Chapter 290

Some people who have no interest in this TV series also watched it with curiosity when they saw “Tomb Notes” appeared on the homepage.

Regardless of their original intentions, after seeing the contents of “Tomb Raiders Notes”, they were all attracted.

Many people watched this TV series all night without realizing it until dawn.

As a result, many people in country M have a pair of panda eyes when they go to work the next morning.

“Hey, Jamie, why are your eyes so dark?”

In a company, an employee saw his colleague drinking coffee refreshingly with panda eyes and couldn’t help asking questions.

“Oh, I watched the “Tomb Notes”, Qin Zhong’s TV series last night. It was so good. I watched it all night without knowing it.” Jamie said with a yawn.

“My God, won’t it? How can you be delayed by a TV series for such an important thing as work? Is the quality of this TV series better than “Game of Thrones”?”

“Almost, anyway, the two TV series are not the same type.” Jamie waved his hand and said, “Okay, don’t bother me anymore. If you’re okay, watch it yourself.”

Driven away by Jamie, the employee couldn’t bear the curiosity in his heart. While the boss was away, he secretly opened the video website with his computer to check the TV series.

But when he had just watched it for ten minutes, he couldn’t remove his eyes anymore.

Both the content and the special effects are very real, as if something like this has happened before.

At this point, it took several hours until the boss found out that the employee hurriedly shut down the video website.

If only one episode and two episodes are updated, then there will be no more after watching.

But Qin Zhong directly updated forty episodes on the video website. Many people didn’t watch enough on the first night, dozing off at work during the day, and then started to stay up late to watch the next night.

This situation is not as simple as a few cases. Many people have begun to learn about the existence of this TV series from the mouth of this friend and colleague.

Then after looking at the content inside, it became out of control.

The early publicity of “Tomb Raiders Notes” was just to lay a solid foundation for the spread of this TV series.

The most important thing is the quality of this TV series.

At this time, the major film and television companies in Hollywood also noticed this TV series.

As a film and television company, one must of course pay attention to the development of film and television. The success of the TV series “Tomb Notes” is simply unheard of.

It’s really hard to figure out that a China TV series can explode in country M.

But when they watched the TV show for themselves, they realized that there was enough reason for the TV show to become popular.

In addition, Qin Zhong’s actor friends, or the stars who acted as superheroes in Marvel, have helped the TV show publicize either intentionally or unintentionally.

In just one week, “Tomb Notes” became the most popular online.

“I dare to swear that the quality of this “Tomb Notes” even exceeds the “Resident Evil” series!”

“Yes, I don’t know how long it will take to wait for an episode of “Resident Evil”, but “Tomb Raiders Notes” has been updated for forty episodes all at once. It is said that there are a total of 87 episodes, so you can watch it!”

“I also think the quality of this TV series is very good, every episode is like a movie!”

As the most popular TV series, “Tomb Notes” is often talked about.

Whether they are white-collar workers at work or housewives, they all seem to be attracted by this bizarre world.

After forty episodes, Qin Zhong established a system for members to watch.

After updating the forty-first episode, Qin Zhong got a lot of website share.

Of course, the share obtained on the Internet is not enough to make Qin Zhong pay back.

He waited for enough time and had other plans.

The TV series of “Tomb Notes” is updated once a day, and all the updates are completed in just one and a half months.

When other companies saw Qin Zhong update the TV series so quickly, they all joked that Qin Zhong was a fool.

It’s hard to make this TV series so popular that it updates one episode a day?

If it were them, it would be fast to update one episode a week.

Take advantage of the heat, and make money slowly.

But they underestimated Qin Zhong’s ideas. Will Qin Zhong be the one who makes him lose money?

On the day the “Tomb Raiders Notes” was updated, Qin Zhong posted his views on social networking sites.

“The popularity of the TV series “Tomb Notes” is something I did not expect. Thank you for your support of this TV series. The end of the TV series does not mean the end of all the stories. The movie version of “Tomb Notes”, “Sand “Sea: Deserted Sands and Shadows” will be released soon, and I hope everyone can support this movie more then!”

After sending these words out, the social networking site immediately exploded.

Of course they like this TV series, and even after the TV series are over, they still feel very sorry in their hearts.

According to their thoughts, even if this TV series is broadcast for a year, they will keep chasing it.

But the broadcast ended in just over a month, and of course they were reluctant to give it up.

But Qin Zhong actually said that there is a movie version of “Tomb Raiders Notes”, I don’t know what it will look like.

Anyway, they will definitely support it when the time comes. Members who only open a video website can watch the complete works of “Tomb Notes”. Compared with the investment in this movie, they all feel that Qin Zhong has suffered.

During the filming of “Tomb Raiders Notes”, Qin Zhong had already figured out how to deal with it.

First of all, TV dramas will definitely not make much money. TV shows of this type are difficult to broadcast on TV stations.

But Qin Zhong can make money by relying on the movie version, and the TV series version is considered a loss.

The film version of “Sand Sea: Shadow of the Deserted Sand” was secretly filmed by Qin Zhong when he was filming the TV series “Tomb Notes”.

It also kept all the actors secret.

Because when the Weita company has a lot of things to be busy, Qin Zhong is not in a hurry to let them add special effects.

After Qin Zhong returned to Hollywood, Weita Company began to produce special effects for this movie.

More than a month’s time is enough to complete this movie.

At this time, as long as the release time is arranged, the movie can be released.

Qin Zhong put “Grave Robber Notes” on the Internet for people to watch, in order to promote “Sand Sea: The Shadow of the Deserted Sand”.

After all, making money at the box office of movies is the mainstream.

After Qin Zhong said these things on social networking sites, those who regarded Qin Zhong as a fool on the spot were confused on the spot. .

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