Chapter 293

“Well, I’ll wait for you at the company, see you later.” Lebo Wiz said.

After Qin Zhong hung up the phone, he immediately rushed to the DC company.

After Qin Zhong arrived at DC, he found Lebo Wiz’s office and knocked on the door to enter.

“Mr. Qin Zhong.”

Lebo Weitz smiled and shook hands with Qin Zhong.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Qin Zhong also smiled.

Of course Qin Zhong is happy, because he can shoot the movie he has always liked.

“Batman: The Dark Knight” Qin Zhong has been yearning for a long time. The role of the clown in this movie, Qin Zhong must surpass the previous Heath Ledger.

“”Batman: The Mystery of the Shadow” was released when you filmed the TV series “Tomb Notes”. Mr. Qin Zhong should have heard of this a little bit,” Lebo Wiz said.

When Qin Zhong was filming the TV series “Tomb Notes” in China, “Batman: The Mystery of the Shadow” had already been released and achieved good results.

Of course Qin Zhong knows this, but he didn’t expect DC to start shooting “The Dark Knight” so soon.

“I’ve heard about this, but does your company want to shoot “The Dark Knight” as soon as possible?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course, the pressure on Hollywood is very high now. As long as a company does not release a new movie within a year, it will soon be surpassed by other companies.” Lebo Wiz said.

Hollywood’s strong competitiveness is of course inseparable from the guy Qin Zhong.

The main reason is that Qin Zhong’s development is too rapid. Many new companies have imitated Qin Zhong’s development philosophy and continuously launched new movies.

Although it may not be very good at the box office, but the number is there, somehow it can make the company make money.

In this way, the pressure on some old companies in Hollywood has increased.

If you can’t launch movies quickly, sooner or later they will be overtaken by those new companies.

Qin Zhong smiled awkwardly. Regarding Hollywood’s method of competition, Qin Zhong also had a bit of knowledge in his mind.

“I’ll talk about this later, does your company have a script?” Qin Zhong asked.


Lebo Weitz handed the script of “Batman: The Dark Knight” to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong looked at the script seriously, but for the length of the clown in it, Qin Zhong didn’t like it very much.

In his previous life, the supporting role of the Joker made the limelight in the movie.

As for the script given by Lebo Weitz to Qin Zhong, the clown will only be crazy, just laugh twice, and don’t have the essence of a clown at all.

“Why, are you not satisfied with this script?” Lebo Wiz asked.

“Well, it is.” Qin Zhong said.

Lebo Weitz frowned and asked, “If it’s the script, it can be changed.”

“It’s not the reason for the script, the content is wonderful.”

After closing the script, Qin Zhong said to Lebo Wiz: “I don’t like the character of the clown character in it, and I think it should be changed.”


“If you change it according to what I said, the role of the Joker will not only be more crazy, it will even be scary.”

Qin Zhong shared his views on the role of the clown to Lebo Wiz.

It also incorporates the concept of Heath Ledger in the previous life, and Lebo Weitz can’t help nodding.

In fact, after the successful creation of this script, Leipowitz took this script and felt that the role of the clown was just qualified.

Although he can be a qualified villain, he has the potential to continue to develop.

What Qin Zhong said to him was an in-depth development of the role of the clown.

“Qin Zhong, this time I realized that you are a super genius!” Lebo Vitz exclaimed.

In the past, although I had heard of Qin Zhong’s talent, Lebo Wiz hadn’t really seen it.

In today’s conversation with Qin Zhong, Leipowitz fully agrees with Qin Zhong’s abilities.

“Overwhelmed. Regarding the director of this film, I have a suitable candidate.” Qin Zhong said.

“Who would it be? You can recommend it,” Lebo Wiz asked.

“Nolan, this guy’s style is very suitable.” Qin Zhong said.

In his previous life, Nolan directed the filming of the movie “Batman: The Dark Knight”.

Similarly, Qin Zhong hopes to cooperate with him.

“Nolan? I have heard of this director. He should have worked with you many times, right?” Lebo Wiz asked.

“Yes, but I recommend him this time because of his ability.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong is not selfish, the director of this film is indeed suitable for Nolan.

“Well, I will consider it.” Lebo Wiz said.

For him, it doesn’t matter who the director of this film is, as long as he can make the film well.

You can meet Nolan. If Nolan is suitable for this movie, let him be the director.

Otherwise, just hire the director of “The Mystery of Xia Ying” and continue to film “The Dark Knight”.

After Qin Zhong and Lebo Weitz discussed the shooting of the film, Qin Zhong left here.

DC is anxious to shoot “Batman: The Dark Knight”, so it will soon prepare for the early shooting.

When Qin Zhong came to DC this time, he had settled on the role of a clown with them.

As for the contract has not been signed yet, there is no rush for it.

Although DC and Marvel have always been rivals, Qin Zhong’s appearance in DC’s movies seems to have caused no loss to Marvel.

After all, what is the matter of an actor in the competition between two companies?

Now that Monica’s “Resident Evil 3” is still in the final shooting, Qin Zhong only has two tasks in his hands.

That is “Avengers 2” and “Batman: The Dark Knight”.

Qin Zhong is going to be the villain Joker in “Batman: The Dark Knight”, but the news is leaked for some reason.

This is a bit of a fryer on the Internet.

Qin Zhong is the man from Marvel and the actor of Spider-Man.

Why did Marvel play the role of the clown?

Regarding this matter, Qin Zhong has nothing to explain. What happened to these two films?

As time passed slowly, “Resident Evil 3” was completed and released.

At the same time, “Avengers 2” has also entered the intense filming. “Batman: The Dark Knight” has not yet completed the preliminary preparations. Qin Zhong can only focus his work on the filming of the reunion.

After all, “Avengers 2” was filmed by multiple heroes, and Qin Zhong obviously reduced himself in the script.

At the beginning, most of Qin Zhong’s scenes were filmed, and then Qin Zhong can make up shots if he is free.

After finishing the preliminary work of “Batman: The Dark Knight”, I went to Qin Zhong to start filming. .

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