Chapter 294

“Batman: The Dark Knight” is still starring Christian Bale, but the role of the Joker has been replaced by Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong showed the madness and cold-bloodedness of the clown when he was shooting the movie. Just a look in his eyes makes people feel cold.

“Qin Zhong, your acting skills are so exquisite, you even stole Batman’s limelight.”

While shooting, Nolan called to stop and couldn’t help but walk over to Qin Zhong.

Out of selfishness, Nolan hopes that Qin Zhong can perform well in this movie.

But Qin Zhong’s acting skills even surpassed the protagonist Batman.

This will have an impact on the entire movie, which Nolan didn’t want to see.

“It doesn’t matter, I think he played very well.” Christian Bale said with a smile.

Qin Zhong’s talents even amazed him.

Whether or not Qin Zhong can steal his limelight, he doesn’t care that much.

What he wants to see more is Qin Zhong’s wonderful acting skills.

Qin Zhong shrugged and said to Nolan: “This is the character that a clown should show. I shot it exactly as I understood it.”

“But you stole the protagonist’s limelight…Can you lower the level a little bit?” Nolan asked in a low voice.

Such a suggestion sounds strange. If Qin Zhong is in another movie, he might agree to Nolan’s request.

But for this movie, Qin Zhong didn’t want to hear other people’s opinions.

If the role of the clown cannot be played well, how can a classic image be created?

Qin Zhong said to Nolan: “I know in my heart, just shoot like this first, you have to believe in my ability.”

“Of course I believe…”

Nolan is a bit speechless, depending on the situation, I can only let Qin Zhong continue shooting first.

Qin Zhong’s strength is unquestionable, and it is completely beyond the level of performance in filming.

With the template of Heath Ledger in his previous life, as well as Qin Zhong’s understanding of the clown character, he directly created his amazing acting skills.

During the filming of “Batman: The Dark Knight”, Qin Zhong also kept going to the crew of Avengers 2 to film Spider-Man.

In more than four months, both films were filmed, and even more than half of the special effects were completed.

At this time, the two companies began to discuss the issue of film release.

Although DC and Marvel are old rivals, they don’t want to let the two movies head-on.

“Batman: The Dark Knight” is the second part of the dark trilogy. Although the first part has a good box office, with the addition of Qin Zhong, the second part may be much more than the first.

For this movie, DC company has given high hopes.

“Avengers 2” is also important to Marvel, at least they don’t want any surprises when it is released.

After the end of the reunion 1, the remaining movie plots of the superheroes are entirely for the preparation of the reunion 2.

And Qin Zhong feels that if the box office of “Avengers 2” can be hot, then Wushuang will definitely surpass Paramount and become one of the new six major movie companies in Hollywood.

Regarding the question of who will be released first, DC and Marvel have discussed it for a long time, and both want to be the first to be released.

In the face of such problems, Qin Zhong has become the first choice to solve the problem.

“Qin Zhong, go and tell the DC company that our Avengers 2 must not be surpassed by Batman. It must be screened earlier than them. ¨!”

Stan Lee came to Qin Zhong’s office and said to Qin Zhong.

For Stan Lee, it has been a rival with DC for decades.

The contradiction cannot be reconciled, and their films have been produced, and the DC company’s films cannot be surpassed.

Qin Zhong has a headache when facing such a problem.

First of all, Qin Zhong doesn’t want to worry about which movie will be released first. According to Qin Zhong, the quality of both movies is very good.

In terms of box office, don’t worry at all.

Although Qin Zhong is the majority shareholder of Marvel, but the clown played by DC, Qin Zhong also likes it.

Qin Zhong can’t tell which of the two films is better.

“Qin Zhong, you are talking, Marvel has your shares.” Stan Lee urged.

Qin Zhong said helplessly: “My friend, what do you want me to say? We don’t need to worry about this. The big deal is to let the two movies be released at the same time, I don’t care.”

“Qin Zhong, you are playing with fire!” Stan Lee frowned.

Stan Lee has the posture of a domineering president, but Qin Zhong doesn’t care what Stan Lee will say.

“I’m not playing with fire, I’m telling the truth, the two movies can indeed be shown together.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong feels that if things develop like this, there is nothing wrong with the two films being released at the same time.

What really makes the box office gap between the two films is not the time of release, but the quality of the film.

Many film companies, when they see some good-quality films, will not let their company’s films and other companies’ films be released at the same time.

This is just an expression of incompetence and lack of confidence.

But “Batman: The Dark Knight” and “Avengers 2” are both excellent movies, why can’t they be released at the same time?

“` “Well, I don’t want to argue with you anymore. If you really want two movies to be shown at the same time, just assume I didn’t tell you. “Stan Lee said.

He has nothing to do with Qin Zhong. If Qin Zhong is really so confident, let the two movies be released at the same time.

At that time, the box office will be affected, Qin Zhong just don’t cry.

After Stan Lee finished speaking, he turned around and left.

What a stubborn old man.

Since Qin Zhong felt that the two films could be released at the same time, he directly called Lebo Wiz to talk about his thoughts.

“What? Qin Zhong, do you want these two movies to be released at the same time?”

Lebo Weitz asked in surprise after receiving the call.

The issue of the release date has always been negotiated by Lay (well Zhao) Bo Weitz and Stan Lee.

I didn’t want Qin Zhong to worry about this. After all, Qin Zhong’s identity at this time is a bit embarrassing, and it is not good to speak for any company.

But Lebo Weitz did not expect that Qin Zhong had plans to release the two films at the same time.

Lebo Weitz’s vision is a bit longer than Stan Lee’s, and it’s not unheard of that two excellent films were released at the same time.

In Leipowitz’s view, as long as the quality is decent, there is no problem even if it is released at the same time, and it may be more beneficial in publicity.

“Yes, it is my plan to release the two films at the same time. If you are not satisfied with this matter, you can still discuss it.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong basically has the final say when the Marvel movie will be released.

However, Qin Zhong can only make suggestions for the release time of DC’s movies. After all, Qin Zhong does not have any shares in DC, so it doesn’t count. .

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