Chapter 73 Yi Bo Yuntian Su Xinghe (Automatic subscription for eight changes)

“There is adultery!”

“Fuck! What’s the matter with these two people”

“Yeah, I smelled a sour smell!”

“Liu Tao and Su Xinghe”

“Really, don’t tease me, I am a fan of Liu Tao, I really like her role as Bai Jie.”

“White, Bai Jie”

“Ahem, you people, give me seriousness.”

“Master, I want to get off! Someone is driving too fast!”

The painting in the live broadcast room went crooked after drying.

But everyone can see that the relationship between Su Xinghe and Liu Tao is very unusual.

Otherwise, Liu Tao would not be able to directly push off Zheng Xiaolong’s new drama.

At the mushroom house, everyone else was dumbfounded.


Su Xinghe’s face was serious, and he gave a green look.

Qingqing’s mouth is too quick.

This time it’s good, it has added much…trouble to Liu Tao.

Facing everyone’s suspicious eyes, Liu Tao smiled lightly, with a calm smile on her face, as if she was not worried at all.

“It’s me for you”

Liu Tao looked at Su Xinghe.

“It’s better for you to come.”

Su Xinghe said helplessly after hearing the words, what he said was not appropriate.


Liu Tao nodded.

…………..Everyone is watching Liu Tao, and everyone is curious.

What is the secret between him and Su Xinghe?

After clearing her throat, Liu Tao’s expression was calm, and she slowly opened her mouth.

“In fact, it’s nothing. My ex-husband did go bankrupt.”

Having said that, she paused, and smiled at the camera and everyone: “Tell everyone, I actually got divorced three years ago. At that time, he just paid off all his bankruptcy debts.”

Divorce! Everyone was shocked again.

Liu Tao has actually been divorced! You know, she is a model of a good wife and mother in the entertainment industry! The rich husband is bankrupt, and he never abandons, desperately filming and repaying his debts. Many media have praised her before.

But now, she actually told everyone that she was divorced! This news really took everyone out.

“Paying off debts is a very difficult process.”

Liu Tao’s expression was calm: “At the beginning, he broke five, and owed a lot of money, so much, so much that I even had to play some roles that I didn’t like.

You also know that when filming, people can’t offend, even if someone tells you to drink in the past, you have to do it honestly, even if you meet some nasty people and laugh with you, you have to work hard to protect yourself.

I was like this at the time, working hard to deal with everyone, just to take more roles, make more money, and pay off debts earlier.

One time later, I was still calculated.

That day, my agent was transferred away. I stayed in the private room alone and drank a lot of alcohol. Just when the other party was about to succeed, I met Xinghe.

He went to the wrong box that day, and found out that it was me, so he saved me.

What happened later was that he borrowed a large sum of money from me and helped me through that difficulty.

I also introduced the current brokerage company to me, and only then did I try my best to take on the scene and finally pay off the debt.

For Hu Ge, Xinghe was his friend, brother, who helped him stand up again.

For Liying, Xinghe was her master, Bo Le, who helped her become a star.

But for me, Xinghe is my benefactor, because without him, I might have died…”

Liu Tao’s voice was very soft, as if she was talking about a very common thing.

But the entire mushroom house was quiet.

The girls, Li Yan and Zifeng, had already begun to cry.

Song Qian cried especially miserably.

She remembered the days when she was abroad.

And several men are also serious.

Teacher He sighed, walked to Liu Tao, and gently hugged her.

“troubled you.”

After being silent for a while, Huang Xiaochu said to Liu Tao.

Regarding Liu Tao, who is…hidden, he knows more than many people. That guy went bankrupt and even took forbidden drugs, it was just a waste.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is really not worthy of a good woman like Liu Tao.

But even Huang Xiaochu didn’t know about Liu Tao’s past.

These people are still like this, in the live broadcast room, the barrage has long exploded.

“Woohoo, I cried! Really, it’s so touching!”

“Sister Tao is too difficult, it is really too difficult for a woman to support her family and let go of her pride!”

“The unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, hey, it’s really not easy for women.”

“Such a good woman, are you embarrassed to black her out?”

“Yes, I should have divorced that scumbag long ago!”

“No wonder Liu Tao came to the Mushroom House to be so special to the Star God, and even so good to Qingqing. It turned out to be repaying favor.”

“It’s me, it’s possible to look like me.”

“Yes, the Star God has saved her life!”

These…Although the audience is not from the entertainment industry, the traditional moral concepts of the Hua Xingya are there.

Everyone knows what Liu Tao would end up without Su Xinghe.

A woman, once she takes a wrong step,…It is really a thought of heaven and hell.

On the contrary, it was Su Xinghe himself, with a calm expression on his face.

Only the two of them knew what happened to him and Liu Tao.

In fact, Liu Tao didn’t say everything.

She was not only given a lot of alcohol that day, but also drugged.

Moreover, it is a heavy psychedelic drug.

After I rescued her, I had to take her to the villa.

As for the next thing, Su Xinghe never regarded it as an affair, he just felt that Liu Tao was very pitiful.

Therefore, after Liu Tao became sober, he said that he would keep this secret forever.

Moreover, Su Xinghe also lent a large sum of money to Liu Tao, asking her to pay part of the debt first.

After all, she has a skin relationship with herself, and Su Xinghe can’t watch her sink.

As for the next thing, it is Liu Tao’s own efforts.

Su Xinghe just helped introduce a good brokerage company to her.

Originally thought that the two people would never have the opportunity to meet again in this life.

In the end, I didn’t expect that because of this show, I would meet again.

What surprised Su Xinghe was that Liu Tao was actually divorced, and she was still on the show, for her own sake, she directly rejected Zheng Xiaolong’s new play.

Speaking of it, Su Xinghe didn’t even think of it himself.

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