Chapter 268

After Qin Zhong told the story, the reporters were busy taking notes.

In this way, Qin Zhong’s next movie must be “Thor” and “Captain M”, but I don’t know who will be so lucky to get the protagonists of these two movies.

After all, the main task this time is to announce the relationship with Monica, Qin Zhong didn’t want to say too many other things.

When I saw that the reporters had to ask Qin Zhong about a lot of private matters, Qin Zhong quickly ended this press conference.

After Qin Zhong’s relationship with Monica was announced, Monica no longer had to sneak away in the morning after spending the night at Qin Zhong’s house as before.

Monica directly pushed down the previously rented villa and moved to the place where Qin Zhong lived. The relationship between the two was stronger than before.

After Qin Zhong talked about the casting of the two films, the number of actors who came to the Qin Zhong company’s mirror can only be described as horror.

There are small actors and old actors who have been famous for a long time. They couldn’t calm down when they faced the protagonists of these two movies in 08.

I want to take this position down as soon as possible.

However, most of Qin Zhong is not satisfied with the actors who come to the mirror. He still prefers those actors in these movies in Qin Zhong’s previous life.

Finally, one morning at Qin Zhong’s company came a person who satisfied Qin Zhong.

He is Tom Hiddleston, who plays Rocky in the movie Thor.

After coming here, Tom Hiddleston waited for the sight glass. When it was his turn, Tom Hiddleston came to Qin Zhong’s office.

“Hello, Mr. Qin Zhong, this is Tom Hiddleston, I want to audition for the role of Thor.” Tom Hiddleston said after entering the door.

In his previous life, Qin Zhong had heard that Tom Hiddleston wanted to play Thor at first, but the director thought he was more suitable for the role of Rocky.

In the end, Tom Hiddleston agreed cursingly, but he did not expect that Tom Hiddleston would become a hit with this role.

This time, Tom Hiddleston also came to audition for Thor’s role. Of course, Qin Zhong would recommend him for the role of Rocky.

The role of Thor is really not suitable for him.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, have you heard me?”

Tom Hiddleston saw Qin Zhong a little lost, and asked cautiously.

“Sorry, I just lost my mind, hello.”

Qin Zhong stood up and shook hands with Tom Hiddleston.

Tom Hiddleston was flattered and asked Qin Zhong: “Then I will start auditioning now?”

“Of course, have you seen the comics of Thor before?” Qin Zhong asked.

“I have seen it, I have been following Marvel a long time ago. I am a hardcore fan of Marvel, and I like Thor this superhero very much. I think he is the coolest!” Tom Hiddleston said.

“Oh? Then you can act whatever you want.” Qin Zhong is embarrassed to hit Tom Hiddleston. If he were to play Rocky directly at this time, Tom Hiddleston would probably be dissatisfied. .

Tom Hiddleston saw a Thor’s prop hammer next to him, picked it up directly, and performed a performance according to his ideas.

Tom Hiddleston studied drama before and is very capable in acting.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, how do you feel about my performance during this period?” Tom Hiddleston asked.

“I feel good, if you don’t play the role of Thor, do you have any other characters you like?” Qin Zhong asked.

Tom Hiddleston shook his head: “I think I am very suitable for the role of Thor. I love Thor more than myself.”

“Haha, you don’t need to be nervous, I mean, I think you are more suitable for the role of Rocky.” Qin Zhong said.

“The god of mischief? Oh no, I like Thor and I don’t want to play Rocky.” Tom Hiddleston refused.

“Do you know why I am successful in every movie?” Qin Zhong flicked.


“Because I am very talented in choosing roles. I think a person who can play a good role will definitely be able to do it well, and even become popular because of it. You heard me right, the role of Rocky is very suitable for you. .” Qin Zhong said.


Tom Hiddleston was stunned by Qin Zhong’s words.

He certainly knows Qin Zhong’s success in movies, but whether it is because the casting is better, Tom Hiddleston doesn’t know.

“Of course, believe me right. The character of Loki is basically tailored for you. If you are okay, let’s sign a contract. I will pay you more than twice as much as you used to pay.”

This guy Qin Zhong had already prepared the contract, and he took it out of the drawer and placed it in front of Tom Hiddleston.

Qin Zhong’s move completely refreshed Tom Hiddleston’s three views. How does it seem that Qin Zhong has already thought about how to calculate himself?

Tom Hiddleston looked at the contract helplessly, and then said incredulously: “Mr. Qin Zhong, you actually paid me such a high salary?”

Qin Zhong’s salary is the treatment of first-line celebrities. Tom Hiddleston did not expect that he would get such a contract.

Although Tom Hiddleston has experience in acting, he is barely considered a third-line actor.

This is the pay of the first-line actors. Qin Zhong is too generous, right?

“Tom, you have to believe in my vision. I give you such a high salary. I don’t think I have a lot of money, but I believe that you can play this role well and make me earn more.” Qin Zhong believes.

Tom Hiddleston was very moved, and then he signed his name without hesitation.

“From now on, you have to work hard to integrate into the role of Rocky. By the way, I’m sorry, I forgot to give you the script.”

Qin Zhong quickly handed the script to Tom Hiddleston and said to him: “After the character is selected for the movie “Thor”, it will be filmed. I want to see what level of your acting skills are. , Hurry up and adjust the state.”

“Ok, no problem.”

Now that Qin Zhong has fooled him into signing the contract, Tom Hiddleston doesn’t want to breach the contract, so he can only leave here with his contract and script.

After Tom Hiddleston left, Qin Zhong waited for the actors to audition again.

The actors of “Thor” and “Captain M” have to get together at one time. With the current staff of Qin Zhong company, it is not difficult to shoot two movies at once. .

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