Chapter 422

“How can I write your script?”

Li Heyi said helplessly: “Qin Zhong, you can take out a script. Anyway, we are acquaintances. If you write the script, I will shoot. We are still a cooperative relationship.”

“Get out of the way, I don’t have time to work with you. Now you leave me, don’t disturb my sleep.” Qin Zhong frowned.

“Qin Zhong.”

“Hurry up and don’t bother me.”

Li Heyi and Reba actually noticed that Qin Zhong was going to be angry. They didn’t know what to do for a while, so they had to leave Qin Zhong’s office quickly.

“What a headache, treat me as a script-producing machine?”

Qin Zhong rubbed his temples, a little angry on his face.

He cooperated with Li Heyi, and it was possible in the past.

But now Qin Zhong doesn’t want to continue working with others. He can shoot the movie himself, and he doesn’t want to be criticized when making a movie.

It is impossible for Li Heyi to continue working with Qin Zhong.

But if he lacks the script, Qin Zhong can still sell it to him.

“Let me see what other scripts are.”

Qin Zhong opens the system store and looks at the movies in it.

“Quentin, violent aesthetics?”

In the system mall, Qin Zhong found a very interesting scene.

When Quentin was in Qin Zhong’s previous life, he was a famous director.

Every movie is selling well at the box office, and it is said that after making ten movies, it will wash your hands.

Quentin has now finished making nine films, and these nine films are all available for purchase in Qin Zhong’s system mall.

“Buy all the scripts first. ¨.”

Without even thinking about it, Qin Zhong bought all the scripts of Quentin’s nine movies.

Qin Zhong has seen most of Quentin’s movies.

But what impressed him the most was “Pulp Fiction”. This film tells six stories separately but can be connected together. This kind of shooting technique has never appeared before.

The title of director Quentin’s genius is indeed worthy of the name.

Qin Zhong picked out the script of “Pulp Fiction” and studied it carefully.

Not only does the movie seem to be more brain-burning, Qin Zhong is still a little confused after watching the script twice.

It is said that Quentin once took the script to shoot with investors, but no one could understand it. Qin Zhong knows the difficulties of those investors.

“Pulp Fiction can be filmed, and “Jiang Ge Rescue” can also be filmed.”

Qin Zhong touched his chin and muttered.

Although I bought all the scripts, Qin Zhong didn’t plan to shoot them all.

First of all, there are some differences in the sense of age, and some movies may not be shown in China.

Although “Kill Bill” and “Kill Bill 2” have a good reputation, Qin Zhong didn’t want to film them.

The first part is fine, but the second part is a bit nonsense.

“If Li Heyi wants this script, he can sell it to him.”

Qin Zhong soon figured out how to deal with unused scripts.

The script of “Pulp Fiction” must be filmed, and Qin Zhong also has to promote the film well.

After being scolded by Qin Zhong, Li Heyi was speechless and didn’t know Qin Zhong’s temper.

But in the afternoon, Qin Zhong called him and asked him if he wanted to buy a script.

Upon hearing this, Li Heyi rushed to Qin Zhong’s company. After entering the door, he asked Qin Zhong, “Where is the script? Where is the script?”

“These two are.”

Qin Zhong points to “Kill Bill” and “Kill Bill 2” on the table.

Li Heyigang wanted to get the script, but suddenly realized something, and asked Qin Zhong in a low voice, “I have a bad premonition, are you going to cheat me?”

“What are you doing?” Qin Zhong grinned.

The main reason is that Qin Zhong’s attitude has changed too much. Li Heyi always feels that things are not that simple.

“`” Or you can tell me how much the two scripts are going to sell to me. “Li Heyi asked.

“You haven’t read the script yet.”

“No hurry, I can trust the quality of your script.” Li Heyi said.

“Two scripts, 40 million. Of course, after you buy it, you can sell it to others, I don’t care.” Qin Zhong said.

“It’s not necessary, because “The Pianist on the Sea” made me so much money, only 40 million yuan.”

Li Heyi smiled, Qin Zhong’s price is not high, Li Heyi can afford it.

“You first prepare the contract, I’ll look at the script before talking.” Li Heyi said.

“Okay, you can take a look first.” Qin Zhong replied.

Qin Zhong began to play (Made’s Zhao) Yin and Li Heyi’s contract, and Li Heyi also sat at the table studying the script.

“This first one is pretty good, but the second one is a bit nonsense.”

Li Heyi is quite satisfied with the first part, but some of the plots in the second part make Li Heyi feel like nonsense.

“If you don’t feel it works, you can modify it yourself, it doesn’t matter.” Qin Zhong said.

“Forget it, the original flavor is better.”

Li Heyi thought about it for a while. From the perspective of his director, those plots seemed exaggerated. Maybe the audience would like Nepong.

“By the way, you sold me these two scripts, what did you shoot for?”

Li Heyi is worthy of being an old fox, and he immediately thought of this. .

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