Chapter 7 Splendid banquet (seven more flowers evaluation votes)

There are two types of guests in variety shows.

One is a resident guest, and the other is a flying guest.

The former is to participate in the filming of the entire season of the program, while the latter only participates in one or two programs for the purpose of publicity.


The knowledge here is very deep.

For example, popular artists appear as flying guests on the show.

For the program group artists themselves, it is mutually beneficial.

The program group used the popularity of the guests to increase the ratings.

The guests used the show to increase their exposure and promote their works.

So here comes the problem,

What kind of guest choice is most in line with the interests of the program group?

Of course it is a highly popular and topical guest.

Brother and sister Su Xinghe, undoubtedly meet this condition!

But the problem is.

Should they be resident guests or flying guests.

After much deliberation, the leader of Xiangnan Satellite TV slapped his thigh: “In this way, the decision is left to the director team. In addition, I have to refer to the opinions of He Jiong and Huang Lei.”

This show is not just a show on Xiangnan Satellite TV. As the host of the show, Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu are the two people who bring money into the group and have the right to speak.

In a sense, this is also a way of playing the ball.

And here in Manyuan Village.

Holding Qingqing upstairs and watching the scenery for a while, Teacher He and the others went downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs, a scent came out.

“Oh, it smells so good!”

Teacher He is very excited!

“Yeah, I can no longer control the wild power in my body!”

Big stomach king Peng Peng said with a serious face: “Today I only have a bowl of rice!”

“Began to eat!”

Following Huang Xiaochu’s words, everyone stretched out their chopsticks to eat.

Of course, the happiest person is Qingqing.

She is very much looking forward to the beautiful sister who will come here tomorrow,

After all, there are people who can be your brother’s girlfriend!

ps: Seventh, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation votes for support! Today the flowers can reach ten thousand, I will break out five more! *

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