Chapter 279

He himself wants to slowly complete the transformation through some artistic films.

After all, as an opera actor, it is not difficult to play an artistic film.

After all, with Hugh Jackman’s strength, he is also slightly famous in opera, which is why Stan Lee can easily contact him.

But to play a sturdy character like Wolverine all at once, for him, there is still some pressure.

“One day? It’s okay. Anyway, I can afford to wait in the company.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s okay, I can rush to Hollywood now, you wait for my news!” Hugh Jackman said.

Hugh Jackman and Qin Zhong talked about other issues for a while, then hung up the phone.

For Qin Zhong, Hugh Jackman came to play Wolverine without any problems. The audition was just going through the procedures.

In other respects, Qin Zhong has nothing to ask for.

The protagonist played by Hugh Jackman in the movie “Wolverine” is the most important. As long as the acting skills can pass the other supporting roles, there is no problem.

Since Hugh Jackman still needs a day to come, Qin Zhong first suspended the recruitment of the protagonist and only recruited other supporting actors for the movie.

On the second day, Hugh Jackman came to Qin Zhong’s company.

After entering the door, Hugh Jackman enthusiastically shook hands with Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I am really excited to see you.” Hugh Jackman laughed.

Hugh Jackman was inevitably excited when he met Qin Zhong, even if he was contacted on the phone.

Because of this person, Qin Zhong, he feels omnipotent.

After paying attention to Qin Zhong’s deeds, Hugh Jackman felt that Qin Zhong was a genius in film and investment.

“Mr. Hugh Jackman, I am also very happy to meet you.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, when I came this time, I was ready to audition at any time.” Hugh Jackman said.

On the way here, Hugh Jackman was fully mentally prepared and checked a lot of information about Wolverine on the Internet.

He felt that he should be able to control the character of this character.

“Well, let’s start now.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong handed a script to Hugh Jackman. After watching the script for a while, he auditioned according to the content on the script.

In an instant, Hugh Jackman, who was originally talking about Twain, changed both his eyes and temperament.

He is completely immersed in the superhero character of Wolverine, arrogant and domineering.

Even Qin Zhong couldn’t help but applaud him. This guy is really strong in acting.

“Congratulations, the audition is complete, you can play the role of Wolverine.” Qin Zhong said with a smile.

“That’s great!”

Hugh Jackman said with confidence.

At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he kept thinking about this when he called Qin Zhong.

After the audition was over, Hugh Jackman felt much better.

“Let’s draw up the contract.”

Qin Zhong took out a blank paper and discussed the contract with Hugh Jackman.

For Qin Zhong, the content of the contract does not matter.

As long as Hugh Jackman can appear in this movie, Qin Zhong will pay a little more for the film, and there will be no pressure on Qin Zhong.

After negotiating the contract with Hugh Jackman, after signing it, Qin Zhong and Hugh Jackman have completely reached a cooperative relationship.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, when are we going to start shooting?” Hugh Jackman asked.

He can’t wait to take part in the filming.

“We have to wait for this matter.” Qin Zhong thought.

Although Qin Zhong has decided on the protagonist of “Wolverine”, Marvel is still busy.

Qin Zhong’s Weita Company is still busy producing special effects for “Thor 2”. For the time being, within a month, “Wolverine” cannot be filmed.

“Then I…”

Hugh Jackman has a headache. He has come here from Los Angeles and has turned away everything on hand.

If “Wolverine” cannot be filmed as soon as possible, Hugh Jackman will always lose money.

“It doesn’t matter. Although “Wolverine” cannot be filmed for the time being, there is still a lack of actors in “Game of Thrones”. You can play a role for a period of time.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong plans to start filming the second season of “Game of Thrones”. For the time being, there will be less plots for him, and other actors will be able to shoot.

If Hugh Jackman is in a hurry, Qin Zhong can arrange a supporting role for him.

“That’s fine too.” Hugh Jackman nodded.

After all, “Game of Thrones” has been well received since its launch, and Hugh Jackman is also a loyal supporter of this TV series.

Hugh Jackman watched all ten episodes of the entire first season.

It’s not too stressful for him to play a role in it.

“`” That’s good, I will let Marvel arrange the shooting of “Wolverine” for you as soon as possible. Before that, you first serve as a supporting role in the “Game of Thrones” crew, which is to hone your acting skills. . “Qin Zhong said.

Many celebrities who have a good relationship with Qin Zhong have arranged roles for them in this TV series.

Both Norton and Downey have played supporting roles in “Game of Thrones.”

Because there is no conflict between this TV series and Marvel’s movies, there is no problem with them playing supporting roles in it.

It’s a good thing that Hugh Jackman can also be familiar with other superhero actors in this crew.

“Then it’s okay, I can shoot at any time.” Hugh Jackman said.

Qin Zhong nodded: “Then the thing is (good enough) to be sentenced.”

“Okay, if there is nothing else, I will retire first. After I come here, I need to find a house to live in first.” Hugh Jackman smiled.

“Okay, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.” Qin Zhong said.

After Hugh Jackman left, Qin Zhong went on to audition for the actors.

Soon, the second season of “Game of Thrones” began shooting, and Hugh Jackman’s performance in it was also very popular.

In addition, the story about his role as the Marvel hero of Wolverine was also spread out. Even before filming started, he started the promotion first.

Wushuang’s development speed in Hollywood naturally attracted the attention of other companies.

Last time, Paramount, one of the six giants of Hollywood, publicly apologized to Qin Zhong. Of course, the remaining five companies also noticed Qin Zhong.

For them, Qin Zhong’s development speed is indeed too fast. .

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