Chapter 269

While Qin Zhong was still having a headache for recruiting actors these days, Norton called Qin Zhong and said that “Invincible Hulk” had been filmed and it was necessary for Weita to produce special effects.

After all, Norton is still immature in directing shooting, so he spent a lot of time in the shooting of “Invincible Hulk”.

“I’ll talk to Weita, you just send the movie, and Weita will make it.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s okay, does Mr. Qin Zhong have anything else to tell me?”

“No, “Thor” and “Captain M” are casting roles. If you have a suitable friend, you can recommend it to me.” Qin Zhong said.

“Hey, do you remember Pete?” Norton asked.

“Of course I remember him, but I shot “Fight Club” with him.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s right, I contacted Pete some time ago. He hasn’t made any movies in the past few months, but it’s really uncomfortable. You can contact him and arrange a role for him.” Norton said.

“Okay, he will be contacted,” Qin Zhong said.

Had Norton reminded Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong would have forgotten the kid Pete.

Qin Zhong thought for a long time, and felt that the role of Bucky Barnes in “Captain M”, that is, the Winter Soldier, is very suitable for Pete to play.

So Qin Zhong called Pete, and Pete immediately drove to Qin Zhong’s company after learning about it.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you plan to let me play the Winter Soldier in it. That’s great. I also think I am very suitable for this role.” Pete said.

“Of course, I also think you are suitable for this role, so I can find you.” Qin Zhong said.

After all, Qin Zhong and He are acquaintances too, and they are not so restrained when speaking.

Putting Pete in the role of the Winter Soldier is very suitable in Qin Zhong’s view.

“Then let’s sign the contract quickly.” Pete said.

In this matter, Pete is more anxious than Qin Zhong.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how fast Qin Zhong’s development is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with following Qin Zhong anyway.

Qin Zhong and Pete signed the contract, and then said to Pete: “If you have any friends, you can also introduce me to me. ¨.”

Qin Zhong feels like an Amway person, constantly letting actors introduce actors.

“Of course no problem, I will pay more attention to you.” Pete said.

Anyway, for Pete, this is not a big deal. It is a blessing for him to be able to sign with Qin Zhong.

After Qin Zhong and Pete had settled the matter, there was nothing else for the time being.

Things are slowly developing. After a month, Qin Zhong has finalized the candidates for both films.

The protagonists of “Thor” and “Captain M” are the two people from Qin Zhong’s previous life.

At the same time, the special effects of “Invincible Hulk” were all produced after a month of Weita.

Qin Zhong began to arrange the release time for “Invincible Hulk”, and he has already watched the content of the movie.

At least it is much better than the “Invincible Hulk” in the previous life. After all, he, Stan Lee and Norton worked on the script for a night together.

Regardless of Qin Zhong’s speculation, the box office may not be as good as the previous Marvel movies.

The Hulk, a superhero, has limitations in content, a grumpy temper, coupled with a not-so-good-looking appearance, so that this superhero’s fans are not many.

When Qin Zhong arranged for the release of “Invincible Hulk”, he also heard of one thing.

That is Paramount, which has had an antagonism with Qin Zhong before. The “Transformers” they have been shooting secretly has been completed and they are also choosing the time for the release.

The president of Paramount has been thinking of ways to target Qin Zhong after he settled with Qin Zhong.

But Qin Zhong’s strength lies there. Even if Paramount’s movies and Qin Zhong’s movies are released at the same time, it will not take much advantage.

After a long period of time, Paramount has also learnt, just shoot its own movies, and try to keep the release date close to Qin Zhong’s movies.

But when the filming of “Transformers” was completed and the release date was selected, Paramount was very high-profile.

Many press conferences have been held, and even in terms of publicity, it has also been spent on a lot of money.

“Transformers” will be a series of movies. The last successful series of movies was Qin Zhong’s “Resident Evil” series.

Qin Zhong feels that with the temper of the president of Paramount, it is estimated that Qin Zhong will be targeted this time.

However, Qin Zhong did not have much expectations for the box office of “Invincible Hulk”.

As long as this movie doesn’t lose money, it doesn’t matter how much it can make. He is mainly for the “Avengers” series.

But at a Paramount press conference, Paramount’s president publicly mocked Qin Zhong.

He also said that he himself did not like the movie “Invincible Hulk”, although he spared no effort in satire.

The words of President Paramount appeared in the newspaper the next day.

Those who don’t know the inside story don’t know why Paramount will target Qin Zhong’s Wushuang Company.

But they can also guess one thing, because Qin Zhong’s development speed is so fast, the movies are shot one after another, and the box office of each one is eye-catching.

In this case, Qin Zhong was suppressed by other companies, and it was reasonable.

Qin Zhong did not expect that the president of Paramount would be so arrogant.

“`” Just put on your air, when you cry. Qin Zhong sneered.

When Qin Zhong develops a company, there will naturally be competitors, but those opponents dare not say bad things about Qin Zhong in front of any media.

Because they don’t know what Qin Zhong will do after getting angry.

At this time, Qin Zhong’s company is like a sharp sword. Although it is taking shape very quickly, no company dares to touch its edge.

Paramount does not take Qin Zhong’s company in its eyes and publicly mocks Qin Zhong, which shows that it has torn apart with Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong has already chosen the release date of “Invincible Hulk”, but Paramount has just arranged the release date of “Transformers” in front of “Invincible Hulk.”

As for what kind of method they used, Qin Zhong doesn’t know.

During the week when “Transformers” was released, the box office was very hot, even vaguely surpassing the previous “Resident Evil” and “Infernal Walker”.

After all, “Transformers” is a super IP. Just in terms of feelings, many people are willing to pay.

In addition, the quality of “Transformers” is also very good. For the details of special effects, Paramount has paid a lot of money. .

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