Chapter 421

The movie “The Pianist”, Qin Zhong, is not in a hurry to be released, just save it first.

What needs to be done right now is to promote the movie “A Chinese Ghost Story”.

After all, this movie has spent a lot of effort on publicity, and it hasn’t started to be released, and people on the Internet are starting to evaluate it.

For example, this “A Chinese Ghost Story” will be the best costume movie this year. Qin Zhong will definitely not be a bad movie.

Of course, there are also people who are dissatisfied. You must know that “A Chinese Ghost Story” is an excerpt from “Liao Zhai”.

“Liao Zhai” long ago was a subject that was badly filmed by TV dramas.

Anyway, if the crew wants to shoot, they can shoot, and there is no need to buy the copyright of any adaptation. Just find a team and add special effects to make a supernatural film.

I just don’t know the quality of “A Chinese Ghost Story” produced by Qin Zhong this time. If, like other teams, they want to come up with a random story to fool the audience, they will be scolded.

“A Chinese Ghost Story” was finally released in the cinema amidst all the expectations.

All the special effects production of this movie was personally supervised by Qin Zhong himself, and the shooting of Lanruo Temple in the wilderness was very eerie and terrifying.

Yang Chaoyue and Reba play different roles. Yang Chaoyue has followed Qin Zhong for so long, and his acting skills can completely kill second-tier stars.

The performance in the movie is remarkable. Reba’s dryad grandma played by Reba looks both mysterious and beautiful.

“Reba is so beautiful, even acting as a tree demon is so charming!”

“Yang Chaoyue’s acting skills are also very good, and I feel that she has made great progress!”

“Brother Qin Zhong is the best, he looks so handsome in ancient costumes!”

In the movie theater, the audience saw the movie “A Chinese Ghost Story” and they felt pretty good.

Compared with the previous bad films adapted from “Liao Zhai”, the movie “A Chinese Ghost Story” is simply a work of conscience.

Especially Ning Caichen, played by Qin Zhong, completely acted like a down-and-out scholar, which is impressive.

On the day of the premiere of “A Chinese Ghost Story”, no one dared to target Qin Zhong anymore.

Taking the fate of those six investors as an example, Qin Zhong’s movie wants to be released, and no one dares to mess with it.

Qin Zhong was very satisfied with the box office on the first day of “A Chinese Ghost Story”, and Li Heyi was naturally one of the winners.

At that time, I just agreed with Qin Zhong that he also invested part of it, and waited for the movie to get dividends when it was released.

As soon as this movie was released, there was such a good effect, and Li Heyi felt very comfortable.

“A Chinese Ghost Story” has a full box office for several days. Although “The Pianist on the Sea” surpasses “A Chinese Ghost Story” by a lot in connotation, most people watch movies for fun.

The box office of “A Chinese Ghost Story” unexpectedly surpassed the “Sea Pianist” in a short time.

The beneficiaries of this movie are not only Qin Zhong, Yang Chaoyue and Reba are also famous because of this “A Chinese Ghost Story”.

The media now knows about the relationship between Qin Zhong and Yang Chaoyue Reba. The three people stayed together as if they were going to become an iron triangle.

“A Chinese Ghost Story” is on the air, and Qin Zhong is able to take a break.

I usually paddle in the Wushuang company, correcting documents and the like, which is very leisurely.

This kind of life is exactly what Qin Zhong wants.

However, there are some things that Qin Zhong doesn’t have the final say. For example, Li Heyi didn’t want Qin Zhong to have a comfortable vacation.

Before the popularity of “A Chinese Ghost Story” was over, he brought Reba to Qin Zhong’s company.

“Qin Zhong, if you continue like this, you will have to give up. You must find something for yourself to do.”

Li Heyi came to Qin Zhong’s office and spoke earnestly.

“There is nothing to be busy now, what can I do?”

Qin Zhong wanted to doze off a little, and yawned: “If you are okay, you can leave. I want to sleep.”

“Don’t sleep, our film scores are so good, do you want to take advantage of the victory?” Li Heyi asked with a smile.

“What to chase after victory? I don’t have any opponents, who can I chase?”

“Of course it’s beyond ourselves! Let’s shoot a movie again, maybe the box office is better than “A Chinese Ghost Story”.” Li Heyi smiled.

Qin Zhong knows what he wants to do. He just wants to continue investing in Qin Zhong’s movies.

“Wushuang Company is very leisurely now, and I want to continue to be so leisurely.” Qin Zhong said.

Now the employees in Wushuang Company are more idle than the other.

They are almost done with the main things at hand, and there is nothing else to do, they can only fish in troubled waters in the company.

Qin Zhong also closed one eye on this matter, as long as he doesn’t do this when he is busy.

Seeing that Qin Zhong didn’t care much about the new movie, Li Heyi winked at Reba.

Reba reluctantly whispered to Qin Zhong: “You should have a new script right now, right? Otherwise, give the script to my cousin first and let him arrange it.”


Qin Zhong said to Reba, “I was so busy when I was making a movie, how could I have time to write a script? Now I don’t have anything at hand. If Li Heyi wants to make a movie, let him write the script himself.” .

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