Chapter 291

They Qin Zhong is a fool. They played “Tomb Notes” in more than a month, but they couldn’t think of it. Qin Zhong’s focus is on movies.

Like Qin Zhong’s propaganda method, they have never seen it before.

Qin Zhong is watching the sample video of “Sand Sea: The Shadow of the Deserted Sand” produced by Weita Company.

Along with Qin Zhong, there is Stan Lee.

Stan Lee has been a loyal audience of this TV show after “Tomb Notes” was broadcast on the Internet.

The law of true fragrance that can never be escaped.

Before, Stan Lee advised Qin Zhong not to waste time on this TV series, but as soon as the TV series was broadcast, Stan Lee had to follow it every day.

Stan Lee has no opinion on the movie “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand”.

When he is addicted to a movie, even if there are any shortcomings in the movie, he can automatically ignore it.

Anyway, according to Stan Lee’s point of view, the movie “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” has no problems.

And because of the TV series, if this movie were to be released, the box office would be very hot.

Not only can Qin Zhong make a fortune, but also the money spent on TV shows.

And Qin Zhong’s reputation will also be improved.

This is simply a good thing with one stone.

“The special effects are okay, and the plot is okay. In short, it’s a very good movie.”

Stan Lee said after watching the movie.

“Since even you think it’s okay, then I will arrange the movie’s release date and it will be released as soon as possible.” Qin Zhong said.

The films that Marvel had prepared half a year ago have begun to be released one after another.

No matter when “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” is released, it will not conflict with the previous movies.

After Qin Zhong arranged his affairs, he began to prepare for the release date of “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand”.

The news of the release of “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sands” is not only popular in country M, but also popular in China.

After all, it is a TV series broadcast at the same time in countries such as M and China. Except for the two countries, there are also many fans of “Tomb Notes” in other countries.

After Qin Zhong arranged the schedule, “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” was released.

The box office explosion on the first day of “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Desert” even surpassed the best “Avengers” at the time.

Even Qin Zhong did not expect that “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” would have such a good result.

You know that the superheroes in “Avengers” are all the hard work of Marvel.

Relying on a few superheroes, the box office of “Avengers” was raised.

And “Sand Sea: The Shadow of the Deserted Sand”, it only took less than a year from the TV series to the movie.

And in country M, it only lasted a month and a half.

But the film version of the box office, but the “Avengers” box office on the first day of the game.

What Qin Zhong doesn’t know is that in terms of publicity, Qin Zhong is not good at it.

But the audience of “Tomb Notes” is too wide, and the plot is too exciting.

People always pursue new and exciting things, and “Tomb Notes” just did just that.

The plot is wonderful and the special effects are perfect. Anyone who has watched an episode of this TV series can’t help but keep watching.

This makes the TV series very sticky. It is estimated that Qin Zhong does not know how many fans there are.

In the next week, “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sands” completely became a dark horse at the box office, even surpassing the second place in a few streets.

Tomb-robbing movies have also allowed other film and television companies to see business opportunities.

When the TV series “Tomb Notes” was on fire, they just felt that Qin Zhong had seized the opportunity because of their luck.

And they themselves did not make money on this type of TV series, which is very regrettable.

Anyway, when I was prepared before, I could make some money on this type of TV series.

But time has passed for too long, and they don’t have any screenwriters and directors who are good at tomb-robbers. They can only watch the tomb-routing notes fire, and they can’t even get a piece of the pie.

However, the popularity of the movie “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” gave them hope again.

If they can’t make money from tomb-robbing works on TV series, then they also imitate tomb-robbing movies.

If you don’t believe it, you can’t make any money.

With the successful example of “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand”, many film and television companies have begun to imitate tomb-robbing movies.

Among them, the most imitated one belongs to Paramount, which is said to be at odds with Qin Zhong.

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But “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” succeeded, and they didn’t care about that much.

Paramount’s performance has been declining due to the last dispute with Qin Zhong.

Their “Transformers 3” has not yet started shooting, and now every movie is not so profitable, of course I feel upset.

Since Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company can become a dark horse by relying on the movie “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand”, they must imitate this movie and strive to make a fortune in the same genre.

I don’t want to have the same box office as Qin Zhong’s movies, but it’s not a problem to be able to make some money on the company’s reputation.

There are many companies with the same idea as Paramount, and the theme of tomb robbery has become popular in M ​​country. In addition, many film and television companies in China have also begun to imitate this theme.

… .. …….

Qin Zhong certainly has nothing to say for others to follow the trend and make money.

As long as a subject matter is on fire, then there will definitely be a bunch of imitation movies below, which Qin Zhong can accept in his heart.

As long as the content does not plagiarize “Tomb Raiders Notes”, Qin Zhong doesn’t bother to take care of other things.

In addition, do they think the success of “Tomb Notes” is all accidental?

Soon, both on the Internet and in movie theaters, movies with the themes of tomb robbery began to appear one after another.

What “The Master of the Tomb Raider”, “The Shadow of the Tomb”, “Notes on the Backward Bucket”, and all the movies that involve the themes of tomb raiders, they have begun to vigorously promote.

However, when the audience went to the cinema to watch these movies, they didn’t buy it at all.

They thought it could be as powerful as “Tomb Notes” in terms of quality.

But in fact, it’s just a bad film that even the director doesn’t know what to say.

It’s all about trying to catch up on the tomb-raising type of movies.

Qin Zhong was really amused by those imitating movies. In his previous life, “Tomb Notes” was also a super IP. There were many movies that wanted to imitate this type of film, but they were all stunned by the audience in the end.

Unexpectedly, there are such a group of people in this world.

The most unlucky one is Paramount, they just want to make a fortune with this type.

But when their “Grave Robber” was released, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet. Ding.

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