impossible to illuminate a very far place.

Lu Jingxuan drove the car cautiously, always looking around vigilantly, listening to the movement around him.

It was very quiet outside, only the sound of the motor inside the car and the sound of the car rolling on the ground could be heard.

Lu Jingxuan did not feel the presence of zombies or humans within a radius of 50 meters.

Such a quiet environment is a little scary and a little daunting.

I only feel that some terrible existence will jump out of the darkness at any time.

Song Fengfu looked at the darkness outside, and wanted to identify whether there were zombies in this dark world, but it was a pity that her sight could only stick to the range of the headlights in front of her.

Lu Jingxuan withdrew his mental power, and every time he paid attention to the area within a radius of 50 meters, he had to concentrate his mind highly, so that his mind would soon become very exhausted.

Leaning on the driver's seat, Lu Jingxuan slightly closed his eyes.

Let the space car automatically navigate and drive.

Suddenly, not long after he closed his eyes, several figures flashed in front of the car, very fast.

Song Fengfu sat in the co-pilot's seat and saw a terrifying face stuck on the railing outside the glass in a blink of an eye, and she was startled.

Zombies, the ones outside turned out to be zombies.

Song Fengfu didn't expect to meet zombies here, and she couldn't react for a while.

Ho, ho. The zombie outside the car grabbed the railing and yelled twice.

In the silent night, the roar of the zombies was like the sound of wild beasts, and everyone couldn't help but tremble.

There are zombies, be alert, be alert.

Louis yelled when he heard the roar of the zombies.

The people in the RV suddenly jumped up when they heard his voice.

Zombies, where are the zombies?

James frowned and jumped off the bed.

Your Highness, it's outside. There are many zombies outside. Mark watched as a light bullet shot out from the car in front of him.

Immediately, the entire field of vision was illuminated.

In the field of vision, Mark and others noticed that the surrounding area was very flat, and zombies kept coming from all directions.

I haven't seen many zombies during the day, but I didn't expect it to be dark, and there are zombies one after another.

Just when Mark and others were about to attack the zombies, there was a burst of gunfire in the distance.

Gunshots from all directions crackled incessantly.

Louis looked at the scene outside, with a hint of surprise in his blue eyes, who could be attacking these zombies from afar.

After Lu Jingxuan fired a signal flare towards the skylight, he fired another signal flare.

Song Fengfu looked at the sound coming from afar. There were gunshots proving that there are human beings. If there are human beings, there must be shelters or bases.

They can't see any refuge in France, but in Germany, there should be a refuge.

Lu Jingxuan climbed down from the skylight, and after Xin's long body fell to the ground, he quickly threw the signal flare aside, and got some gasoline from the car.

Song Fengfu frowned watching his movements.

what you up to?

It's too dark outside, we have to find a way to let other people see where we are, and avoid saying that they will shoot us. Lu Jingxuan packed a small bottle of gasoline, stuffed a cloth over his mouth, and climbed up the skylight.

The zombies outside the skylight roared wildly when they saw him.

Lu Jingxuan quickly ignited the cloth strip on the bottle mouth, and threw it towards the zombie in the distance with all his might.

The bottle was hit, the liquid in it surged, and then the gasoline rushed out of the bottle, and with the help of the flame, the flame burned in an instant.

Seeing the flames soaring into the sky, Lu Jingxuan watched the zombies being turned around by the flames.

The people in the distance watched the flames rising and couldn't help frowning.

Sir, there were two flares fired over there, and this time it was illuminated by fire. Are we going to save people?

A soldier asked the officer next to him.

Go and save, why not go and save? The officer also had a telescope in his hand, and he couldn't help frowning as he watched the scene in the distance.

If he read correctly, there should be four RVs over there.

In the last days, there are not many people who can drive around in a RV.

These people should not be simple.

Clean up the zombies here, fast, so as not to hear the sound of zombies coming towards this side. After speaking, the officer started to run towards the other side.

The soldier nodded and watched his officer head towards another position.

The sound of gunfire continued, and the black world could see the flames everywhere.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan watched the zombies crawling towards the car, and even kept knocking on the glass windows, without even thinking about it, it was a wind knife.

Let's ignore the zombies, enter the space, and don't get hurt by stray bullets. Lu Jingxuan looked at the world outside the glass window, and the car windows that are not tempered glass may be hit at any time in the hail of bullets.

At that time, if they were hit by stray bullets without killing a few zombies, it would not be worth the loss.

Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu into the space.

The moment the two entered the space, the glass of the RV clanged, and a hole was punched by a stray bullet.

Seeing more and more stray bullets.

There was a shout from the radio outside.

Everyone in the car, please find a good place to hide, everyone in the car, please hide well, to avoid accidental injury from stray bullets.

Hurry up and hide, everyone, hurry up and hide. After Hao Junnan yelled, he hid in the space.

As for other people, he can't control them. If they are injured, it is impossible to be cured by relying on their current abilities.

There is no hospital without medical supplies, and the only way to die is to be hit.

Get down, get down quickly.

Hades dragged Zhang Xiaotao to lie in the middle of the car.

Then he took something to block the side of the car.

The sound outside became louder and louder, and the roar of the zombies also became louder.

The approaching personnel swept across the zombies in front of them.

When the figures fell down one by one, a hole would appear in the car.

Fortunately, the car itself was strong enough, and the bullet did not penetrate the wall of the car.

But the car windows are different, the glass of the car windows is very fragile, no matter how hard the glass is beaten, cracks will appear, not to mention bullets.

A powerful bullet.

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