Chapter 292

Paramount feels that both in terms of movie titles and characters, they are all done in the style of China.

But in fact, when the movie was released, they lost everything they lost, and even their reputations became worse.

After the release of “Sand Sea: Shadows of the Deserted Sands”, the box office was so hot that Qin Zhong completely repaid his money and made a lot of money.

At the very least, all the money spent on the TV series of “Tomb Notes” was made back by the movie version.

This is also a place that satisfies Qin Zhong.

When “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sands” was still in theaters, Qin Zhong started to make plans for the most important movie.

That is the shooting plan of “Avengers 2”.

Many of Marvel’s superhero movies are actually prepared for the Avengers series.

Qin Zhong knows this issue of course, so there is no room for delay in Fulian 2.

On the way to Qin Zhong filming “Tomb Notes”, Hollywood has already released all Marvel movies, just waiting to film Revenge 2.

Besides, Stan Lee also helped Qin Zhong with a lot of film issues, but Qin Zhong can’t leave Marvel’s affairs behind.

Qin Zhong went to Marvel to convene personnel after finishing the “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Desert” to finalize the shooting plan of “Avengers 2”.

Faced with the filming plan of this movie, the superhero actors of Marvel are very cooperative.

At that time, the first film of “The Avengers” created a box office miracle, but I did not expect it to be surpassed by Qin Zhong’s “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Desert”, the movie version of the Tomb Raider.

Although these two movies are related to Qin Zhong, they also want to make “Avengers 2” more than “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Desert” at the box office.

At the very least, it shows that Marvel’s movies are not vegetarian.

Qin Zhong understands their thoughts, but Qin Zhong still needs to toss slowly about the matter of this movie.

Although the filming was planned, today I just called out these superhero actors for a meeting to discuss the issue of film pay.

At this time in Marvel, the person with the highest pay belongs to Qin Zhong, who is actually Downey, the actor of Iron Man.

After all, the “Iron Man” series even faintly exceeds Qin Zhong’s “Spider-Man” series, and Downey’s high pay can be justified.

“Oh, Qin Zhong, we’ve been waiting for the filming plan of Avengers 2 to finally begin. It’s really exciting.” Robert Downey Jr. said with a smile.

“It’s not only exciting, but also motivated. Can you say that our “Avengers 2″ can surpass the movie version of Tomb Note?” Chris Evans asked.

“If you want to surpass this movie, it depends on your performance. Now let’s talk about the salary.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong first discussed the salary with them. After all, Qin Zhong is a generous person and did not treat them badly in terms of salary.

They are very satisfied with Qin Zhong’s offer.

The other biggest problem lies in the script.

Qin Zhong does not yet have a script. Although the script can be purchased in the system, but with Qin Zhong, the Spider-Man, the previous script still needs to be changed like the last time.

Qin Zhong’s role has increased, and Stan Lee has to help with script issues.

“Qin Zhong, should you have the script ready?” Stan Lee also knows which step is most important.

If there is no script, it is futile to say anything now.

“Oh, I have almost prepared the script, and I can finish it tomorrow.” Qin Zhong said vacantly.

In fact, he didn’t even read the script, but in his previous life, Qin Zhong watched the movie “Avengers 2” many times, and he can still remember some of the contents.

Qin Zhong spoke to them about some of the plots in Fulian 2.

“Well, there is no problem with shooting like this.” After listening to Qin Zhong’s narration, Stan Lee was very satisfied with Qin Zhong’s thoughts on Fulian 2.

The film was shot according to Qin Zhong’s idea, and there is basically no problem.

“That’s okay, we will shoot in this way. But in the details, we still have to let you help to modify it.” Qin Zhong said to Stan Lee.

“Haha, Qin Zhong, what are you kidding me? I am convinced of your skills. Let me modify the script for you. Let’s forget it.” Stan Lee shook his head.

Stan Lee knew exactly what kind of ability Qin Zhong had at this time.

For someone who can write content like “A Song of Ice and Fire”, Stan Lee really has no confidence to help Qin Zhong revise the script 0 ……..

“You have to believe in your own abilities. I don’t know Marvel as much as you. Okay, that’s all, we’ll see you later!” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong didn’t want Stan Lee to ask other questions. After talking about these things with Stan Lee, Qin Zhong left Marvel.

Regarding the script, Qin Zhong will study it seriously.

After returning home, Qin Zhong bought “Avengers 2” in the system, which is the script of the movie “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron”.

Qin Zhong looked at the contents carefully and wanted to try to join the role of Spider-Man, but felt awkward no matter what.

It seems better to let Stan Lee do it.

Qin Zhong pondered this question for a long time. By noon, Qin Zhong was already drowsy.

Just when Qin Zhong was about to take a nap, he received an unfamiliar number on his mobile phone.

“Hello.” Qin Zhong yawned and answered the phone.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, did you doze off just at noon?” Lebo Vitz laughed.

Hearing the voice of the other party, Qin Zhong slowly remembered this person.

If I remember correctly, he should be Lebo Wiz, the boss of DC.

Qin Zhong went to DC before and wanted to buy shares in this company, but was refused.

But the two agreed that if they filmed Batman’s Dark Knight trilogy, they would definitely make Qin Zhong play the role of the clown.

Qin Zhong is still fresh in his memory.

“Oh, it turned out to be you. May I ask what’s the matter?” Qin Zhong immediately cheered up and asked.

“I think Mr. Qin Zhong should have guessed it.” Lebo Vitz said with a smile.

“Hmm…Is it possible to play the role of a clown?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course, and to shoot as soon as possible.” Lebo Wiz said.

“That’s okay, I’ll be waiting anytime.” Qin Zhong said.

“If Mr. Qin Zhong has time, he can come to my company now and let’s discuss specific matters.” Lebo Wiz said.

“Of course I have time, I will go now.” Qin Zhong said.

The nap plan may have to be cancelled, but Qin Zhong feels that filming is more important. .

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