Chapter 277

Some people who could not wait for Qin Zhong to be updated on the Internet began to snap up physical books.

The novel “A Song of Ice and Fire” is very popular on the Internet, so that Qin Zhong’s social account fans have increased two or three times in less than two weeks, and it continues to grow.

After all, the original author of this book is also an excellent writer. The writing mode of “A Song of Ice and Fire” is a very difficult type to control.

To write well, you must have sufficient basic skills and logical skills.

Even the Internet is saying that if this book was written by Qin Zhong himself, then Qin Zhong’s abilities are a bit too scary.

They just saw that Qin Zhong’s acting skills are very strong, but they didn’t expect Qin Zhong to be so strong in writing ability.

Just the part of “A Song of Ice and Fire” serialized on the Internet, in terms of level, is enough to surpass many popular writers in M ​​country.

Among those who like “A Song of Ice and Fire”, Stan Lee is definitely one of them.

Stan Lee can carry the banner of Marvel, and he is very powerful in screenwriting ability and story comprehension ability.

After the physical book of “A Song of Ice and Fire” was printed, Stan Lee bought several copies in order to give a little support to his friend Qin Zhong.

But when he saw the content inside, Stan Lee was completely attracted.

Almost stayed up late for a few days in a row, read these several books, and then came to Qin Zhong’s company.

“Qin Zhong, why don’t you have such a good book to tell me in advance?”

After Stan Lee came to Qin Zhong’s office, he questioned Qin Zhong.

Compared with the content in this book, Stan Lee feels that his previous screenwriting works are like kidding things.

Last time the script of “The Avengers”, Qin Zhong also said that he was not satisfied and asked him to correct it.

Stan Lee now thinks about it, and it feels like Qin Zhong was teasing himself at the time. He is so good at that time. Would he still use him to help write the script?

“Aha, you are here, do you want my autograph?”

Qin Zhong asked with a smile.

“Hey, I didn’t ask for your signature. How long did it take you to finish this book?” Stan Lee asked.

He knows Qin Zhong’s character. Since Qin Zhong doesn’t need to say who wrote this book, it is natural that Qin Zhong did it himself.

“Just write this book when it’s okay,” Qin Zhong said.

“Oh my god, are you really a genius?”

Stan Lee sat in a chair helplessly: “Then the script should still be there? Show me.”

“Give you.”

Anyway, there are so many scripts, Qin Zhong took out a script from the drawer and handed it to Stan Lee.

Although there are a lot of scripts, it is enough to shoot the first season first.

Compared with the original novel, the script must have some changes.

But no matter how Stan Lee looked at it, he couldn’t find the fault.

“Qin Zhong, you kid…how about letting me be the director of this TV show?” Stan Lee asked.

“Don’t be kidding, what should I do if you direct this TV series? Forget it, you just need to worry about Marvel.” Qin Zhong said.

Although Qin Zhong is the majority shareholder of Marvel, Marvel is Marvel and Wushuang is Wushuang. This matter must be clearly distinguished.

Marvel’s movie shooting makes money, and Qin Zhong can get a share.

But the money made by Wushuang is all Qin Zhong’s own.

Stan Lee wants to be the director of “Game of Thrones,” which is really a bit difficult.

“Qin Zhong, you have to believe in my ability, I will make this TV series well.” Stan Lee pleaded.

For him, as long as it’s a good story, it’s okay to let him be a director for free.

However, Qin Zhong rejected the matter, which inevitably made Stan Lee upset.

“Qin Zhong, just do things as I said, and I will definitely shoot this movie in the best condition.” Stan Lee said.

“Stan Lee, it’s not that I don’t believe in your abilities, but your abilities are more suitable for Marvel.” Qin Zhong said.

“Just one season! Didn’t you say before that this TV series will be filmed for several seasons? I will shoot the first season. If you are not satisfied, then you will be replaced.” Stan Lee said.

Originally, Qin Zhong planned to let Nolan take the position of director. This guy has been idle for so long, and he should have done something 0 ……..

But Stan Lee said it all, and Qin Zhong could only agree to him as a director.

“Well, Stan Lee, you will be allowed to shoot the first season of the TV series, and you will also help me recruit actors. As long as the actors are ready, we can shoot at any time.” Qin Zhong said.

“No problem, I will find a way to prepare the actors as soon as possible.” Stan Lee said.

For him, as long as Qin Zhong can agree to let him shoot, there is no problem.

After all, Stan Lee has been mixing movies and comics for decades, and his contacts are much better than Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong said what kind of actor he was looking for, and Stan Lee looked for Qin Zhong.

There are too many exposed scenes in the TV series “Game of Thrones”.

But for the company’s consideration, Qin Zhong will still cover these lenses, and there will always be other ways to replace them.

In order to make the TV series filming as soon as possible, Stan Lee is desperately looking for actors.

In the end, within half a month, the actors needed for the first season were gathered.

In Qin Zhong’s view, it is enough to replace the Stark family members with Asians. The other roles do not matter.

But in terms of acting skills, Qin Zhong is still more fancy. In the previous “Game of Thrones”, even if a dragon set that died in two episodes was randomly selected, the acting skills can exceed those of China’s small meat by several times.

The voice of “Game of Thrones” is very high. The original novel has already become popular in M ​​country before the TV series have been filmed.

It was indeed a wise choice for Qin Zhong to release this original novel.

Now many people who like this novel are looking forward to how “Game of Thrones” will be adapted.

Some fans who know the strength of Qin Zhong know that since Qin Zhong said that every episode of the TV series will be filmed according to movie standards, it will definitely do so.

Finally, the first season of the TV series “Game of Thrones” began to be filmed in anticipation of all the people.

However, many media do not know why Stan Lee became the director of this TV series.

Isn’t he from Marvel? Even if Qin Zhong is the majority shareholder of Marvel, and he directly shoots TV series for Qin Zhong, his Marvel movies will be ignored? .

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