Chapter 423

This damn Qin Zhong, shouldn’t he sell him a bad script and keep a good script for himself?

Qin Zhong laughed, knowing that he couldn’t hide it.

“You are still smiling, show me your script.”

Li Heyi’s heart is very complicated.

“Then look at it.”

Qin Zhong took out the “Pulp Fiction” script from the drawer and threw it directly to Li Heyi.

“Pulp fiction? What bad name.”

Li Heyi had a strange feeling when he saw the four characters in the script.

Sitting down and looking at the contents, Li Heyi felt that his patience was going to be drained as soon as he saw it halfway through.

“What kind of ghost script is this, really you wrote it?”

Li Heyi felt like he was being tricked. There is no main line in the script, and there are messy branches to support it.

Is this a script? I am afraid that even the composition of a primary school student is inferior.

In the “Kill Bill” series, the style of the script is similar to that of “Pulp Fiction”.

But Qin Zhong deliberately modified it in order to make Li Heyi understand it.

In this way, Li Heyi can easily distinguish the relationship between the characters.

But the script of “Pulp Fiction” Qin Zhong produced is the original version.

Even Qin Zhong himself, if he wants to understand the script, he has to read it several times.

Not to mention Li Heyi, he lost patience before seeing half of it.

“You really want to shoot this?”

Li Heyi felt that Qin Zhong was teasing him.

If this broken script is made into a movie, it is not going to be scolded to death.

“Of course, do you think this script is not good?” Qin Zhong asked with a smile.

“What a shit, what the hell.”

Li Heyi frowned and said, “If you really don’t have a good script, you can rest for a while. Wushuang has such a good reputation, don’t be ruined by bad movies.”

In Li Heyi’s opinion, if Qin Zhong really shoots “Pulp Fiction”, it is completely self-destructive.

“How about a bet?” Qin Zhong asked Li Heyi suddenly.

“What bet?”

“We all started shooting movies. After the movie is released, we will see who gets the best box office.” Qin Zhong said.


Li Heyi looked very unconfident.

The script of “Kill Bill” is good, but Qin Zhong’s reputation is there.

Even if it’s a bad film, there may be fans buying it.

“Are you scared?” Qin Zhong asked with a smile.

“Of course not, that’s it. After our movies are released, let’s see who has the best box office.” Li Heyi said.


Li Heyi signed the contract to buy the script, and then left here with two scripts.

“Hey? Forgot to tell him what to bet on.”

After Li Heyi left, Qin Zhong realized that he didn’t tell him the specific betting agreement.

“Forget it, next time.”

Qin Zhong shrugged indifferently.

Li Heyi returned to the company with the script, still feeling a little clouded.

Qin Zhong is just a broken script. What is the confidence to make a bet with him?

It is also a good thing that Li Heyi got the script of “Kill Bill”.

Because the protagonist of this movie is a woman, Li Heyi can arrange Reba in.

Let Reba act as the heroine of “Kill Bill”.

Thinking of this, Li Heyi called Reba directly.

“You come to Yuhuashi Company as soon as possible, come to my office, I have a script for you to see.” Li Heyi said on the phone.

Reba was boring at home, and was driven away by Qin Zhong in the morning.

Receiving a call from Li Heyi, Reba frowned and asked, “Where did the crew come from?”

“You don’t care where it came from, you come here quickly.” Li Heyi said impatiently.

Reba hung up the phone and drove to Yuhuashi Company.

“Uncle Cousin.”

Reba knocked on the door and came in. Li Heyi was looking at the two scripts.

If Reba is used as the heroine, some of the plots do need to be changed slightly.

Li Heyi directly threw the first script of “Kill Bill” to Reba, and said to Reba: “Look at the script, are you confident to play the heroine.”

“I play the heroine?”

Reba couldn’t believe it. When did Li Heyi become so bold, he threw it directly to Reba as a heroine.

After reading the first few pages of the script casually, Reba couldn’t help but ask Li Heyi: “Where did the script come from? Is it Mr. Qin Zhong?”

“Yes, I bought it from him, two scripts forty million yuan.” Li Heyi said.

“He sold you the script, so what did Qin Zhong shoot?” Reba couldn’t help asking.

“He still has a script in his hand. What’s it called “Pulp Fiction”? Anyway, I can’t read it until halfway through it. He wants to shoot that.” Li Heyi said.

Reba is a bit inexplicable, and it feels like Li Heyi is a bit abnormal today.

“There are some places in the script that are inappropriate. I will revise it for you. You must take good shots. I don’t want to lose the bet.”

Reba was looking at the script, and Li Heyi suddenly spoke. .

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