Chapter 360

These words sound very reasonable. Since Wushuang can sell their film and television rights, it may sell their scripts.

As long as you can come up with enough remuneration, you can indeed talk to Wushuang Company.

“This is a good suggestion. We will go to Wushuang Company tomorrow.” The president of the film company laughed.

After “Fatal ID” was played, the audience left the cinema with satisfaction.

The quality of the movie is worth the price of the movie ticket, which is enough.

That night, “Fatal ID” was well received by film and television forums, and there were many split personality movies, but “Fatal ID” was definitely the leader among them.

Many split personality movies are only told at the end that everything is fantasised by the protagonist.

Or the protagonist is a neurosis.

But the movie “Fatal ID” is different. In the middle of the movie, the audience is informed that this is a movie with the protagonist as “mad”.

All the plots are shaped by his 11 non-identities.

Even if this is the case, the plot is not at all procrastinating or boring, but I want to know what the final outcome will be.

“I gave 98 points for the script of the movie “Fatal ID”, 2 points less is afraid of Wushuang’s pride. The acting skills of the actors and the director’s control of the camera are absolutely perfect, and I dare not rate it rashly. The director is Nolan and the starring role is Norton, which is enough to explain the quality of the movie!”

“A movie of split personality type has literally turned into a movie of criminal type. I have a doubt about this. If a person is controlled by his other personality and commits murder, then how to punish this person? ? Not guilty? Or let the psychologist kill the criminal personality?”

On a well-known film and television forum in China, an active boss asked a tricky question.

In just two hours, there were more than three thousand replies to this post.

“Original, I am a college student studying psychology. I want to answer you about this question.”

“Once a person is under the control of his personality, he does not have to bear the crimes committed. There is no known personality psychologist in our country that can kill someone’s personality. Once someone is under control, commit For crimes, he will only be sent to a mental hospital and will not be punished by any law.”

When this reply appeared, the following reply became more active.

“According to you, once someone kills a person and pretends to be mentally ill, he can escape the punishment of the law? Being imprisoned in a mental hospital is like a joke. Maybe one day he will be able to get out of the mental hospital. ”

“Yes, maybe he will pretend to be mentally ill after a few years, and he will not be responsible for the crimes he committed when he comes out of a mental hospital and lives as an ordinary person.”

Faced with such an answer, the college student replied: “First, no one can easily pretend to be mentally ill. When you are those psychologists, you are eating dry food? Want to test whether a person is really mentally ill, it is true. It’s too simple. This involves professional fields, and I won’t gossip with you.”

“Second, the mental hospital is not as beautiful as you think. After entering, you will find that the prison is simply heaven…”

A post discussing movies has gradually turned into a study of psychology and the symptoms of split personality.

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And a lot of professional experts who are diving have been exploded, and they have answered this.

In the evening, Qin Zhong received a web link from his assistant, which was a post about split personality discussion.

“My account seems to be verified by real name… Forget it, let’s answer it.”

When Qin Zhong saw this post, the reply had already exceeded 15,000 floors.

As the boss of the distribution company of this movie, Qin Zhong feels that he should do something after seeing the post.

“As for the split personality, I can only say that every person with this symptom is a poor person. Sometimes his body is not under his own control, and his freedom is restricted like a puppet. At least I am I don’t want to have such symptoms.”

… ……. 0

Qin Zhong’s reply is aimed at those who fantasize about being able to have a split personality.

After watching “Fatal ID”, they felt that if they had such symptoms, life would become more interesting.

Qin Zhong feels that he has to set up the correct three views for them, so as not to fantasize for a long time and really get such a disease. Isn’t Qin Zhong a sinner?

“In the previous movie “Fight Club”, the theme was split personality. I think you should have noticed that split personality is not a joke. It really makes a person’s mental breakdown. Discussions go to discussions. Don’t Thinking of committing a risk.”

Qin Zhong sent out these two comments one after another, and soon there were a lot of replies.

Some people praise Qin Zhong, and some hope that Qin Zhong will shoot this type of movie again.

Occasionally, someone criticizes Qin Zhong, saying that some of his films will mislead minors in the plot. Ding.

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