Chapter 278

Stan Lee, no matter what others say, he just wants to film the first season of “Game of Thrones”.

The main reason is that his interest lies in this, and he wants to film this TV series by himself.

Stan Lee put aside Marvel’s affairs completely, even if Stan Lee didn’t care about the shooting of Marvel movies, someone would take care of it.

Marvel has no shortage of talents in filmmaking, and Stan Lee can leave this to others.

When filming the first season of “Game of Thrones”, Stan Lee took great pains and did not make any mistakes in the content.

After all, each episode must be filmed at the level of the movie, and the first season is planned to be filmed for ten episodes.

Then not only the shooting speed must be fast, but also the quality of the TV series.

In this TV series, Qin Zhong plays the role of Snow, the illegitimate son of the Stark family.

Other than that, there are no famous celebrities.

Fortunately, because of the novel, this TV series has made many people look forward to it, and Qin Zhong and Stan Lee are very demanding on the acting skills of the actors, so don’t worry about the quality.

After each episode was filmed, Weita Company began to produce special effects. After the three episodes were filmed, Qin Zhong put the first three episodes on the Internet.

There are many video sites cooperating with Qin Zhong’s company, and they have been lined up on the homepage after being put on the Internet.

In the first three days of the show, there was a lot of applause on the Internet.

Needless to say about the content, Qin Zhong tried to shoot according to the original as far as possible in terms of the script, which made many people who have read the original very satisfied.

Next, Qin Zhong continued to shoot according to normal progress, and “Iron Man 2” was also filmed and released.

After the filming of the ten episodes of the TV series, a long time has passed.

The satisfaction level of the first season has exploded, and Qin Zhong plans to shoot the second season later.

However, Qin Zhong still has things to do, and Marvel’s movie Qin Zhong can’t be left either. It needs to shoot “Spider-Man 2” and “Wolverine”.

Qin Zhong’s “Spider-Man 2” is easy to shoot, but “Wolverine” has not yet found a starring role.

Qin Zhong naturally felt that in his previous life, Hugh Jackman, who starred in “Wolverine”, was the most suitable candidate.

So Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company began recruiting leading actors for “Wolverine”.

Because of the popularity of the TV series “Game of Thrones”, many people regretted not participating in it.

Once the “Wolverine” was recruited for the leading role, all kinds of actors from Hollywood came to Qin Zhong’s company to audition.

According to the current development speed of Qin Zhong’s company, contact with Qin Zhong’s company, it will definitely become popular all the way.

“Wolverine” is a series of movies, and it is related to “X-Men”.

Acting as the protagonist of this movie is equivalent to having a relationship with the two series of movies.

When “Wolverine” recruited the starring role, many people came, but Qin Zhong still waited for Hugh Jackman to come.

However, Qin Zhong waited for three days and didn’t see this kid come to audition. Qin Zhong couldn’t wait.

“Stan Lee, do you know an actor named Hugh Jackman?” Qin Zhong called Stan Lee and asked directly.

Probably because of the parallel universe, there is no Wolverine character in the first part of “X-Men” in this world.

Otherwise, Qin Zhong just finds ready-made actors.

“Hugh Jackman?”

After Stan Lee received a call from Qin Zhong, he began to remember this person in his mind.

Fortunately, Stan Lee’s memory is pretty good. After thinking about it for a long time, he said to Qin Zhong: “I remember this actor, but he is an opera actor. What do you want him to do?”

That’s right, before this man of Hugh Jackman played the role of Wing Steel Wolf, he was just an opera actor.

No one would have thought that he, with a sturdy appearance, is so artistic.

“I want him to be the lead actor in “Wolverine”.” Qin Zhong said.


Stan Lee said in surprise: “Qin Zhong, you are not mistaken, do you want an opera actor to play the sturdy Wolverine role?”

“Of course you are not mistaken. I think he is a good person. If you can find his contact information, please give me a bit.” Qin Zhong said.

“I can probably find the contact information, but do you really want him to play Wolverine?”

This is the second time Stan Lee has asked.

“I have decided, so be it. When you find his contact information, please tell me.” Qin Zhong said.

Stan Lee is someone who has been in Hollywood for decades. He wants to find an actor’s contact information, which is much better than Qin Zhong.

Two hours later, Qin Zhong received an unfamiliar number.

Press the answer button, and you hear an excited voice.

“Hello, this is Hugh Jackman, are you Mr. Qin Zhong?” Hugh Jackman asked excitedly on the phone.

“Of course, I am Qin Zhong.” Qin Zhong said.

Unexpectedly, Stan Lee was so efficient that he was contacted by Hugh Jackman in only two hours.

“Oh, my goodness, it’s really you!”

Hugh Jackman must have seen a lot of Qin Zhong’s movies. As soon as Qin Zhong spoke, he knew that it was Qin Zhong’s voice.

“Hello, excuse me, Mr. Stan Lee said you have something to do with me?” Hugh Jackman asked.

Stan Lee was on the phone and only said that Qin Zhong had asked him about the movie, but Hugh Jackman didn’t know what it was.

“Yes, I want you to play the leading role in the movie “Wolverine”, don’t you know if you are interested?” Qin Zhong asked.

“My God! Don’t you know that I am an opera actor? You want me to play Wolverine?” Hugh Jackman asked in astonishment.

Hugh Jackman knows the Marvel universe and is even a fan of Marvel movies.

After all, during this period of time, Marvel movies shined in Hollywood and even internationally.

“Well, although you are an opera actor, I think it’s okay for you to play the role of Wolverine.” Qin Zhong said.

“This… But I’m still in Los Angeles. If I go to Hollywood to audition, it will take at least a day to arrive.” Hugh Jackman said.

When Qin Zhong told him to play Wolverine, Hugh Jackman was ready in his heart.

This is a good opportunity for transformation. Although Hugh Jackman loves opera, he also wants to develop in other ways.

Now that movies have become one of the mainstream ways of entertainment, the number of people watching operas is declining.

Hugh Jackman also wants to be a film actor, but the way of transformation has always given Hugh Jackman a headache. .

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