Chapter 74 Shonan Satellite TV was blown up

Su Xinghe sometimes feels that people feel like a monster.

When you are happy, you are very obedient, when you are unhappy, you will run wild and destroy, and when you are excited, you will make some unreasonable actions.

Although, that may not be in line with people’s intentions.

Of course, there will be occasions when, with the right atmosphere, the right words, and the right mood brewing, people will make some uncontrollable actions.

This kind of behavior is irrational and is not the result of serious thinking by the brain.

But I have to say that people at this time often follow their own hearts.

It’s like Liu Tao.

Today, if she were not in this situation, she might not have done such a thing.

But since she did it, it means that she has given up.

Sighing, Su Xinghe glanced at Liu Tao.

“Why bother”

“Nine Zero Three”

“I just beg for peace of mind.”

Liu Tao’s expression was calm.

It seems that she just rejected a cooperation worth 70 million pieces, not her.

Su Xinghe smiled and looked at Peng Peng.

“Peng Peng, how about the script”


Peng Peng raised his head and said to Su Xinghe: “Brother Su, can I perform this play with Zifeng?”


Su Xinghe nodded: “When this season is over, let’s start shooting.”

As he said, he looked at Huang Xiaochu: “Teacher Huang, you can call the director for me.”


Huang Xiaochu was startled and nodded quickly.

Soon, the director walked to the front of the camera.

Of course, the special effects still block his face.

“Director, do you think this will work, because it is a live recording process, so let’s close the live broadcast and continue shooting, how about it?”

Su Xinghe looked at the director and asked.

Because the recording has already started, according to the broadcast plan, tomorrow is the broadcast time of the first episode of the fourth season of “Longing for Life”.

In other words, the part they are recording now will not be broadcast until half a month later.

And Su Xinghe did this, obviously for the sake of the ratings of Shonan TV.

Otherwise, if his affairs are exposed in the live broadcast room, then the program will be broadcast, and the ratings will not be guaranteed.

With his words, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy! “Dog thief! Fuck! This dog thief!”

“No, I want to see what happened next.”

“Director, don’t listen to him!”

“Yes, director, hold on!”

“Star God, do you want to be so treacherous!”

“Crazy, I can’t wait to rush to the mushroom house now!”

The audience is crazy, but the director is not crazy.

He thought for a while, and said to Su Xinghe a little bit: “Okay, I know.”

Turning his head, the director told the program team to cut off the live broadcast.

The live broadcast room went black for an instant! ………….. On the mushroom house, after the live broadcast room was closed, the director originally planned to turn the camera It’s also closed.

After all, variety shows have a Taiwanese book most of the time.

And today’s situation seems to have exceeded the previous version.

“Director, don’t turn off the camera.”

Su Xinghe stopped the director.

“Xinghe, what do you want to do”

Huang Xiaochu asked in surprise.

“Yes, Xinghe.”

Teacher He is also a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that Su Xinghe should agree to the director to turn off the camera, and then everyone can discuss how to fight back against Feng Dagang and others.

In fact, everyone here is very clear that Feng Dagang did this, obviously to step on Su Xinghe for publicity.

Who makes “Longing for Life” the hottest and most topical variety show nowadays, and the hot search is like eating and drinking.

But I never expected it.

Su Xinghe didn’t even plan to turn off the camera.


Seeing everyone’s caring eyes, Su Xinghe smiled and said to the camera: “Dear audience friends, the camera is not turned off, nor is it edited. What I want to prove below is not that I am the best screenwriter in Hua Xingya, I just prove that , I did not lie.”

After speaking, he smiled and said to Liu Tao: “Sister Tao, are you interested in acting in Hollywood movies?”

Everyone was stunned.

Including Liu Tao herself.

“Xinghe, are you kidding me”

Liu Tao looked at Su Xinghe and asked in surprise.

“Yes, Xinghe, stop making trouble!”

Huang Xiaochu looked at each other with Teacher He, and he had already decided in his heart.

Su Xinghe is…with a calm face, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry.”

At this moment, the director’s phone rang 0……..”Director”

In the scene, the director answered the phone, and then… an exclaimed.

After a minute, the phone hung up.

“Um…, we have to broadcast it.”

The director looked at Su Xinghe.

“What’s wrong”

Everyone was a little surprised.

The director told the staff to open the live broadcast room, and explained to everyone: “After closing the live broadcast room, the official Weibo of our show, the Weibo of Xiangnan TV, and the phone in the station were all blasted! Someone simply rushed. Go to the TV station and ask to be live, live!”

Damn it! Shocked!!!! Hearing what the director said, even the artists were dumbfounded.

Hu Ge even blurted out: “Old Su, you are so awesome!”

This is his true word! Su Xinghe can have such an influence, and Su Xinghe is more than a super word! “Haha, Xinghe, let me just say it, you can’t resist the audience at all.”

Teacher He also laughed.

To be honest, they didn’t expect that things would turn out to be like this.

“The leader of the station decided that tomorrow’s premiere will be changed to two simultaneous broadcasts.”

The director explained: “And this season’s program is broadcast twice a week.”

Hiss! Everyone gasped.

This Xiangnan Satellite TV’s handwriting is big enough, obviously it is to take advantage of Su Xinghe’s enthusiasm to make a wave of things! At this time, the live broadcast room has been opened.


In an instant, more than ten million viewers poured in.

“Hahaha, you won’t accept the Star God”

“I can’t help it! The phone number of Shonan Satellite TV was blown up!”

“Quickly, quickly, what is going on”

“Yes, I’m waiting to see the follow-up.”

“Feng Da just reposted his interview video, and he said that he thinks so.”

“The Beijing circle is all forwarding it, and it looks like it is planning to encircle and suppress the Star God.”

“Zheng Xiaolong posted on Weibo, and he said that Liu Tao is not the actor he wants to use at all.”

“Star God, tell me, what do you want to do”

For a while, everyone’s eyes were focused on Su Xinghe.

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