Chapter 75 A guest appearance by a world-class director (ten more seeking subscription)

“Dear viewers, the director has just received a notice from the station that we will broadcast live on the next show.”

As the host, Mr. He stood in front of the camera lens and talked freely.

After all, I cut off for a few minutes before, and I must explain it clearly.

“Regarding the cut off time, we will broadcast it for everyone in the tidbits posted on the official Weibo.”

Huang Xiaochu also explained.

This is related to the image of Su Xinghe and the reputation of the program group.

The barrage in the live broadcast room does not care about so many.

The audience’s goals are all on Su Xinghe.

“Look at the Star God, Star God!”

“Star God, please explain.”

“Seriously, Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu are really loyal!”

“Yes, it’s rare that they are still willing to stand for the Star God platform at this time.”

“I think it’s better for my sister and Liu Tao.”

“I’m afraid you haven’t seen the Weibo of Zhao Liying and Hu Ge.”

……………Su Xinghe had a calm face. After Mr. He finished speaking with Huang Xiaochu, he took the phone and started calling.

Soon, the call was connected.

next moment.

The audience was dumbfounded.

Because Su Xinghe actually spoke English.

“Fuck, what to do”

“Can not understand.”

“I also haha.”

“Are you a master, who understands English”

“Come on, I’m from the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, CET-6.”

“It seems that the person opposite is his friend, and Su Xinghe wants to video with him.”


The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded after seeing the translation sent by the master on the barrage.

In fact, even on the mushroom house, Zifeng and Teacher He, who understand English, were stunned.

After a while, Su Xinghe hung up the phone.

“This, what’s going on”

Huang Xiaochu asked subconsciously.

“I contacted my friends in the US.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Wait: Ah.”

After speaking, he said to Zifeng: “Zifeng, I remember that you seem to have brought a notebook.”


Zifeng nodded.

She brought the computer for online classes, but…Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time.

Soon, Peng Peng and Zifeng took the computer and went downstairs.

Su Xinghe opened Zifeng’s notebook and soon released a chat software.

Log in to his account, Su Xinghe quickly found a name in his address book.

All this is under the control of everyone and the live broadcast room.

“Brother Su, this is”

Zifeng was a little surprised.

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “An old friend.”

Soon, Su Xinghe typed in the chat interface and sent frequent applications on the other side.

Su Xinghe clicked to accept.

“Hi, Sue!”

An old man wearing glasses appeared on the opposite side, speaking a bit blunt Chinese Asian language.

“Hello, Steven.”

Su Xinghe smiled and spoke some English to the man.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room, someone would soon translate it.

“God! It’s really Spielberg!”

“My god, Su Xinghe actually knows Spielberg.”

“Not an actor, not a liar! Just now on the tubing, someone uploaded a video, Spielberg is on the video, and the opposite is… Su Xinghe!”

“Wait online, what are they talking about.”

“Su Xinghe said that a friend introduced Spielberg.”

…Sure enough, under the gaze of the audience, Su Xinghe introduced the people around him to Spielberg one by one.

Especially when introducing Qing Qing, the old man greeted Qing Qing very happily.

Obviously I knew it before.

This news even confirmed the audience in the live broadcast room that Su Xinghe is familiar with Spielberg.

“Teacher He, you can help translate.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while and said to Teacher He.

He can speak English, but Spielberg can’t speak Chinese Asian, which is more troublesome.

Teacher He naturally has no opinion, and the audience in the live broadcast room is also yelling.

Soon, the conversation between the two people was translated by Teacher He.

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “Steven, can you do me a favor”

Spielberg was a little surprised, and nodded, “Of course, you can tell me, my friend.”

“This…Ms. Liu Tao, is my sister, a good friend, she is an actor, if possible, I hope you can help me find a role for her in Hollywood.

Because of me, she just lost a contract worth tens of millions of dollars.”


Spielberg gave Liu Tao a surprised look.

Su Xinghe cooperated and turned the camera towards Liu Tao.

Liu Tao didn’t understand what it meant, so she smiled at Spielberg.

Soon, Spielberg thought about it, and said: “I happen to have a friend who is going to make an American drama about superheroes. If she doesn’t mind, you can come and participate.”

“Thank you, Steven.”

Su Xinghe said.

“What are you polite, Su, without you, I would never shoot Schindler’s List at all.

What’s more, the script you gave me before is really great, I think it will be successful!”

Following Spielberg’s words, the popularity of the live broadcast of “A Longing for Life” quickly exceeded 40 million! [Spielberg personally admitted to fighting for Liu Tao’s role] [Su Xinghe and Spielberg have a very personal relationship ] [The screenwriter of “Schindler’s List” surfaced] [Su Xinghe Oscar Best Screenplay] Almost in the shortest time, the hot search on Weibo was occupied by news of Su Xinghe! Yanjing, a certain villa.

Feng Dagang sat there with a happy face, surrounded by his friends.

These nine people are naturally the backbone of the Beijing circle.

“Teacher Feng, this surname is Su, this time it will be embarrassing.”

Xu Jinglei said with a smile.

“Yeah, dare to fight us, really brave!”

Fan Bingbing dressed up and sitting beside Feng Dagang said.

“Dagang, how about the pre-sale of the movie”

Zheng Xiaolong asked the most critical question.

These people are closely related to their interests.

They all have invested in Feng Dagang’s movies, otherwise, it is impossible to stand for Feng Dagang.

Hearing Zheng Xiaolong’s words, Feng Dagang smiled and was about to speak when the phone suddenly rang.

“What’s wrong”

Answering the phone, Feng Dagang asked puzzledly.

“Ms. Feng, something has happened!”

On the phone, an Entertainment Weekly reporter who is particularly familiar with Feng Dagang said.

“What’s wrong”

Feng Dagang trembled in his heart, thinking that his incident of being outside the third party had been exposed.

In the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

“Go check Weibo, Spielberg starred in “The Longing for Life”!”

That reporter’s sentence made Feng Dagang’s eyes black and almost fainted!: Ten more for subscription! Ask for automatic subscription! There will be updates later, please rest assured, I will continue to explode! The first set has just reached five hundred, since From now on, for every additional hundred, one more chapter is added! For every 000 book coins rewarded, one more chapter is added!

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