Chapter 270

Until the release of “Transformers”, no one knew how much Paramount spent on this film.

But the performance of this movie is indeed worthy of his capital.

The results of “Invincible Hulk”, which was released two weeks later, were a bit unsatisfactory.

The score of this movie barely reached half of that of “Transformers”. It was with Marvel’s previous efforts that made this movie’s box office look good.

At this moment, Paramount became even more arrogant.

Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company’s previous films have always been under the head of Paramount. This time the movie box office has allowed them to steadily surpass Qin Zhong’s company.

“I feel that Qin Zhong is already exhausted. He doesn’t have any real skills. He only relies on special effects and publicity. The script is so messy that I can’t bear to look directly at it. I think Qin Zhong already regrets letting “Invincible Hulk” “And “Transformers” were released at the same time.”

Paramount’s president said in an interview.

At this time, Qin Zhong is watching TV, and on the TV is the picture of the president of Paramount being interviewed.

“Qin Zhong, don’t be angry because of this person, he said that because he wanted to irritate you.”

Monica, who was sitting next to Qin Zhong, said softly.

The performance of “Invincible Hulk” is indeed not as good as “Transformers”, but Monica does not want Qin Zhong to be depressed at this time.

“Monica, don’t worry about me. I don’t have much hope for “Invincible Hulk”. This movie has only been released for such a short period of time, and it has already made me completely repaid. Why should I? Are you angry?” Qin Zhong asked with a smile.

“That’s good, Paramount will definitely not always shoot the sequel of “Transformers”. When there are other movies, I don’t believe they will keep suppressing your movie.” Monica said.

Qin Zhong waved his hand and said: “I really don’t care about this. I just want to make a good film and develop the company. How to shoot Paramount’s films is none of my business.”

“Transformers” has been in theaters for two full months, and the president of Paramount does not know how many interviews he has received in total.

Anyway, it is enough to taunt Qin Zhong every time.

However, Qin Zhong did not comment on this matter, which undoubtedly made Paramount feel like a punch in the air.

But they forgot that they only surpassed the film “Invincible Hulk” in the film “Transformers”. In terms of their previous achievements, have they been left behind by Qin Zhong’s films?

Hekuai, “Thor” and “Captain M” prepared by Qin Zhong have been released one after another.

The box office of “Thor” is much better than that of “Captain M”, but the combined box office of these two movies does not exceed that of “Transformers.”

At the same time, Paramount also announced that they are filming the second part of “Transformers.”

“Under Qin Zhong’s hands, there is only a small Marvel company. He really thinks that with this broken company, their results can always be on the top of the Hollywood row? Don’t be kidding, wait for our transformation The second and third parts of King Kong will be released one after another, which will make him truly feel desperate.

The president of Paramount sneered in the office.

For him, suppressing Qin Zhong and his company is a joy he has only recently found.

There seems to be nothing more interesting than suppressing Qin Zhong. Doesn’t Qin Zhong want to develop the company?

He will let Qin Zhong know that Hollywood is not something that can mix with all kinds of chickens and dogs. Sooner or later, Qin Zhong will accept the reality that an Asian kid will not mix in Hollywood.

At this time in Marvel, Qin Zhong is having a meeting with the management here.

The success of “Transformers” made Marvel feel the pressure for the first time.

If they continue to shoot movies like this, they will still be suppressed by Paramount.

“Mr. Stan Lee, what do you want to say in the face of Paramount’s arrogant attitude?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course, I am very angry every day. I don’t believe that our Marvel company will always be suppressed by Paramount. If they hadn’t got the right to adapt “Transformers”, I still don’t know what kind of bird it is. “Stan Lee said angrily.

Qin Zhong smiled and said: “You don’t have to be angry about this, don’t we still have “Avengers” not released?”

“Yes, not only hasn’t it been screened, it hasn’t even been filmed yet, not even the script.” Stan Lee said.

Of course he wants to see Marvel surpass Paramount, and at least Stan Lee doesn’t want to see Paramount’s arrogance in the future.

Stan Lee vowed that when Marvel’s films surpassed Paramount’s films, he would shit on the photos of the president of Paramount.

“At this time, I’m going to take out my killer.” Qin Zhong took out a script from his briefcase and said to Stan Lee: “This is the script I wrote. You can read it.”

Although Marvel has always wanted to make Avengers movies, the script has never been drafted.

For them, most of the time the script is based on the popularity of those superheroes. If a superhero is not so popular, his corresponding roles will naturally decrease.

In the same way, if a superhero is particularly popular, then his role must be more.

So far, the most popular characters are Spider-Man and Iron Man, Hulk and Captain M, and Thor, who can only be ranked behind.

The script that Qin Zhong took out made Stan Lee more curious about what’s in it.

Qin Zhong’s script was purchased from the system mall, but after taking it out, Qin Zhong did not use the ready-made script.

Because in the previous life, Marvel did not have the copyright of Spider-Man, so in the first part of “Avengers”, there was no such superhero as Spider-Man.

After Qin Zhong got the script in the system mall, he adapted it himself and added the part of Spider-Man.

Stan Lee pushed his glasses and looked seriously at the script given by Qin Zhong.

Then he said to Qin Zhong in surprise: “Mr. Qin Zhong, your script is okay. I feel very interesting. It’s just that the existence of Spider-Man, a superhero, makes me feel a bit blunt and may need to be changed.”

“Haha, since you think so, then this change will be left to you.” Qin Zhong smiled awkwardly.

After all, in terms of screenwriting ability, Qin Zhong can pass, but Stan Lee is better at character’s personality. .

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