Chapter 359

This time Qin Zhong is determined to improve the desert environment, and no one wants to stop it.

Qin Zhong wanted to do things low-key, but he couldn’t keep things from hiding, and he didn’t know who was in the company who talked a lot and spread the matter out.

Domestic reporters will naturally pay attention to this matter. No one has done tree planting in the desert.

Not only the country, but there are also many people who care about the ecological environment and want to improve the desert environment.

But in the end it was all gone, and the most important reason was that it had little effect.

Investing hundreds of millions in it may not have any effect. It is far less simple than using this money for charity, and it can build several schools.

Wushuang’s decision to spend 5 billion to plant afforestation is purely Qin Zhong’s money to burn from the outside world.

Is it good to use so much money for other things? Even if the desert is improved at that point, what use can it be?

“Boss, the outside world is discussing our plan, should we cancel it…”

Qin Zhong’s assistant came to the office the next day and asked Qin Zhong in a low voice.

“Cancel? Don’t be kidding, the money is ready, how can I cancel it?” Qin Zhong asked rhetorically.

“It’s said that our company is rich.”

Qin Zhong’s assistant said embarrassedly.

In his opinion, it was just a dust storm in the desert. After Qin Zhong came back, he wanted to invest 5 billion yuan to improve the environment. He didn’t know what Qin Zhong was thinking.

Is it not good to use this money elsewhere?

If Qin Zhong wants to earnestly develop in China for a period of time, he can use the money to shoot a few more movies, there is no need to spend it on the environment.

The state will do what it takes to improve the environment, and Qin Zhong does not need to worry about it.

“Hey, do you think I am like a fool?” Qin Zhong asked the assistant.

“Boss, I didn’t mean that.” The assistant quickly apologized to Qin Zhong.

“It’s okay, I know that others will think the same way, but some things must be done by someone. My plan will be implemented as usual, you don’t have to worry about the others.” Qin Zhong said.

“okay then.”

The assistant reluctantly agreed.

Qin Zhong has the final say in the company’s affairs. It is not a good thing for his assistant to talk too much.

Wushuang Company is determined to do this, and the voice of doubt from the outside world does not work at all.

The filming of the movie “The Future Will Be Unexpected” hasn’t been finished yet. After Qin Zhong came back from the crew, it took two or three days for it to be over.

And with the passage of time, it was time for the movie “Fatal ID” to be released.

Qin Zhong has great expectations for this movie. The director is Nolan, the starring role is Norton, and the script is carefully selected by Qin Zhong.

If the box office fails to meet the target, Qin Zhong can only cry.

“The First Under Heaven” was also finished. Qin Zhong produced a movie at such a fast speed. Many people from film and television companies wanted to see the quality of this movie.

When “Fatal ID” premiered, many film companies’ producers and directors went to see it.

They have known the introduction of the film. According to speculation, this should be a film involving murder and crime.

Qin Zhong’s “Cry Saw” was shot well, and they felt that the film might exceed the quality of “Cry Saw”.

After all, judging from the introduction, there are more actors in this movie than in “Chain Saw”, and it is full of suspense.

The movie began. They focused on the movie. The story began. On a stormy night, eleven people gathered in a motel.

Each person’s identity and personality are unique, and it seems that everyone has secrets hidden in them.

The important plots soon began. The murders happened one after another until the split personality was revealed. Not only did the audience lose interest, it also aroused their curiosity.

There are no ghosts and bloody scenes in this movie, but it makes them feel terrified. Almost the entire movie theater held their breath. No one can infer what will happen in the next second.

“This is Wushuang Company’s movie. The strength is really powerful.”

The president of a film company swallowed and said.

“Yes, there is no peeing in this movie, we should learn more.”

“How to learn? We don’t have such excellent scripts, nor such excellent directors and actors.”

The president of the film company sighed after hearing the assistant’s words.

Every company wants their movies to be liked by the audience. As long as they can satisfy the audience, the audience can naturally satisfy their box office.

But the problem is that they don’t have such good scripts. Some of the films made are not liked by the company’s executives. They don’t bother to watch them. It’s weird if the results are good.

“No, we might be able to buy a movie script from Wushuang Company!”

“Don’t be kidding, how can Wushuang Company sell scripts? This is their job.”

“Then why did Wushuang Company sell the film copyright of “First Under Heaven” to Fiber Optic Media? Maybe it is not difficult to buy their movie scripts, as long as they can get enough remuneration.”.

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