Chapter 8 Wit Qingqing (Eight look for flowers evaluation votes!)

Naturally, you should eat while it is hot.

Especially the pot-and-bun meat dishes are the best when they are just served on the table.

Sweet and sour meat, golden and golden, tastes delicious in the mouth.

Teacher He caught a piece, and his eyes widened as soon as he ate it.

“This is too delicious, it’s even more delicious than what I have eaten before!”

He even praised it.

Others also started to pick up dishes and feast on them.

Su Xinghe was very calm, smiled and helped Qingqing Jiacai.

“Teacher Huang, I thought about it, and I can rent the house to you.”

Su Xinghe said to Huang Xiaochu while eating.

He thought about it again and again, since Qingqing had already agreed to rent the house to them in front of the camera, naturally there was no need to return.

There are also many empty rooms here.

“Thank you so much.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

“We will pay the rent.” Teacher He said quickly.

Anyway, the show crew is rich and must pay rent.

“That’s not enough.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “I don’t lack money. You can play with Qingqing more then.”

Qingqing rarely has people he likes. In Su Xinghe’s view, these people who yearn for are still very satisfied with Qingqing.


Teacher He laughed.

Then, looking at Qingqing: “Qingqing, will you play with your uncles in the future?”

Qingqing tilted her head, glanced at Teacher He, then at Zifeng: “Then, do you have any friends?”

“Of course there is.”

Teacher He nodded.

“Are there any pretty sisters?”

Qingqing asked again.

“must have.”

The person who answered this time was replaced by Huang Xiaochu.

“Well, I promised!”

Qingqing nodded like a small adult, and his big eyes rolled steadily, not knowing what he was making.

The audience in the live broadcast room was already laughing.

“Hahaha, Su Xinghe probably doesn’t know, Qingqing dug a hole for him!”

“Really been waiting!”

“Yes, think about it, the female guest came, and Qingqing asked her: Are you willing to be my brother’s girlfriend?”

“Haha, will this become a longing greeting stalk in the future?”

“I think it’s really possible.”

“It’s over! Isn’t there a lot of coquettish bitches trying to snatch my husband from me!”


Su Xinghe certainly didn’t know how big a pit was dug for him by his baby sister.

I had known that he would never agree to let these people who yearn for renting his own home.

“By the way, Xiao Su, have you ever thought about coming back?”

Teacher He asked casually.

This is not the director’s request, it is pure curiosity.

After all, he didn’t know how popular Su Xinghe was. To be honest, many people at that time had a pity for Su Xinghe’s retreat.

“Don’t think about it for now.”

Su Xinghe smiled when he heard the words, and put a piece of chicken for sister Zifeng and a piece of rabbit for Qingqing. Then he said: “For so many years, I have been used to life now, this is actually quite good.”

Peng Peng and sister Zifeng didn’t feel much, but Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He were so smart, the two old rivers and lakes immediately reacted, Su Xinghe should have concerns.

Apart from other things, Young Youth Ji is so young, and Su Xinghe was the one who brought it up. If he really lets him put the kid down and go to work, he probably wouldn’t worry about it himself.

Not to mention Qingqing may not be able to leave Su Xinghe.

“I don’t think so. During this period, we will help you take care of Qingqing. When you are fine, you can do a show with us to find the status.”

Huang Xiaochu thought for a while, and said to Su Xinghe: “Looking back, I asked the program team, I guess the problem shouldn’t be big.”

“Yes, I think it will work.”

Teacher He also nodded.

The tacit understanding between the two of them is absolutely top-notch.

Although they have not communicated with the program team, from the previous performance of Su Xinghe and the popularity of Su Xinghe himself, they feel that it is definitely beneficial to invite Su Xinghe to be the resident guest in the fourth season of “A Longing for Life” harmless.

They have their own enthusiasm, and the interaction with Qingqing’s siblings is also very interesting.

More importantly, Su Xinghe is the host of the show group!

To be honest, after seeing the scenery here, Huang Xiaochu felt that the previous mushroom house was really not as good as this one.

It’s better to treat this as a new mushroom house!

“How about, Qingqing, do you want to live with Sister Zifeng?”

Peng Peng resolutely threw the problem to Qingqing.

Qingqing didn’t hesitate at all, and said seriously, “Of course, I think the home is really empty, and all my brothers and sisters should be allowed to live in.”

Su Xinghe was speechless.

Before he said yes or not, the little guy had already agreed.

Reaching out and rubbing her little head, Su Xinghe smiled and said, “I see, you want to find someone to play with you!”



Dawei Tianlong made a sound almost at the same time.


The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

“Well, this is too smart, right?”

“I served it!”

“Really, Su Xinghe is afraid that he is not an animal trainer?”

“To be honest, I don’t think I need to invite guests, just look at the daily life of these few people, and I can watch them all night.”

“Haha, my wife is so cute!”

“Upstairs, Loli control?”


Everyone’s eyes were on Su Xinghe’s body.

Everyone wants to know what his final decision is.

In the end, do you want to be this resident guest?

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! Ask for a reward! Ask for more support! *

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