Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 302 The Safe Zone on the Mountain

Zhang Xiaotao's words instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Lu Jingxuan is a space power user?

Hao Junnan couldn't help feeling a little suspicious when he heard her words.

Space powers?

He never thought that Lu Jingxuan would also be a spatial ability user.

From yesterday to today, he took out a lot of things from his backpack, and when he ran out of food, he said that the city lord would give it to him.

How could this city lord from far away give him food?

It must have spatial abilities.

Otherwise, they would not be able to take out so much food at any time.

Zhang Xiaotao, are you jealous because you saw we have food? Song Fengfu squinted at her, split the bread in his hand into two, and gave half to Lu Jingxuan.

Feng Fu, why bother talking nonsense with her, we'll just eat ours. Lu Jingxuan took the bread and took a bite.

The fragrant bread makes people's mouth water.

Hao Junnan couldn't help smiling when he heard what the two said.

It's true, we have food and drink, and people won't come if they are envious. Song Fengfu took out a box of apple juice from his backpack and handed it to Lu Jingxuan.

When Zhang Xiaotao saw the apple juice in her hand, she became jealous.

Look, look, it's been more than half a year since the end of the world, how could there be such a thing here.

Pointing to the apple juice in Song Fengfu's hand, Zhang Xiaotao shouted.

It was very difficult to get this thing three months ago. I didn't expect that she could get it. Xiao Gao looked at the things in Song Fengfu's hands, showing a trace of longing.

Okay, that's enough for you. It's their business to have food. If you're jealous, go get it yourself.

Hao Junnan glanced at Xiao Gao, his appearance was obviously the same as Zhang Xiaoqin's.

Xiao Gao pursed his lips, sat on the chair and said no more.

It's other people's business to eat, so what's the use of being jealous?

What's the use of jealousy?

Xiao Gao clenched his fists tightly.

He also wants space if he can, and food.

Except for the three of Lu Jingxuan, the backpacks of the others were either lost, or they had already eaten up all the food.

A group of people looked at Song Fengfu and the three of them eating and drinking, with envious expressions on their faces.

Zhang Xiaotaopu stroked her stomach, watching Hades take the food from Hao Junnan's hand.

Darling, can you give me some food? Zhang Xiaotao sat beside Hades, staring at the food in his hand.

Go away, I don't even have anything to eat, I'll give it back to you. Hades pushed her out.

A second-hand woman, let him pick up broken shoes.

He was depressed enough.

Not to mention giving her food now.

You, how could you... push me away, you weren't... Zhang Xiaotao thought that after she slept with him, she would be able to get a good meal after all, but she didn't expect him to treat herself like this.

Glancing at Hades with an angry expression, Zhang Xiaotao looked at the bread in his hand, stepped forward to grab it without thinking, and put it in her mouth.

Hades was unprepared. After the food in his hand was robbed, he was stunned for a second, and then watched Zhang Xiaotao grab the bread and put it in his mouth.

Fuck, how dare you grab my food. Hades put half of the bread in his hand into his mouth, and kicked Zhang Xiaotao hard.

Zhang Xiaoqin didn't expect that Zhang Xiaotao would snatch Hades' things, let alone that Hades would kick her.

What are you doing? Zhang Xiaoqin cast a flame towards Hades.

Damn it, I asked you to get in the car, but you dare to grab my food. Hades was not afraid of the flames she cast, and kicked Zhang Xiaoqin again.

Hades, if they want to rob, let them rob, only bandits will do such a thing.

Hao Junnan took out another piece of bread from the space and handed it to Hades.

Zhang Xiaotao looked at the bread but was powerless to grab it.

The leading soldiers ignored all this.

This kind of thing happens from time to time in the safe zone, so it's not surprising.

Helping Zhang Xiaotao up, Zhang Xiaoqin frowned slightly as she saw various bruises appearing on her body.

It's okay.

Sister, he bullied, he bullied me. Zhang Xiaotao shouted while standing on the car, pointing at Hades.

The pain all over her body was not as good as the hunger in her stomach, Zhang Xiaotao had never suffered such a crime.

She hates, hates so much.

Enough, enough, we will find food for you when we get to the safe zone.

Zhang Xiaoqin hugged her into his arms, and looked at Song Fengfu and the others.

It's an ironic comparison.

Everyone, the security zone is just ahead, please bring your food and go through the security check before you can enter.

The leading soldier silently faced all this.

Let's get out of the car, let's get out of the car. The mother and daughter sitting behind Song Fengfu saw the scene in front of them, and knew that no matter how much they wanted to rely on one person, there was no one they could really rely on in the last days.

Zhang Xiaotao's fate made them understand that they can only survive by themselves, by themselves.

The safe zone is built in a place surrounded by mountains and it is not very convenient to enter and exit.

After getting off the bus, Song Fengfu glanced at the forest in front of her. She didn't expect that they would build the safety zone in the forest.

Only one path leads up the mountain, and it is surrounded by cliffs.

The safe zone is established in the plain inside the cliff.

After Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan passed the security check, they followed the leading soldiers to a cave.

When you go into this cave, there will be a path. This path can lead to the mountain. Go down the path outside the mountain, and you can reach the safe area.

The leading soldier led them into the cave.

Song Fengfu saw that there was indeed a path in the cave, but this path was cut with stones.

To be precise, the mountain itself is a huge rock.

And someone dug a passage out of the entire stone.

A passage several kilometers long.

Constantly climbing up the stairs, Song Fengfu finally climbed to the top of the nearly 500-meter-high mountain after feeling that her feet were about to break off.

There is a sentry post and a wooden structure house on the top of the mountain.

After Song Fengfu glanced at the house, she turned her head and looked to the other side. The wide plain was full of houses, one after another wooden house.

Wow, here is a safe zone? It's the first time I've seen such a safe zone. Looking at the world below the mountain, Xiao He looked like a resort rather than a refuge.

Go down, go down quickly. Xiao Gao looked at the world below the mountain and couldn't wait.

The speed of going down the mountain is much faster than the speed of going up the mountain.

After Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu went down the mountain, they found that it was still very different from what they saw on the mountain.

This is the safe zone, Your Royal Highness, please come with me, and your accommodation will be arranged. The leading soldier saluted James.

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