Chapter 358

However, at this time, Nolan, who was far away in Hollywood, called Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, the “Fatal ID” has been filmed. When do you plan to release this movie?” Nolan asked on the phone.

“It could have been screened in Hollywood, but now I want to develop it mainly in China. You can mail me the film and I will premiere it in China,” Qin Zhong said.

On the Hollywood side, it doesn’t matter if there is one more movie or one less movie.

But in China, Qin Zhong must regain the reputation of Wushuang.

Letting this “Fatal ID” premiere in China is good for Wushuang’s reputation. At least Qin Zhong can predict that the box office of this movie will certainly not be bad.

“The premiere in China? That’s okay, I will send you the final film in an expedited post today.” Nolan said.

“Okay, I’m waiting to receive it.” Qin Zhong said.

For the remaining two days, Qin Zhong was also waiting for Nolan to send the film back while filming “There Will Be No Time”.

When Qin Zhong received the film from Nolan, he arranged for the film to be released in China.

The movie “Fatal ID” was originally promoted in Country M, but there was no promotion in China.

Wushuang Company briefly promoted the movie and set the release date in half a month.

Half a month’s time is enough for the filming of “Afternoon” to be finished, and after “Fatal ID” is played, “Afternoon” can be released.

After Qin Zhong made arrangements for this matter, he honestly began planning for this movie.

A week later, Qin Zhong and the crew appeared in the desert, where they wanted to shoot the desert scene.

This film has no difficulty in shooting, it is a more literary and artistic film. Neither Qin Zhong nor the actors with Qin Zhong feel any pressure.

The temperature difference on this side of the desert is very large. It is inevitable that ordinary people will become unaccustomed when they first come here, and Qin Zhong is no exception.

When filming movies in the past, Qin Zhong also traveled north and south, but came to the desert. Perhaps because of the relatively dry air, Qin Zhong felt terribly uncomfortable every day.

I can only hope to quickly finish shooting the scene here, and then leave.

On this day, Qin Zhong was also shooting with the actors. Suddenly someone shouted to Qin Zhong: “Boss, look at what’s going on. ¨?”


When Qin Zhong saw the situation in front of him, his heart was cold.

In front of them, at a distance visible to the naked eye, a sandstorm is blowing here.

“All personnel get in the car or hide in the tent! Hurry up!”

Qin Zhong shouted, and all the crew put down their work and hid as quickly as possible.

The sandstorm is not a joke, maybe your life will be lost.

Qin Zhong also hid in a tent, and after the sandstorm cleared, everyone came out.

At this time, the tent and the car were full of dust after the sandstorm. The shooting site they had just set up was also declared scrapped.

“It’s really weird, I clearly have the weather forecast, and there has been no sandstorm recently…”

An assistant of Qin Zhong said blushing.

As an assistant, he is naturally responsible for such things.

Today, there was a sandstorm. He did not inform in advance, and he had an unshirkable responsibility.

“Forget it, are you injured?” Qin Zhong asked.



They hid quickly, and no one was injured after the sandstorm passed.

But some vehicles have scratches from stones, and there are even some luxury cars. In short, their crew has lost.

But it’s fine if people are fine. There are other losses. Qin Zhong can only blame himself for bad luck.

“` “Boss, sorry. ”

The assistant lowered his head to apologize to Qin Zhong.

“It’s okay, I can’t blame you all on this. Let’s get back to the state first, and then continue shooting later.” Qin Zhong said.

At this time, they were still in the country, and Qin Zhong was shocked by the fact that such a thing could happen.

But it also gave Qin Zhong an idea that since the environment is so bad, Qin Zhong might be able to change it.

Qin Zhong’s assets at this time can’t even be calculated by himself.

Domestic companies and foreign companies have terrifyingly high annual net profits. The world’s most profitable film company, Qin Zhong’s Wushuang Company, can definitely rank in the top five.

In this case, why can’t Qin Zhong (好王赵) spend a sum of money to improve the environment?

Anyway, the money is in Qin Zhong’s hands and it is of little use, so it is better to spend it.

Therefore, Qin Zhong intends to start to improve the desert environment after leaving here, starting with planting trees.

Three days later, Qin Zhong and the crew finished filming in the desert. Qin Zhong took his assistant and left by plane.

Back at the company, Qin Zhong asked the Finance Department to start preparing for his plan.

Not to mention anything else, five billion Chinese coins, Qin Zhong, can be easily taken out, and this money will first be used to improve the desert.

Many celebrities will do some charity after they have money. Although Qin Zhong has done it before, they are all done by the company. .

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